Sheila Knipp
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Bob Chapman was born in Louisa, KY. He grew up on Homemade Holler in the coal community of McVeigh, KY, located in Pike County. His father worked for the Eastern Coal Corporation as an explosions miner. Mr. Chapman attended a two-room school house for a short time in the 1940s, but continued his education through high school in the McVeigh school system. In the audio clip provided, Mr. Chapman discusses a typical day in a coal community and the class system within this community. In his interview, he also focuses on the integration of Belfry High School in 1957, and his church community and the role of religion in his life.
Publication Date
Fall 11-23-1998
Rural Churches, Religion, Pentecostalism, Belfry High School, African-Americans, Segregation, Coal Mines, Mining, Strip Mining, McVeigh, KY
Appalachian Studies | Education | Oral History | Religion | Social History
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-591. This interview was conducted by Sheila Knipp. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, August, 2014.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-591, Huntington, WV.

Included in
Appalachian Studies Commons, Education Commons, Oral History Commons, Religion Commons, Social History Commons
Library of Congress Subjects
Belfry High School -- Oral Histories. Pentecostal churches -- Oral Histories. Mountaintop removal mining -- Kentucky -- Oral Histories. Strip mining -- Kentucky -- Oral Histories. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Oral histories. Segregation -- Kentucky -- Oral histories. Rural churches -- Kentucky -- Oral histories. McVeigh (Ky.) -- Oral Histories.