"0257: Martha Elizabeth Carpenter Miller Collection, 1898-1962" by Marshall University Special Collections

Document Type

Finding Aid

Publication Date



The majority of this collection consists of the handwritten and typed poetry of Martha Carpenter Miller. Many of the poems underwent multiple edits and rewrites, and her notes and corrections to her poems are included in this collection. The collection spans the years 1898-1962, with the bulk of the material from the 1930s-1950s. Miller wrote extensively, and the collection includes poems and partial poems, ideas, and short verses written on scrap paper, envelopes, paper towels, carboard, postcards, and various other types of paper. At the time of processing, original order was largely unknown. In organizing the materials, there were occasionally found multiple drafts of certain poems. These were segregated and filed individually, but due to the extent of the collection, these individual files may not include all the versions of the poem; only those that were found in relative proximity to each other. Handwritten and typed poetry containing dates were segregated into individual folders by decade. The bulk of Mrs. Miller’s handwritten poetry and verse was undated, however, resulting in multiple files of notes, drafts, and partially edited poems. During processing, multiple typed and unedited copies of the same poem were occasionally found. Three copies were kept, and the rest discarded.

While the bulk of the collection is Miller’s poetry, it also contains a notebook and ten textbooks from Mrs. Miller’s school days at Marshall College, a photo of her 1898 graduating class, her 1899 marriage certificate to William Miller, and materials relating to her religious activity, including four copies of the 1910 The Church Advocate and Holiness Banner from Fort Scott, Kansas and editions of The Converted Catholic Evangelist: A Protestant Missionary Magazine from the years 1911-1914 in which some of her early writings (not poetry) were published. A November 25, 1955 edition of Collier’s magazine was originally included within the collection, but it contained no material by Martha Carpenter Miller and so was discarded.

To view materials from this collection that are digitized and available online, search the Martha Elizabeth Carpenter Miller Collection, 1898-1962 here.


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Accession Number


Access and Use

For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343


Span Dates: 1898-1962
