Carolyn Jean McClellan
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In this interview, Mrs. McGinnes is drawn into a discussion of her parents and the things she can remember about family life and farm-working from when she was a young girl, living in rural Wayne county. Later in the interview, Mrs. McGinnis talks about living in Huntington, rearing her children, and other of her various domestic responsibilities. She also speaks of the way several national events, such as the 1929 depression and WWII, affected her life and the lives of her family.
Publication Date
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-220.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-220, Huntington, WV.

Library of Congress Subjects
McGinnis, Gladys, 1888- -- Autobiography.
Droughts -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories.
House construction -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories.
Canning and preserving -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.
Floods -- West Virginia -- Huntington -- Oral histories.