"Oral History Interview: Helen Adams" by Helen Adams


Helen Adams


Sara McAllister



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Helen Adams was born on January 13, 1898, and was raised in Strange Creek, West Virginia. She lived on a farm with her family. She was one of seven children and her parents also raised two other boys who were orphaned. During her interview, Mrs. Adams discusses working on the farm, raising livestock, and preserving food. She discusses going to church and attending social events like box suppers and socials. She also focuses on folk medicine and the uses of alcohol for medicine and recreational purposes.

Publication Date

Summer 7-8-1974




Strange Creek, WV, education, normal school, farming, food preservation and preparation, community involvement, religion, country doctors, folk medicine, alcohol consumption, community social events, funerals and burials, weddings


Alternative and Complementary Medicine | Appalachian Studies | Education | Oral History | Religion | United States History

Library of Congress Subjects

Adams, Helen, 1898- -- Autobiography. Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) -- West Virginia -- Oral Histories. Rural schools -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Rural conditions -- Oral Histories. Rural families -- West Virginia -- Oral Histories. Medicine, Rural -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Farm produce -- West Virginia -- Oral Histories. Smoked meat -- West Virginia -- Oral Histories. Circuit riders -- West Virginia -- Oral Histories. Rural churches -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Strange Creek (Braxton County, W. Va.) -- Oral Histories.


Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-137. This interview was conducted by Sara McAllister. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, November, 2014.


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Oral History Interview: Helen Adams
