"0383: Goodykoontz for Senator Club Roster, c. 1910-1925" by Marshall University Special Collections

Document Type

Finding Aid

Publication Date



This collection consists of a ledger containing a list of members of the Huntington Goodykoontz for Senator Club. Listed are 100 names, addresses, and telephone numbers of club members. The ledger is blank with the exception of three pages containing the previously mentioned information. Also included is a proof sheet of newspaper from the Beckley Post-Herald from November 1, 1960.

A note in the collection states that the volume was found in the Okey P. Keadle Papers at an unstated location.


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Accession Number


Access and Use

For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343


Span: 1910-1925
