Nancy Bowen
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Josephine Gorby was born on February 24, 1908. She began her teaching career in a one-room school in Wimmer, McDowell County, WV. In 1931 she began teaching in Lawrence County, OH. Mrs. Gorby’s interview focuses on growing up on a farm near Proctorville, OH, her experiences as an educator, her family’s experience during World War I, and the 1937 flood of the Ohio River and its tributaries. In the audio clip provided, Mrs. Gorby discusses the impact of the 1937 flood on the school house in Athalia, OH. During her interview, she also focuses on the construction and use of the balcony of the Rome Methodist Church. According to Mrs. Gorby, the balcony served to segregate the African-American community from the white community of the church.
Publication Date
Summer 7-2-1974
Education in Ohio, Education in WV, Marshall College, 1918 influenza epidemic, World War I, 1937 Ohio River flood, Educators, Proctorville, OH, Huntington, WV
African History | Appalachian Studies | Christian Denominations and Sects | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Curriculum and Instruction | Education | History of Christianity | Influenza Humans | Oral History | Religion | Social History | United States History | Virus Diseases | Viruses
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-112. This interview was conducted by Nancy Bowen. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, August, 2014.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-112, Huntington, WV.

Included in
African History Commons, Appalachian Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Community Health and Preventive Medicine Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Influenza Humans Commons, Oral History Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons, Virus Diseases Commons, Viruses Commons
Library of Congress Subjects
Gorby, Josephine, 1908-1986 -- Autobiography. Education -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Floods -- West Virginia -- Huntington -- Oral histories.