"0009: David Michael Gideon Papers, 1878-1959" by Marshall University Special Collections

Document Type

Finding Aid

Publication Date



A major portion of the collection consists of correspondence between Mr. Gideon and his political and business associates between 1929 and 1945. Included is correspondence regarding the administration of the estate of Mr. Gideon's brother-in-law, Mike Broh. Another large group of papers is made up of ledgers, journals, day books, daily cash sheets, check ledgers, account ledgers, and other records from the Huntington Herald Company and the several land and holding companies with which Mr. Gideon was associated.

Correspondence and business records of the Sam and Dave Gideon clothing store from 1914 until 1926 comprise most of the remaining papers. These include correspondence regarding merchandise, credit memoranda, invoices, charge account ledgers, and other books and papers.

Also included is correspondence with the W. T. Grant Company from 1919 until 1933, regarding the lease of their building, owned by Mr. Gideon. There are also personal papers and Mr. Gideon's ledgers of personal expenses from 1922 until 1949.

To view materials from this collection that are digitized and available online, search the David Michael Gideon Papers, 1878-1959 here.


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Accession Number


These two collections have been merged under collection 0009.

Access and Use

For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343


Accession 0578 may have been part of this collection.
