Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: The Maternal Infant Health Outreach Worker Program Final Report: A Multi Method Randomized Control Trial Program Evaluation in Rural West Virginia

Participation Type


Session Title

The Maternal Infant Health Outreach Worker Program Final Report: A Multi Method Randomized Control Trial Program Evaluation in Rural West Virginia

Session Abstract or Summary

In prior ASA conferences, we presented preliminary data from our 3 year randomized control trial (RCT) evaluation of The Maternal Infant Health Outreach Worker (MIHOW) program, which intends to improve child development outcomes in families facing significant economic/social challenges utilizing trained community members as in- home, parent-to-parent educators. In our multi-site, multi-method (quantitative and qualitative) randomized control group trial (RCT) in southern WV, pregnant women who volunteered as research participants were randomly assigned to the MIHOW program or to a minimal intervention group receiving only written educational materials. MIHOW staff identified outcome variables that the program intends to influence (e.g. smoking, birth weight, maternal well-being, parenting behaviors, community connections); the quantitative research team identified appropriate measures for outcome comparisons between the 2 groups. Concurrently, the qualitative team studied a subsample of participants; using purposeful sampling, they conducted multiple interviews over time to identify themes representing key aspects of participants’ experiences in MIHOW.

In this presentation, we provide a brief overview of MIHOW and our RCT methodology, followed by a discussion of results from the full set of data used as the basis for our final report. We focus on results that address the hypothesized program benefits which were central to this evaluation, as well as updated understanding of key themes emerging from the qualitative component of the study. Implications for continuation of MIHOW within WV and the challenges of long term evaluations in rural Appalachia form the final portion of the presentation.

Presentation #1 Title

The Maternal Infant Health Outreach Worker Program Final Report: A Multi Method Randomized Control Trial Program Evaluation in Rural West Virginia

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Please see general abstract above; the panel will all be presenting based on this abstract, as we've done each of the prior 2 years. Thanks!

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Marty Amerikaner is a psychology professor at Marshall University

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

LInda Spatig is a Professor in the College of Education and Human Services at Marshall University.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Chris LeGrow is a psychology professor at Marshall University

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #4

Stephen O'Keefe is a psychology professor emeritus at Marshall University

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #5

Debra Lockwood is an assistant professor in the the College of Education and Human Services at Marshall University

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #6

Kathy Bialk, Kelli Kerbawy and Amy Carlson are doctoral students in the College of Education and Human Services at Marshall University

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The Maternal Infant Health Outreach Worker Program Final Report: A Multi Method Randomized Control Trial Program Evaluation in Rural West Virginia

Please see general abstract above; the panel will all be presenting based on this abstract, as we've done each of the prior 2 years. Thanks!