Additional information can be found in Alfred Nevin, Encyclopaedia of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Publishing Co, 1884); Volume 3 of William Buell Sprague, Annals of the American Pulpit (New York, Robert Carter & Brothers, 1858); and David Elliott’s Biographical Sketch in Discourses and Dialogues of the Late Rev. Samuel Porter (Pittsburgh, PA: J.T. Shryock, 1853).
Porter User Guide
Robert H. Ellison
The User Guide for the Library of Appalachian Preaching is a Google Sheet that can be searched, sorted, and downloaded for offline use.
This part of the Guide provides information about Porter’s sermons and other discourses. It includes the title, scripture text, date and place the address was delivered (if known), and so on. This information is available in the master list of sermons as well.
Discourses and Dialogues of the Late Rev. Samuel Porter / With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by the Rev. David Elliott, D.D.
Samuel Porter
In the Publisher’s Preface, John T. Shryock writes that this book contains “all that can be recovered of the writings of the late Rev. Samuel Porter” (p. 5). There are 3 discourses, delivered between 1793 and 1811, along with “Dialogues between Death and the Believer; and Death and the Hypocrite” (p. 205). The discourses had previously appeared in pamphlet form; their republication here was intended to provide “specimens of the doctrinal opinions and practical teachings of one, who in the forming state of the Presbyterian Church in Western Pennsylvania, was ‘set for the defence and confirmation of [the] gospel” (p. 5).