"0703: Rosanna A. Blake Collection, 1818-2000" by Marshall University Special Collections

Document Type

Finding Aid

Publication Date



This collection consists of manuscript and other paper items collected by Rosanna A. Blake. Included are letters, diaries, correspondence, unit rosters, Confederate imprint forms and currency, 1860-1865. Also included are 3D items including firearms, edged weapons, tin soldiers, original Civil War art work, the Volck shield, and Southern periodicals relating to the Civil War. Notably, the collection includes 3 original Robert E. Lee letters, 1 Jefferson Davis letter, and 2 general orders dictated by Lee. The O'Brien sub-collection contains Civil War pamphlets and booklets, over 300 monographs and books, photos, CDV's, original Civil War art work, the Volck shield, ambrotypes and tintypes, one original Robert E. Lee letter, original Civil War sketches and etchings, and other 3D items. Most materials are Confederate related.

To view materials from this collection that are digitized and available online, search the Rosanna Blake Collection, 1818-2000 here.


Special collections material is obtained from many sources and is intended primarily for research and educational purposes. Certain works may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not governed by the department. It is up to the researcher to verify that they have permission to use these materials for publication or other activities.

Accession Number


The following collection accession numbers have been merged with this collection:

Please see the finding aid for full details.

Access and Use

For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343


Span Dates: 1818-2000
