Paul Salstrom
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This interview is one of a series conducted concerning Lincoln County History. Flossie Lawson was a resident of Lincoln County. She discusses: her childhood; farm life; trading items (such as chickens and eggs) at the general store; detailed information about her family; employment and life during the Great Depression; the New Deal; a brief mention of the Red Cross; community life; milking cows; the Civil War; a brief discussion on music; her job as a teacher; a very brief section on family coal mining; and a brief discussion on depleting the world's resources.
Publication Date
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-539.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-539, Huntington, WV.

Library of Congress Subjects
Lawson, Flossie, 1910- -- Autobiography.
Community life -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.
Farm life -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.
Depression -- 1929 -- United States -- Oral histories.
Women employees -- Oral histories.