Barbara Redman
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Bertha May Asbury was born in 1888 and began attending school in a one-room school house in 1894 at the age of six. She attended school through the ninth grade. She left school at the age of 17 when she began “courtin’” with young men. In her interview, Mrs. Asbury discusses living on Route 4 in Kanawha County, West Virginia. She focuses on food preservation and preparation, planting and harvesting crops, building a new home, going to square dances, and quilting. In the audio clip provided, Mrs. Asbury discusses what it was like to attend a square dance. She focuses on how she had to sneak out of the house with her neighbors to attend the dances.
Publication Date
Spring 3-5-1973
Food preservation and preparation, farming, the Depression, entertainment, square dancing, music and instruments, quilting, funerals and burials, Kanawha County, WV, Charleston, WV, seeing automobiles, blimps and airplanes for the first time
Appalachian Studies | Education | Oral History | United States History
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-87. This interview was conducted by Barbara Redman. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, November, 2014.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-87, Huntington, WV.

Included in
Appalachian Studies Commons, Education Commons, Oral History Commons, United States History Commons
Library of Congress Subjects
Asbury, Bertha May, 1889- -- Autobiography. Family -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Rural churches -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.