Established in 1971, the Marshall University Archives exist to preserve the history of Marshall as an Institution. Materials in the Archives are created by and related to the University and reflect a wide range in scope such as papers from Academic Affairs, the President's Office, and other departments across campus.
The gallery provides access to downloadable finding aids for the University's processed archival collections.
For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections Department, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343
Finding Aids
20180723: College of Information Technology and Engineering, 1995-2017, College of Information Technology and Engineering
20160704: Religious Studies, 1976-1979, College of Liberal Artrs
19750600: "Speech Department" 1973-1981, College of Liberal Arts
19780000: English Department, 1973-1982, College of Liberal Arts
19840201: English Department Grade Book Samples, 1959-1975, College of Liberal Arts
19880808: Geography Department, Samuel Clagg Documents, 1946-1982, College of Liberal Arts
19990517: Moffat Marshall History Book Research, through 1980, College of Liberal Arts
20081104.4: College of Liberal Arts, Dean's Office Files, 1990-2007, College of Liberal Arts
20081104.5: Journalism Department, 1978-2007, College of Liberal Arts
20081104.6: College of Liberal Arts, 1978-2003, College of Liberal Arts
20081104.7: College of Liberal Arts, 1895-2006, College of Liberal Arts
20140822.1: Speech Department, 1930-1982, College of Liberal Arts
20140903.3: Graduation Lists, College of Arts and Sciences, 1929-1976, College of Liberal Arts
20140904.1: Department of English, 1961-1997, College of Liberal Arts
20140904.2: Classical Studies, 1915-1984, College of Liberal Arts
20140905.2: English Department, 1960-1974, College of Liberal Arts
20140926.1: Criminal Justice, 1974, College of Liberal Arts
20141001.3: Department of Economics, 1970-1975, College of Liberal Arts
20141001.4: College of Liberal Arts, 1981-2004, College of Liberal Arts
20141006: English Department, 1990-1999, College of Liberal Arts
20141007.2: French and German, 1949-1975, College of Liberal Arts
20141007.3: Geography, 1985-1999, College of Liberal Arts
20150208: Journalism Department, 1944-1980, College of Liberal Arts
20150211.2: College of Liberal Arts, 1983-1987, College of Liberal Arts
20150211.3: Department of History, 1775-1988, College of Liberal Arts
20150428: English, 1969-1992, College of Liberal Arts
20150615.2: College of Liberal Arts, 1998-2005, College of Liberal Arts
20151116: School of Journalism, 1937-1984, College of Liberal Arts
20160511: Modern Languages, 1966-1986, College of Liberal Arts
20160630: Political Science, 1940-1989, College of Liberal Arts
20160705: Psychology, 1961-1985, College of Liberal Arts
20160711: Sociology, 1945-1996, College of Liberal Arts
20160801: Zoology, 1952-1969, College of Liberal Arts
20170628: College of Liberal Arts, 1922-2012, College of Liberal Arts
20241007.4: Geology, 1944-1975, College of Liberal Arts
20141001.2: Religious Studies and Biological Sciences Departments, 1957-1975, College of Liberal Arts and College of Science
19740600: Applied Sciences, 1960-1969, College of Science
20081106.1: College of Science, 1962-2006, College of Science
2008114.16: College of Science, 1973, College of Science
2008114.17: College of Science, 1943-2008, College of Science
20140904: College of Science, Chemistry Department, 1952-1957, College of Science
20140905.3: CHemistry Department Scrapbooks, 1950, College of Science
20140926.2: Botany Department, 1962-1964, College of Science
20160512: Physical Sciences, 1933-1973, College of Science
20160626: Department of Mathematics, College of Science
20170628: College of Science, 1899-2010, College of Science
20170629: Community College, 1959-2005, Community College
20070111: CSEGA, 1996-2003, CSEGA
19840227: Development, Marshall Memorial Fountain Fund, 1970-1973, Development Office
2008114.18: Development Office. 1980-2000, Development Office
20170711: Development Office, 1976-2000, Development Office
19830805: Faculty Senate and Standing Committees, 19830805, Faculty Senate
19871205: Faculty Senate Standing Committee, 1983-1985, Faculty Senate
20081118.1: Faculty Senate, 1985-2008, Faculty Senate
2008114.23: Faculty -- General, 1969-2006, Faculty Senate
2008114.24: Faculty, 1965-2006, Faculty Senate
20130717: Faculty Senate, 1984-2012, Faculty Senate
20150522: Faculty Senate, 1991, Faculty Senate
20210107: Faculty Senate, 1987-2001, Faculty Senate
20221011: Student Conduct and Welfare Committee Minutes, 1980-1987, Faculty Senate
20161007: Comptroller, 1951-1959, Finance
20170711: Finance Office, 1976-2010, Finance
2008114.26: Office of Financial Aid, 1990-2004, Financial Aid
20170703: Financial Aid Office, 1975-2010, Financial Aid
19841026: Graduate College, Research Committee, 1974-1976, Graduate College
19860402: Graduate College, Research Committee, 1977-1979, Graduate College
19861119: Graduate College, 1978-1983, Graduate College
19890216: Graduate College, 1981-1987, Graduate College
20070817: Graduate College, Faculty Research Files, 1986-1991, Graduate College
20071026: Graduate College, 1986-1994, Graduate College
20090924: Graduate College, 1986-1987, Graduate College
20090929: Graduate College, Dean's Notebooks, 1988-1997, Graduate College
20090930: Graduate College, 1998-2002, Graduate College
20091001: Graduate College, 2002-2005, Graduate College
20091005: Graduate College, Dean's Notebooks, 2005-2007, Graduate College
20091006: Graduate College, Dean's Notebooks, 2007-2009, Graduate College
20091008: Graduate College, 1993-1996; 2002-2006, Graduate College
20091013: Graduate College, 1996-1998, Graduate College
20091019: Graduate College, Dean Deutsch, Graduate College
20091020: Dean Deutsch Papers, Graduate College
20091026: Graduate College, Dean Duetch Files, Graduate College
20091027: Graduate College, 1991-2001, Graduate College
20091028: Graduate College, 1976-1994, Graduate College
20091102: Graduate College, 1988-2002, Graduate College
20091118: Graduate College, 1984-2007, Graduate College
20091201: Graduate College, 1992-1996, Graduate College
20170621: Graduate College, 1970-2006, Graduate College
20220706: West Virginia College of Graduate Studies, 1958-1999, Graduate College
20230602: Graduate College, 1981-2006, Graduate College
20240214: West Virginia College of Graduate Studies (WVCOGS) sample forms, Graduate College
20240606: Graduate College, 1972-2012, Graduate College
20240606: Graduate College, 1972-2012, Graduate College
20240606: Teays Valley Regional Center, 2005-2020, Graduate College
20240610: Program Reviews, 2002-2014, Graduate College
19840605: Graduate School, 1958-1983, Graduate School
19880811: Graduate School Files, 1971-1987, Graduate School
19881007: Graduate School, 1975-1987, Graduate School
19881208: Graduate School, 1969-1985, Graduate School
19890209: SCORES & Honors Program, 1981-1986, Graduate School
19900616: Graduate School, 1974-1985, Graduate School