Substance of an Argument against the Indiscriminate Incorporation of Churches and Religious Societies. Delivered before the Committee of Courts of Justice of the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the Evening of the 8th of January, and on Subsequent Evenings, in A.D. 1846, in Reply to James Lyons and Wm. H. Macfarland, Esqs.


Substance of an Argument against the Indiscriminate Incorporation of Churches and Religious Societies. Delivered before the Committee of Courts of Justice of the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the Evening of the 8th of January, and on Subsequent Evenings, in A.D. 1846, in Reply to James Lyons and Wm. H. Macfarland, Esqs.


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In this 80-page, multi-night discourse, Plumer addresses the question, “Shall the Legislature by a general law create as many religious corporations as there are congregations and religious societies in the State?” (p. 8). As the title suggests, he argues the negative side of the issue, a position he believes is supported “by the uniform principles of human nature, and by the history of the world for fifteen hundred years” (p. 3). The “argument” was presented outside Appalachia, while Plumer was serving as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Richmond, Virginia, but it is included in the Library to help give a complete picture of Plumer’s oratory.

Publication Date



Printed at the Publication Rooms


Baltimore, MD


Appalachia, Pennsylvania, William Swan Plumer, Presbyterian Church, Sermons


Appalachian Studies | Digital Humanities | Other Religion | Rhetoric


Marshall does not own this book; according to WorldCat, the nearest physical copy is at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. Like all other books published in the United States in the 19th century, it is in the public domain.



Substance of an Argument against the Indiscriminate Incorporation of Churches and Religious Societies. Delivered before the Committee of Courts of Justice of the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the Evening of the 8th of January, and on Subsequent Evenings, in A.D. 1846, in Reply to James Lyons and Wm. H. Macfarland, Esqs.
