"0547: Morrow Family Papers, 1775-1938" by Marshall University Special Collections

Document Type

Finding Aid

Publication Date



The collection is divided into two series: Series I: Special Commission on Boundaries, Tacna-Arica Arbitration Papers and Series II: Morrow Family Personal Papers.

The first series pertains the 1922 request by Chile and Peru for the United States to arbitrate their land dispute over the provinces of Tacna, Arica, and Tarata. Jay Johnson Morrow was the chairman of the special commission arbitrating the boundary dispute between Chile and Peru from 1925 to 1929. Collection materials include historic maps and treaties, copies of geological surveys, field reports, annexation documents, and reports of arbitration meetings. This series includes materials in Spanish.

The second series contains materials related to the broader Morrow family, beginning with James E. Morrow’s Washington and Jefferson College cabinet photograph album (1850s) and his Civil War Letter Book (1863-1864) to photographs and albums of various family members, as well as a portion of Dwight W. Morrow’s personal papers, such as press books documenting his 1929 and 1930 political career. Also included are book or manuscript biographies of various Morrow men, especially Dwight W. Morrow.

To view materials from this collection that are digitized and available online, search the Morrow Family Papers, 1775-1938 here.


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Accession Number


Access and Use

For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343


Span Dates: 1775-1938
