"Oral History Interview: Callie and Glenn Ratliff" by Callie and Ratliff


Craig Houston



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This interview is one of series conducted concerning West Virginia religion. This folder is unorganized, containing two separate sections and one unnumbered page. Callie and Glenn Ratliff started a church during the Great Depression. They describe the building in the interview, including remodeling it and paying for it. There is some discussion of the Great Depression itself, but the interview also includes information about the Nazarene Church, differences they see between that Church and the Catholic Church, African-Americans and the church, Sunday School, their opinions on how to get people to go to church, World War II and Hitler, people they knew, their children, much information about politics and the Church, tithing (their opinions about it and their experiences doing it, including how they believe God has rewarded them for it), as well as other subjects. The interview ends with a discussion about a Turkish family they knew.

Publication Date






Library of Congress Subjects

Ratliff, Callie L. -- Autobiography.
Ratliff, Glenn -- Autobiography.
Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
Church of the Nazarene -- Oral histories.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Draft resisters -- Oral histories.


Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-739.


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Oral History Interview: Callie and Glenn Ratliff
