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Publication Date

Winter 12-15-2011


Objective. To compare the reliability and credibility of Angoff-based, absolute criteria derived by faculty, alumni, and a combination of alumni and faculty judge panels.

Methods. Independently, faculty, alumni, and mixed faculty-alumni judge panels developed pass/fail criteria for an 86-item test. Generalizability and decision studies were performed. Root mean square errors (RMSE) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for reliability and credibility assessment. School graduate performance upon the North American Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) was the comparator for credibility assessment.

Results. RMSEs were 1.06%, 1.42%, and 2.32% for the alumni, faculty, and mixed judge panels respectively. The school's NAPLEX pass rate was 97.5%. This rate triangulated well with the faculty judge panel (pass rate = 93.9%, CI95% = 87.1% - 98.2%), but did not with either mixed judge or alumni judge panels.

Conclusions. Faculty-derived criteria offer superior pass/fail decision defensibility relative to both alumni derived and mixed faculty-alumni derived criteria.


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