Session 4 Saturday March 28 8:00am-9:15am | 2015 - Many Mountains, Many Musics
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Friday, March 28th
3:30 PM

Session 4.01 Plenary


Convener: Sylvia Shurbutt

Plenary I Adam Booth and Scott McClanahan: "Me? An Appalachian Stereotype? I Thought my Stories Worked Against That"

Adam Booth
Scott McClanahan

Corbly Hall 105 with Corbly Hall 104 and 106 as overflow

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.02 Environment and Ecology


Convener: Elandria C. Williams, Highlander Research and Education Center

Appalachian Transition Fellowship Program: Opportunities for Regional Transitions

Elandria C. Williams, Highlander Research and Education Center
Susan Williams, Highlander Research and Education Center
Jazmine Walker, Rural Support Partners
Lora Smith, Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation

Harris Hall 443

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.03 Linguistics


Convener: Elijah Wise, Marshall University

Beyond the Twang: Analysis of Trends in Appalachian Language

Elijah Wise, Marshall University
Thomas Linz, Marshall University
Melissa Atkins, Marshall University
Carnice Covert, Marshall University
April Fugett, Marshall University
Marianna Linz, Marshall University

Corbly Hall 244

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.04 Cultural Integration


Convener: Connie Rice, West Virginia University

An Aura of Truth? Art as a Mechanism for the Validation of Appalachian Stereotypes

MIchael Edward Hess, Ohio University - Main Campus
Sharon L. Reynolds, Ohio University - Main Campus
Jerry Johnson, University of North Florida

Harris Hall 139

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.04 Cultural Integration


Convener: Connie Rice, West Virginia University

Eight Interviews on Affrilachian Identity

Forrest G. Yerman, Appalachian State University

Harris Hall 139

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.04 Cultural Integration


Convener: Connie Rice, West Virginia University

Los Otros Lados: Transnational Agrarian Livelihoods and Kinship in West-Central Mexico and Southern Appalachia

Mary Beth Schmid, University of Kentucky

Harris Hall 139

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.05 Natural Resources


Convener: Robin Stewart, Ohio University

Community Impact of Utica Shale Development in Appalachian Ohio

Shale Drilling's Impact on Affordable Housing and Homelessness in Appalachian Ohio

Robin Stewart, Ohio University
Sara Boyd, Ohio University Voinovich School

Harris Hall 138

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.06 Education and Tourism


Convener: Dena Gilchrist,

Interpretation in Appalachian: How We Tell the Story of West Virginia

Dena J. Gilchrist
James R. Mitchell, WV Division of Culture & History, State Museum
Leslie Baker ., Beckley Museum Complet
Rebekah Karelis, Wheeling National Heritage Area

Harris Hall 234

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.07 History and Environmental Issues


Convener: John Inscoe, University of Georgia

The Nature of War: Environmental Perspectives on the Civil War and Reconstruction in East Tennessee

Environmental History of the 1863 Chattanooga Campaign

'Boys, We Are Ordered To Take That Hill': How Mountains Affect Battle, and how Battle Affects Mountains

African Americans and the Exclusionary Environment of East Tennessee

The State of Student Research in Civil War Environmental History

Jonathan M. Winskie, University of North Georgia
Robert L. Baker, University of North Georgia
Katharine Dahlstrand, Florida Atlantic University
John Inscoe, University of Georgia

harris Hall 137

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.08 History


Convener: Michael Youngren

The Teacher

Michael A. Youngren
Mel Hoover Rev, Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Harris Hall 302

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.09 Appalachia and Higher Education


Convener: Robin Conley, Marshall University

Higher Education and Employment in Appalachia: An Interdisciplinary Study

Robin Conley, Marshall University
Kristi McLeod Fondren, Marshall University
Marty Laubach, Marshall University
Donna Sullivan, Marshall University

Drinko Library 138

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.10 Environment and Ecology


Convener: Michelle Tokarczyk, Goucher College

Appalachia's Wealth of Natural Resources: What Lies Ahead?

Michael E. Joslin, Lees-McRae College

Corbly Hall 464

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.10 Environment and Ecology


Convener: Michelle Tokarczyk, Goucher College

Dead Tree Walking: The Past, Present, and Future of Hemlock Forests in Central Appalachia

Tom Saladyga, Concord University

Corbly Hall 464

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.10 Environment and Ecology


Convener: Michelle Tokarczyk, Goucher College

Modeling Cyanobacteria Concentrations in the Ohio River Using Satellite Imagery

Thaddaeus Tuggle

Corbly Hall 464

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.10 Environment and Ecology


Convener: Michelle Tokarczyk, Goucher College

Religious Environmentalism in Appalachia: Exploring the "Greening of Religion" Thesis

Joseph Witt, Mississippi State University

Corbly Hall 464

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.11 The Environment and Literature


Convener: Scott Goebel, Bad Branch Institute

Mountain Poets Jim Webb & Bob Henry Baber, an Introduction and Reading

A Contextual Introduction to Mountain Writers Bob Henry Baber & Jim Webb

Jim Webb Poetry Reading

Bob Henry Baber Poetry Reading

Scott Goebel
Jim Webb, Bad Branch Institute
Bob Henry Baber, Glenville State College

Harris Hall 303

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Session 4.12 Tourism and Development


Convener: Libby Platt, Emory and Henry College

A New Promise for an Old Place: The Revitalization and re-Visioning of a Rural Small Town

Libby Platt, Emory and Henry College
Joanna Golde, Emory and Henry College
Carter Bauman, Emory and Henry College
Sharmila Sooklal, Emory and Henry College
Talmage A. Stanley, Emory and Henry College

Drinko Library 402

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Saturday, March 28th
8:00 AM

Session 4.01 Music


Appalachia in Other Musics

Michael Cody, East Tennessee State University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.01 Music


George Crumb’s Appalachia: Autobiography and American History in the American Songbooks

Robert Fallon, Carnegie Mellon University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.01 Music


Regional Culture, Amplified: The Rock and Roll of Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires and J. Roddy Walston & the Business

Mary Wheeling, Goldey-Beacom College

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.01 Music


"Sick No More": Singing a Beloved Musician Home in the New River Valley of Virginia.

Jordan L. Laney, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Elizabeth Fine, Virginia Tech

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.02 Stereotypes


Denise Giardina's Resurrection of Appalachian Identity through the Subversion of Stereotypes

Randi B. Hagi, Eastern Mennonite University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.02 Stereotypes


‘Hillbillies’ in the Himalayas? Exploring the ‘Pahari’ Stereotype.

Saakshi Joshi, University of Delhi

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.02 Stereotypes


Storytellers and Advocates: Community Journalism as a Challenge to Mainstream Media Stereotypes in Appalachia

Michael Clay Carey, Samford University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.02 Stereotypes


"The Boy Scouts in the Blue Ridge" Revisited: Dismantling Stereotypes in the Appalachian South

Ken Badgett, Old Hickory Council, Boy Scouts of America

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.03 Archives


Cultural Rhetorics and the Coal Creek Company Archive

Sumner S. Brown

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.03 Coal


Where “Our Forefathers Are Buried:” Land Ownership and the Early Legal History of the Broad Form Deed in Eastern Kentucky

Stephanie M. Lang

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.03 Education


Miners and Mentors: Memory and Experiences in Coal Camp Schools in Appalachia

Harley D. Walden, Marshall University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.03 Environment


Snapshots from the Appalachian Trail and the Internatonal Appalachian Trail

Timothy Di Leo Browne, Carleton University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.04 Environment


Dangerous Waters: Interpreting the Contemporary Landscape of the Tennessee Valley Authority

Micah Cash, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.04 Mass Media


Media Representation During the War on Poverty: Resisting the Status Quo

Susan L. F. Isaacs, UnionCollege

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.04 Social Conditions


Images of Sensitivity and Respect: the War on Poverty Photographs of Warren Brunner in Eastern Kentucky and More Broadly Appalachia.

Hugo A. Freund, Union College - Barbourville

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.05 (Women and Gender) Many Mountains to Climb: Women’s Personal and Familial “Journeys” through Wellness and Illness in Southern Central Appalachia


Communicating about End of Life through Digital Storytelling: Perspectives from Appalachian Women Living with HIV/AIDS

Meal Memories: Women Navigating Family Well-being in Foodwork

"I Just Had to Figure Out a Way to Tell Her Real Nonchalantly:” Navigating Cancer Communication in the Mother-Daughter Relationship

Mothers of Southern Central Appalachia: Family Guides through Health, Illness, and Wellness

Sadie P. Hutson, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Amber E. Kinser, East Tennessee State University
Kathryn L. Duvall, East Tennessee State University
Kelly A. Dorgan, East Tennessee State University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.06 Economic Policy: Two Appalachian Places and their Creative Potential for American Civic Life


Re-peopling American Memory from an Appalachian Place

A New Promise for an Old Place

Tal Stanley, Emory & Henry College
Tristan J. Neslon, Emory and Henry College
Josh von Castle, Emory and Henry College
Megan N. Brittain, Emory and Henry College
Taylor A. Moxley, Emory and Henry College

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.07 (Education) Oral Histories in English, Sociology, & Theater Classrooms: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Service Learning


Service-learning in the Appalachian Literature Classroom

Service-learning in the Sociology Classroom

Facilitating Service-learning

Service-learning in the Theater Classroom

Nicole Drewitz-Crockett, Emory & Henry College
Stacy Sivinski, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Shelley Koch, Emory & Henry College
Robin Grossman, United Way of Southwest Virginia
Kelly Bremner, Emory & Henry College

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.09 Economic Policy


Union Avoidance: The language and practice of "Right-to-Work" campaigns in Appalachia

John C. Hennen, Morehead State University
Anita Puckett, Virginia Tech
Lou Martin, Chatham University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.10 (Appalachian Studies) Early Career Academics Take on Issues from Home: Dispatches from West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio


Stop the Hollowing Out: Dissenting Voices to Elsewhere is Better

Community and Mobility Working Together: The New Mobilities Paradigm and Young Adults in Appalachia

A Regional Rhetoric for Activism in Appalachia: The West Virginia Water Crisis

Brandi S. Weekley, West Virginia University
Anna R. Terman, Pennsylvania State University
Krista L. Bryson, The Ohio State University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.11 Music


Madison County Music: Preservation, Promotion, and Performance

Hannah Furgiuele, Mars Hill University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.12 Health


OxyContin in the Coal Fields---Still Searching for "Higher Ground" Fifteen Years Later

Art Van Zee
Sue Ella Kobak

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.13 Economic Conditions: What does Sustainable, Equitable Agricultural Development look like? And why should we care?


Carol Judy: Lessons from Coal Country ,the Clear Fork Institute and Fair Trade Appalachia

Bonnie Swinford: Lessons and Shared Experience from TNACE project- Tennessee Appalachian Community Economics.

William Isom: Communication, Media and Access in Appalachia, Issues and Resolutions

Deborah Bahr: Art & Music, Entrepreneurship and Community Building

Carol Judy, Mountain Made Mountain Ways
Bonnie Swinford, Community Organizer
William Isom, Melange Media
Deborah Bahr, Clean Water in East Tennessee

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.14 Environment


Building Issue-Based Youth Networks, with Case Studies from Kentucky and West Virginia

Joseph Gorman, Student Environmental Action Coalition
Cara Cooper, Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.15 Health


How to Build a Healthy Appalachian Community: Tools honed in Madison County, NC 1970-2015

Tom Plaut, Mars Hill University-retired
June Trevor, Community Housing Coalition of Madison County
Teresa Strom, Hot Springs Health Program
Chris Brown, Community Housing Coalition of Madison County

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.16 Stereotypes


What Would You Do? Wit and Wisdom on Avoiding Media Stereotyping while Cultivating Coverage

Beth O'Connor, VRHA
Jody Hershey, West Piedmont Health District, VA
Wendy Welch, Graduate Medical Education Consortium, UVA Wise

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.17 (Literature) Steel Valley Days: Two Northern Appalachian Writers


Steel Valley Days: Two Northern Appalachian Writers

John Ray, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative
Richard Hague, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Session 4.17 Music


Banks of the Ohio: A Visual Survey of Bluegrass Music Culture in the Ohio Valley

Joshua Birnbaum, Ohio University

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM