Document Type
Finding Aid
Publication Date
These items include materials from the office of Student Activities within Student Affairs at Marshall University from 1955-1983. Items were received in 1988 and include notable materials from the events held within the division of Student Activities from the time period. Please download the finding aid for a full list of contents.
Record Group
Student Affairs
Accession Number
Inclusive Dates
Access and Use
For more information or to use any of these collections, contact: Special Collections Department, Morrow Library Marshall University One John Marshall Drive Huntington, WV 25755 (304) 696-2343
Special collections material is obtained from many sources and is intended primarily for research and educational purposes. Certain works may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not governed by the department. It is up to the researcher to verify that they have permission to use these materials for publication or other activities.
Recommended Citation
Student Affairs, "19880107: Student Activities, 1955-1983" (1988). Guides to University Archives. 411.