"Oral History Interview: Patricia S. Rose" by Patricia S. Rose


Mary Lou Hunt



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This interview is one of series conducted concerning the Oral History of Appalachia. Patricia Rose was a retired physical education teacher, born in 1938. She grew up in coal mine camps in Wharton, W. Va. in Boone County during the 1940s and 1950s. Her father was a non- union mine foreman. There were 10 children in her family, and she gives a lot of information about everyday life in the camps, and also goes back to discuss life in her grandparents' time and their hardships. Schools of the time are described in detailed, and a lot of emphasis is put on the strong community there and buildings, activities, size, etc. of the coal camp. Memories of strikes are included from a child' view. She is a very proud West Virginian. Pat's maiden name was Setzer, her mother's maiden name was Harless, her maternal grandparents Sutphin, maternal great-grandmother Susan Workman. She also discusses her experiences as a teacher.

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Library of Congress Subjects

Rose, Patricia S., 1938- -- Autobiography.
Coal mines and mining -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.
Coal miners -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.
Strikes and lockouts -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.
Coal mines and mining -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.


Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-628.


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Oral History Interview: Patricia S. Rose
