Karen Handley
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Fay Ball was born on March 28, 1904, in Lincoln County, West Virginia. She was raised on a farm and shared most of the farming responsibilities with her family. Mrs. Ball discusses social interactions within the farming community of Lincoln County, including barn raisings and harvesting. She focuses on entertainment during her childhood and explains styles of popular music and games. In the audio clip provided, Mrs. Ball discusses how to play games like “Blind Man,” “Aunt Me Over,” and “Nay Hide.”
Publication Date
Summer 7-6-1974
Living on a farm, farming responsibilities as a family, community interactions, education, one room school house, food preparation, funerals, courting, religion and going to church, games, the first automobiles, doctors and medicine
Appalachian Studies | Education | History | Oral History | Religion | Women's History
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-128. This interview was conducted by Karen Handley. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, November, 2014.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-128, Huntington, WV.

Included in
Appalachian Studies Commons, Education Commons, Oral History Commons, Religion Commons, Women's History Commons
Library of Congress Subjects
Ball, Fay, 1904- -- Autobiography. Ball, Doc. Farm buildings -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Farm life -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Farmers' spouses -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Rural schools -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Rural transportation -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Revivals -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Church attendance -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Child rearing -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Electricity -- Technological innovations -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Division of labor -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Canning and preserving -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Married women -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Funeral rites and ceremonies -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Folk medicine -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Courtship -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Domestic relations -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Lincoln County (W. Va.) -- Oral Histories. Cabell County (W. Va.) -- Oral histories. Culloden (W. Va.) -- Oral histories. Coon Creek (W. Va.) -- Oral histories.