"Oral History Interview: Marjorie, M. Bond" by Marjorie M. Bond


Jeanette Wehrle, Donetta Rhyne, and Marlena Smith



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This interview is one of a series conducted with former employees of the Huntington Owens-Illinois, Inc. glass bottle factory. Ms. Marjorie Bond was a mother of four who was originally employed at Huntington Tent and Awning but began working at Owens-Illinois, Inc. in 1944. At first she was a selector, but she later received other duties such as being a crew leader. She describes her jobs and duties at the plant as well as the jobs that were assigned to women and the jobs that were assigned to men; men received preferential treatment at the time and a lawsuit resulted. Owens also employed African- Americans. Ms. Bond discusses shifts, company social events (such as picnics), work related dangers, the labor union she belonged to (GGDBA), strikes she participated in, and other topics as well. She ends by discussing her retirement and her social life afterwords.

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Library of Congress Subjects

Bond, Marjorie, M. 1926- -- Autobiography.
Owens-Illinois, Inc. Glass Container Division (Huntington, W. Va.) -- Oral histories.
Glass container industry -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories.
Shift systems -- Oral histories.
New River Gorge (W. Va.) -- Oral histories.


Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-684.


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Oral History Interview: Marjorie, M. Bond
