"0006: Virgil Anson Lewis Papers, 1843-1973" by Marshall University Special Collections

Document Type

Finding Aid

Publication Date



The Virgil A. Lewis papers consist primarily of a holograph draft of a history of Marshall College from its founding in 1837 until the 1890s, with an emphasis on the early years, before the Civil War. Included are research notes, trascriptions of documents, correspondence, and a copy of the contract between Mrs. Virgil Lewis and Lawrence Corbly, former president of the college, who carried on the work of the history after Mr. Lewis's death. There are also pamphlets written by Mr. Lewis and two compilations by his daughers Lucie and Virginia: "A History of the Lewis and Stone Families" and a reminiscence of Elizabeth Blizzard Stone Lewis.

To view materials from this collection that are digitized and available online, search the Virgil Anson Lewis Papers, 1843-1973 here.


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Accession Number


Access and Use

For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343


Span Dates: 1843-1973
