Exposition of the Apocalypse: In a Series of Discourses
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In the Preface, Wickes writes that “The following discourses were delivered in the regular course of pastoral instruction, without a thought, in the beginning, of their occupying a wider field.” The “earnest solicitation of many friends,” however, “induced [him] to commit them to the press.” He goes on to say, “If the true plan of the prophecy has here been developed, and this alone added to the valuable contributions which others have made to this book, I shall regard my labor as not in vain” (pp. v, vii).
Publication Date
M. W. Dodd
New York
Appalachia, New York, Ohio, Congregationalists, Presbyterian Church, Sermons
Appalachian Studies | Digital Humanities | Other Religion | Rhetoric
Recommended Citation
Wickes, Thomas, "Exposition of the Apocalypse: In a Series of Discourses" (1851). Wickes, Thomas, 1814-1870. 2.
Marshall does not own this book; according to WorldCat, the nearest physical copies are in Pittsburgh, at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Like all other books published in the United States in the 19th century, it is in the public domain.