Claire Cipolaro
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Burl Collins was born on October 25, 1903. He was raised in McDowell County, West Virginia. When he was 15 years old, he started his first job in a coal mine. He worked in this mine for 33 years. Mr. Collins married and had 11 children, including eight girls and three boys. He discusses the social, economic, and technological changes during his lifetime. In the audio clip provided, Mr. Collins discusses his wedding and marriage.
Publication Date
Summer 8-3-1974
Coal mining, education, community life, marriage and weddings, religion, differences in people from early 1900s to the 1970s, food preparation
Appalachian Studies | Education | History | Labor History | Oral History
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-149. This interview was conducted by Claire Cipolaro. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, November, 2014.
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Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-149, Huntington, WV.

Included in
Appalachian Studies Commons, Education Commons, Labor History Commons, Oral History Commons
Library of Congress Subjects
Collins, Burl, 1903- -- Autobiography. Coal mines and mining -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Coal miners -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Folk medicine -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Community life -- McDowell County (W. Va.) -- Oral histories. McDowell County (W. Va.) -- History.