2016 - Voices from the Misty Mountains: Diversity and Unity, a New Appalachia | ASA Annual Conference

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Accepted Proposals

900 Degress Celcius

Cat Pleska, Marshall University
Marie Manilla, WV Weslyan
Lynne Squires, Marshall University

A Chorus Divided Cannot Stand: Ron Rash’s “Greek” Chorus

Lesleigh B. Jones, UMass Boston

A Creative Man in Creative Ways: Songs and Stories of the Appalachian Male

Matthew S. Parsons

A Geography of Scars: Appalachian Dialect Poetry

Shawna K. Rodenberg

A glimpse into the ballad tradition of the Hicks' family from Beech Mountain, NC

Madison C. Moss Miss, Mars Hill University

A Lifetime of Healthy Living: Unifying Awareness of Healthy Living Among Appalachia’s Diversified Community

Kyle M. Smith, Morehead State University

A Mighty Fine Memory: Stories and Tunes from the Fiddler of Banjo Branch

Hannah Furgiuele, Mars Hill University
Rebecca Jones

A Newspaper Content Analysis of Flooding in Appalachian Mining Towns

Samantha A. Cook, Eastern Kentucky
Alice Jones, Eastern Kentucky University

A Partnership for Change Forged in the Steel City: Michael Musmanno & Henry Ellenbogen

Richard P. Mulcahy Dr.

A Punch in the Gut: Moving From Celebration to Critique at the 34th Annual Emory & Henry Literary Festival

Nicole M. Drewitz-Crockett, Emory & Henry College
Jack Wright, Ohio University - Main Campus
Anita Turpin, Roanoke College
Thomas Alan Holmes, East Tennessee State University
Kathleen Chamberlain, Emory and Henry College

A Spatial Analysis of Appalachian Identity and Vernacular: Dispersed Distribution with a Concentrated Core

Russell Weaver, Texas State University - San Marcos

Accounting for Place in Composition Studies

Matt Prater, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Affrilachia - A Sociology of Knowledge and Literature Analysis of a New Appalachian Voice

William Turner, Prairie View A & M University
Wilburn Hayden Jr., York University
Edward J. Cabbell

Affrilachian Agency and the Myth of Western North Carolina's Racial Innocence: The Integration of Brevard, NC

Elisabeth Moore, Gardner-Webb University

Affrilachian Poets and the Real Professor X: Rhetoric of Superheroes and Frank X Walker

Forrest G. Yerman Mr., Appalachian State University

After Coal: Welsh and Appalachian Mining Communities

Tom Hansell, Appalachian State University

Aftereffects of After Coal: Educational Programming via Multimedia Resources

Samantha R. Eubanks, Appalachian State University

Ailing in Place: Environment and Health in Appalachia

Michele Morrone, Ohio University - Main Campus

All Creatures Great and Small: Valuing Biodiversity in Our Common Home

Jessica A. Wrobleski, Wheeling Jesuit University

An Overview of the Changing Population Dynamics in the Appalachian Region Around Shepherd University

Joseph Paul Guttmann

Appalachia and the "Golden Age of Fraternity:" a Case Study of Meigs County, Ohio, 1880-1930

Ivan M. Tribe Dr., University of Rio Grande

Appalachia in Verse and Story: Readings from the Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Frank X Walker and Homer Hickam Volumes VI and VII

Sylvia B. Shurbutt, Shepherd University

Appalachia: Real Place or Imagined Construct?

Barry T. Whittemore Dr., University of North Georgia

Appalachian Identity as Narrative Identity

M Joseph Aloi, University of North Texas
Charles Brandon Hayes, University of Montana - Missoula
Charlee Tidrick, University of Virginia - Main Campus

Appalachian Oral Histories: Voices History Forgot

Kira L. Cope, Marshall University

Appalachian Praxis: Promoting Re-development of former Mountain-top Removal Sites

Michael E. Workman Phd, West Virginia State University

Appalachian Women in Film: Building the Appalachian Movie Database, Revealing Trends

Meredith McCarroll, Bowdoin College

Así se alaba a Dios: Music in Religious Service at a Latino Evangelical Protestant Church in Southern Appalachia

Benjamin Duvall-Irwin, Appalachian State University

Becoming an Educated Community Member: A Practical Demonstration for Advising Professionals

Sharee S. Smith, Morehead State University

Being Of Appalachia: Embodying the Region

Christopher A. Miller

Berea College Country Dancers: Cultural Brokers and Ambassadors of Rural Traditions

Deborah J. Thompson, Berea College

Black Coal and Butterflies: The Double Life of William Henry Edwards

Stewart Plein, West Virginia University

Blackwater Canyon: Portrait of the Wild Lands

Leann Price, Marshall University
Andrew Price

Bleeding Water: Adverse effects on Appalachian Waterways and the Native Brook Trout due to Pollutants.

Nathaniel Skaggs, East Tennessee State University

Blood On The Mountain

Mari-Lynn Evans

Blue Ridge CRAFT: Cultivating Meaningful Mentor Relationships Between Aspiring and Experienced Farmers

David H. Walker Jr., Appalachian State University
Louisa N. Murrey, Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture
Elizabeth Spellman, West Virginia Food & Farm Coalition
Mae Humiston, Community Farm Alliance

Breathless Voices: Personal Accounts of the Resurgence of Black Lung in the Appalachian Coalfields

Aysha A. Bodenhamer, North Carolina State University

Bringing Appalachian Archival History to Life – the Opportunities and Challenges of Digitization

Susan Williams, Highlander Research and Education Center
Susan Glahn, Reveal Digital
Caroline Rubens, Appalshop

Bringing Children Together, Changing a Community

Mary Beth Bingman, independent activist scholar

Bringing it Down to Earth: An Exploration of the limits of Architecture Aesthetics in Understanding Class and the Built Environment in Southern West Virginia

Carissa Massey, Adrian College

Buckwild Mad Men: Masculinity and Necropolitics in Appalachia

Carol Mason, University of Kentucky

Building an Intersectional Youth Movement in Appalachia

Kendall A. Bilbrey, The STAY Project
Kathryn Engle, University of Kentucky
Jordan Laney, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Kierra Sims, Highlander Center

Camp Appalachia: Place-Based Enrichment for Gifted Students and Those Who Teach Them

Sarah M. Widincamp, University of North Georgia
Kaity Brackett, University of North Georgia

“Cinematic Depictions of Labor Actions in Appalachia”

Walter E. Squire, Marshall University

Citizen Participation in the Development of Pikeville, Kentucky Flood Control Policy

Norman Rose Dr., Case Western Reserve University


John Verburg, Talladega College

Coal Mining Songs: A Genre for All Ages

Reba / Becki P. Jones Dr., Shepherd University

Coal Severance Taxes in Kentucky

Angel Hill, Eastern Kentucky University


Zada Komara, University of Kentucky

Community Engagement in Place-Based Social and Economic Development: A Case Study of The Wild Ramp Local Food Market

Hannah E. James, University of North Carolina at Asheville

Congressmen From Appalachia and the Bituminous Coal Act of 1935

Philip A. Grant Ph.D>, Pace University - New York

Connecting Past With Present Through Children's Music

Elizabeth A. Dotson, Morehead State University

Considerations on Building a Unique Diversity Residency Program and Professional Partnership

Lori Hostuttler, West Virginia University Libraries
Ashleigh Coren, West Virginia University Libraries
Lisette Hernandez, West Virginia University Libraries
Chanelle Pickens, West Virginia University Libraries

Continued Growth: Original Voices Regenerating from the Jean Ritchie Ballad Tradition

Sherry Cook Stanforth, Thomas More College
Jim Cook, retired
Nan Cook, retired

Cosmopolitanism in Appalachia: The Rhetoric of the Wheeling Intelligencer During the 1860 Election.

Ryan P. McCullough, West Liberty University

Creating Beautiful Solutions in our Communities and Everyday Lives

Elandria Williams, Highlander Research and Education Center

Creating Raised Gardens for Haldeman Community Center After-School Program: A Guide for Other After-School Programs

Jamee Rogers, Morehead State University

Crossing the Color Line: Teaching Burdens of Religious Difference from Africa to Appalachia

Meredith Doster, Emory University

Cultivating a Culture of Care: Ecological Justice, Spirituality of Place, and the Post-Coal Economy

Edward Sloane, Boston College

Cultivating Community: Helping rural libraries develop heirloom seed and story repositories

Rosann Kent, University of North Georgia Appalachian Studies Center

Designing on a Dime: Creating a Virtual Presence for Non-Profit Organizations

Julieann F. Helton, Morehead State University

Diabetes and the Appalachian Culture

Judy Jenks Branscom, Radford University

Diversity and Unity in Dialogue: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest

Jodie D. Childers, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

Diversity and Unity in Higher Ground 5: Having Our Say

Anita J. Turpin, Roanoke College

Diversity and Unity within an Appalachian Adventure Sport: Whitewater Kayaking and Tension between Competition, Technology, and the Environment.

Tim D. Catalano Dr., Marietta College

“Drop in for a visit”: The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia

Peter Thompson, Carleton University

Educational Attainment: An Exploratory Factor Analysis

Rick Ferris, University of Charleston
Robin G. McLaughlin PhD, University of Charleston

Educational Technology Utilization in an Appalachian Ohio County

Coby E. Long PhD, Shawnee State University

Environmental History: Possibilities and New Directions

Kathryn Newfont, University of Kentucky
Ronald D. Eller, University of Kentucky
David E. Whisnant, Primary Source History Services
Donald Edward Davis, Independent Scholar/American Chestnut Foundation
Thomas Luke Manget, University of Georgia
Savannah Paige Murray, Appalachian State University
Cody Miller, University of Maine/Appalachian State University
Anthony Sadler, Appalachian State University

Envisioning a Healthier Region: Diversity in Physical Education

Sydney J. Guffey, Morehead State University

Espiritualidad, Sostenibilidad y Comunidad: The Latino-Appalachian Connection at Narrow Ridge

Guy Larry Osborne, Carson-Newman University
Beth Vanlandingham, Carson-Newman University

Essential Cooperation: Public and Private Efforts to Develop and Maintain the Appalachian Trail

Jacob D. Williams, California University of Pennsylvania

Every Little Soul is Gonna Shine: Folk Arts Programming at Hindman Settlement School

Brett Ratliff, Hindman Settlement School
Michael Flynn, Kentucky School of Craft
Josh Mullins, Appalachian Artisan Center

Examining Feminism in Appalachia through Historical Scholarship: A Roundtable Discussion of Women of the Mountain South

Kathryn Engle, kathryn.engle@uky.edu
Connie Riche, West Virginia University
Marie Tedesco, East Tennessee State University
Rachel Terman, Ohio University - Main Campus
Jordan Laney, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Brandi S. Weekley, West Virginia University

Except in Whispers

Timothy W. Thornton, Virginia Western Community College and Ferrum College
Cat Pleska, Marshall University and Arizona State
Caroline Kane Kenna, Independent scholar

Extending Gaventa: A Foucauldian Reading of Power and Powerlessness

Judson C. Abraham, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Faces of Appalachia: Arab and Muslim Americans contribution the welfare of the citizens in region

Majed J. Khader, Marshall University

“Far-Reaching Plow Lines: Jesse Stuart’s Man with a Bull-Tongue Plow”

Ethan Mannon, Mars Hill University

Finding Florida in the Mountains: Understanding the Role of the “Creative Class” in Appalachian Economic Development.

Jason C. Sides, Southeast Missouri State University
James Vanderleeuw, Lamar University

Fletcher Collins (1906-2004): Appalachian Teacher and Folklorist

Sam F. Stack Jr., West Virginia University
Sam F. Stack Jr., West Virginia University

Focusing on Extended Creative Placemaking for Economic Development

Forrest G. Yerman, Appalachian State University
Tom Hansell, Appalachian State University
Karen Russo, Appalachian State University

Food Images in Traditional Appalachian Music: Inventing and Homogenizing a Regional Cuisine

Lucy M. Long, Center for Food and Culture

Food Insecurity in Applachia: Patterns, Prevalence and Forms

Stephen J. Scanlan, Ohio University - Main Campus


Jacqueline Yahn Mrs., Ohio University Eastern

From Farm to Table: Shifting Community Consciousness

Kara Rogers Thomas, Frostburg State University
Dan Fiscus, Frostburg State University
Shana Fischer, Frostburg State University

From Mayberry to Merlot: Geographies of an emerging wine region in the Yadkin Valley of North Carolina

Aron D. Massey, West Liberty University

Gentrification of Craft in the Mountains

erica collins

Girls’ Media Education in West Virginia: Critical Media Literacy and Production

Tammy L. Clemons, University of Kentucky
Shelby Mack, High Rocks Educational Corporation
Nicole Hall, High Rocks Educational Corporation
Grace Harbert, High Rocks Educational Corporation
Katz Zuckett, High Rocks Educational Corporation

“Goblins, Gardens, and the Grass Roots: Morehead State University’s Partnership with the Haldeman Community Center”

Susan Eike Spalding, Berea College
Joy Leanne Gritton, Morehead State University
David Cooke, Berea College
Brett Ratliff, Hindman Settlement School

Graysville: John D. Gray and Industrial Slavery the Northwest Georgia Mountains

Robert L. Baker

Growing Appalachia: Local Foods & Community Development in Knox County, Kentucky

Kathryn Engle, kathryn.engle@uky.edu
Hannah Bingham, University of Kentucky
Alex Jones, Union College - Barbourville
Angel Hill, Eastern Kentucky University
John Medlock

Helping Farmers by Helping Consumers Identify Local Food: The Case of the Appalachian Grown Branding Program

Leah G. Mathews, University of North Carolina at Asheville

“Hillbillization” of the Eastern Ukrainians and Revolutionary Events in Ukraine

Radion Svynarenko, University of Kentucky
Rudska Antonina, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev

“Hit’s the fullness of time”: An Approach to Denise Giardina’s Kingdom Theology

Bill Jolliff, George Fox University

Hoedowns, Reels, and Frolics: Roots and Branches of Southern Appalachian Dance

Phil Jamison, Warren Wilson College

“Honor:” A Personal Audio Exploration of Civil War Memory and Identity in Appalachia

Saro Lynch-Thomason
Laura Harbert Allen, Laura Harbert Allen Media
Carrie N. Kline, Talking Across the Lines
Miranda Brown

Hope in the Hills: Sustainable Living in Athens County

Elizabeth Mishler M. Mishler, Ohio University - Main Campus
Franklyn Charles, Ohio University - Main Campus

Housing Diversity in Coal Company Towns: An architectural exploration of building types

Gregory Galford, Chatham University
William Biss, Chatham University

How Many? What Kind? Parent Involvement and Extracurricular Participation Among Rural Pennsylvanian High School Students

Annelise Hagedorn, Pennsylvania State University

Human Trafficking 101 Understanding This Epidemic on a Nationwide Scale and What is being done in Appalachia Specifically the State of West Virginia

Kristi Miller
Mindi Kuebler

“I Don’t Want to Die in the Storm”: An Appalachian Community Sing

Saro F. Lynch-Thomason

“I feel like I’m going extinct”: Conversations about the Confederacy in South Central Virginia

Lauren R. Moore, University of Kentucky

”I Will Finish this Poem”: Charles Wright’s “East of the Blue Ridge” Conversations with the Chinese Poets

Rob Merritt, Bluefield College

Imagining a Liberation Psychology for Appalachia: The Case of Southwestern Pennsylvanian Women Living in Poverty

Gloria McGillen, Boston College

Implications for Teaching in Rural Appalachia: Unity, Diversity, and Location

J. Michael King, University of Pikeville

Imprisoning Appalachia: The Socioeconomic Impacts of Prison Development

Robert T. Perdue, Appalachian State University

In Our Own Words: A Panel Discussion of Writing and Publishing in Appalachia

Natalie D. Sypolt, Pierpont Community and Technical College
Renee K. Nicholson, West Virginia University
Jason Howard, Berea College
Abby Freeland, West Virginia University
Jennifer Merrifield, Potomac State College of West Virginia University
Pauletta Hansel

In the Present Tense: Appalachian Teachers Writing for Their Work and Lives

Beth Campbell, Marshall University
Susan Malinoski, Marshall University

Increasing rural tourism: A demographic profile of visitors to an OHV park in rural Kentucky

Shaunna L. Scott, University of Kentucky
Michael J. Bradley, Eastern Kentucky University
James Maples, Eastern Kentucky University

Institutional Partnerships as a Bridge to the Baccalaureate for Adults in Appalachia Kentucky

Nancy C. Preston, Morehead State University
Amber K. Decker, Gateway Community and Technical College

Institutional Procurement of Local Food at Appalachian State University

Laura Brookshire, Appalachian State University
Cheryl Laws, Appalachian State University

Intentional Communities in Our Common Home: Building Interfaith Cultures of Encounter in a New Appalachia

Michael J. Iafrate, University of St. Michael's College

International Voices in Appalachia: Reflections on Intercultural Communication at Marshall University

Katelyn B. McGuffin, Marshall University

Investing in Appalachia's Future: Federally Funded Economic Diversification in Coal Counties

Gabriel I. Schwartzman

Is Appalachia Zomia?: James C. Scott's _The Art of Not Being Governed_ and the Utility of Comparative Mountain Studies

Katherine E. Ledford, Appalachian State University
Betsy Taylor, Virginia Tech
Donald E. Davis, Independent Scholar
Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth, University of Kentucky
Rebecca E. Beyer, Appalachian State University

It Looks Like the Old Country: The Catskills, the Carpathians, and the Pale

Timothy Di Leo Browne, Carleton University

John Stuart Mill’s Liberal Political Economy in Rebecca Harding Davis’s “Life in the Iron Mills”

Julia McLeod

Kiss My Grits

Savannah Sipple, Hazard Community and Technical College
Karen McElmurray, Gettysburg College
Amanda Jo Runyon, Pikeville College

"Knox County Stomp: Documenting Urban Appalachia's Great Depression-Era Location Recording Sessions"

Ted Olson, East Tennessee State University

Language Variety and Pedagogy: Teaching Dialect via Literature

Michelle Haugh O'Malley, Ohio University
Christina Veladota, Washington State Community College

LGBTQ Literature in Appalachia

Allison E. Carey, Marshall University

Literacy’s Role in Appalachian Diversity

Kim Donehower, University of North Dakota

Making the Path Together: Intersections of African American Studies, Women’s Studies, and Appalachian Studies.

Phillip Obermiller, University of Cincinnati - Main Campus
Dwight B. Billings Dr., University of Kentucky
Ron Eller, University of Kentucky (emeritus)
Fabio Rojas, Indiana University
Emily Satterwhite, Virginia Tech
Shaunna Scott, University of Kentucky
Chad Berry, Berea College

Marginalization and Resilience from Within and Without Appalachia: Views on Place and Disruption in Eastern Kentucky and Washington, D.C.

Kirsten L. Crase, University of Maryland, College Park

Marginalized Mountaineers: an intimate ethnographic look in the lives of LGTBQ West Virginians

James T. Chadwell Mr, West Virginia University

Mary Lee Settle's "O BEULAH LAND" at 50

Gibbs Kinderman, retired
Catherine V. Moore, Beauty Mountain Studio
Ken Sullivan, WV Humanities Council
Rosemary Hathaway, West Virginia University
Chris Green, Berea College

McClung's Book of Sermon Illustrations for the Itinerant Evangelist

Joshua C. Jones, University of Massachusetts Boston

Moderator: Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean: Readings on the Forbidden from Contemporary Appalachia

Karen S. McElmurray Dr., West Virginia Wesleyan College

Moments and Momentum in Jefferson County African American History

John Cuthbert, West Virginia University Libraries
Stewart Plein, West Virginia University
James Green Jr., Jefferson County Black History Preservation Society
James A. Tolbert Sr., Jefferson County Black History Preservation Society
George C. Rutherford, Jefferson County Black History Preservation Society

“Morning’s Fawnlight Yokes Inside Dew Beads, Each Hued Like a Rainbow’s Hatchling”: Gerard Manley Hopkins and Imprism-ment in Ron Rash

Jimmy D. Smith, Union College - Barbourville
Martha G. Eads, Eastern Mennonite University
John Lang, Emory and Henry College
Erin Presley, Eastern Kentucky University

Motivations and Locavore Tendencies: A preliminary visitor study of Lexington, Kentucky craft breweries

Kenneth J. Berend Jr., Eastern Kentucky University
Michael J. Bradley, Eastern Kentucky University
James N. Maples, Eastern Kentucky University

Mountain Changelings: Radical Faerie Cultural Formation in Appalachia

Jason Ezell, University of Maryland - College Park

Mountain Monsters: Shadows of Otherness: Showing West Virginia Diversity Through Cryptozoology.

Tiffany G. Arnold, Ohio University - Main Campus
J. Tyler Chadwell Mr, West Virginia University

Mountaineers, Mountain Queers: the affect of Appalachian environmental activism on gender and sexuality norms.

Randi B. Hagi, Eastern Mennonite University

Musical Crossroads Media Presentation: African Roots of the Banjo in Appalachia (PowerPoint w Videos)

Cece Conway, Appalachian State University
Phil Jamison, Warren Wilson College
William Ritter, Appalachian State University
Trevor McKenzie, Appalachian State University


Christopher M. Chapman, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Marie Manilla, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Mary Imo Stike, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Larry D. Thacker, West Virginia Wesleyan College

Naming, symbolic capital, and socioeconomic development in Appalachia

Chris Holtkamp, Texas State University - San Marcos

Native Appalachian Nurses Evaluation of Cultural Competency Issues with Rural Appalachian Patients

Robyn Seamon, Appalachian State University

Neo-Regionalism in Lee Smith’s Fair and Tender Ladies and Silas House’s A Parchment of Leaves

Sara Boissonneau, University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Newcomers to an Old Town: The Legacy of the “Back to the Land” movement in Berkeley Springs, WV

Debra Lattanzi Shutika, George Mason University

Not Just Whistling “Dixie”: The Civil War’s Legacy in Ron Rash’s *World Made Straight*

Martha Greene Eads

Off the Mountain: Bascom Lamar Lunsford in Eastern North Carolina

Leanne E. Smith, East Carolina University
Rodney C. Sutton, Independent Folklorist

Oh Happy Day: Brian Yerman's Story

Adam D. Sheffield, Appalachian State University
Laiken J. Boyd, Appalachian State University

On Finally Finding the Right Place To Be: Breece Pancake, Milton, and Me

Jennifer Sullivan Spoor, Marshall University

Oral History of the Clinchfield Railroad and Related Industry in Unicoi County, TN

Ron R. Roach, East Tennessee State University

Original Prose Reading

Jessie van Eerden, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Doug Van Gundy, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Danielle Kelly, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Jessica Spruill, West Virginia Wesleyan College

Oyler - A film of an Appalachian Neighborhood,raising from the ashes

Nancy M. Laird Ms., Urban Appalachian Community Coalition
Melissa L. Cornelius Asoc.., Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Omope Daboiku BA, University of Cincinnati
Amy Randolph
Craig Hockenberry, 3 Rivers School Superintendent

Painting The Sunsets of Appalachia: The Diversity of Our Land

Ariadne Gejevski, ariadnART

Part-time faculty in rural Appalachia: Not what you might think

Ruby Robinson, Ivy Tech Community College - Wabash Valley

Pedagogical Practices in 21st Century Appalachian Studies

Theresa L. Burriss, Radford University

Peonage in West Virginia

Ralph H. Lutts

Persistance and Adaptation of Christmas Processional Drama in the Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania's Appalachian Mountains

Nicole Andel, Penn State-Schuylkill Camps
Harold Aurand Jr., Penn State-Schuylkill Campus

Place-Based Experiential Learning and the High Rocks Teaching Model

Alice Beecher, High Rocks Educational Corporation
Sarah Riley, High Rocks Educational Corporation

Places and Spaces in Flux into the 21st Century: The Relationship between Appalachian Studies Programs and Appalachian Special Collections

Andrea A. Leonard, Appalachian State University

Progressive Religion in Appalachia - NOT an Oxymoron!

Marc S. Mullinax, Mars Hill College

Quakers and Bloody Harlan

Guy Aiken, University of Virginia - Main Campus

Quarried: Three decades of Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel Literary Journal

Pauletta Hansel, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative
Richard Hague, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative
Scott Goebel, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative
Norman Gurney, University of Kentucky
Jim Webb, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative

Reckoning & Religion in Lee Smith’s Saving Grace

Virginia P. Dow, Liberty University

Reflections on Place: Changes in Perspective after High School

LeAnne Olson, LeAnne Arbor Olson
Heather Stark, Marshall University

Region, Violence, and Stereotypes: a Comparison of the Edith Maxwell and Connie Franklin Court Cases

Hugo Freund, Union College

Resurrecting the Colonial Model of Appalachia: Interventionist Politics and the Formation and Maintenance of Unequal Ties

Jacob L. Stump, Shepherd University

Reviving Voices, Rewriting History; Rhiannon Giddens’ Banjo and Her Search for Truth

Alana D. Sherrill, Johnson & Wales University - Charlotte

Romancing the Folk in the Age of Hip Hop Wars: A Look at the Divergent Historical Narratives of Appalachian Folk and Gangsta Rap

Carson Benn, University of Kentucky

ROOTS WITH WINGS: Building Technology & Communication Skills and Fostering Resiliency with Youth in Floyd County, Virginia

Theresa L. Burriss, Radford University
Caroline Leggett, Radford University
Bianca Dickerson, Radford University
Victoria Curtis, Radford University
Kasey Campbell, Radford University

Rural Appalachian Foodways from Then to Now: Using Traditional Foods to Enhance Dietetic Practice

Sarah Visocky Ms., Appalachian State University

Safe, Free and LGBT: Legal Issues Facing LGBT West Virginian’s

Jennifer Meinig, ACLU of West Virginia
Delegate Stephen Skinner, WV House of Delegates
Jill Rice, Dinsmore & Shohl

See You At The Fair! : The Impact of a Decade of West Virginia and Regional History Center Archival Community Outreach Exhibits at West Virginia Fairs and Festivals

Anna M. Schein, West Virginia University

Selling the Fast Life: New Discourses of Food in Postwar America

Nyoka Hawkins, Old Cove Press
Kate Black, Author: 'Row by Row'
Pam Oldfield Meade, Independent Artist

"Setting the Record Straight: Confronting Stereotypes in Historical Appalachian Recordings"

Ted Olson, East Tennessee State University
Jeff Todd Titon, East Tennessee State University
Lee Bidgood, East Tennessee State University

Shared Histories and Expertial Challenges for Pennsylvania's Female Farmers

Dianna Clemens-Heim Ms., Wilson College

SkyTruth: An Envronmental Watchdog for the World

Teri Biebel, SkyTruth

“Sounds that Echo”: Emma Bell Miles’ Changing Soundscape of Walden’s Ridge, Tennessee 1900-1919

Joseph E. Decosimo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Strange as this Weather Has Been: Appalachian Storytelling as Regional Re-staging

Tijah Bumgarner, Ohio University - Main Campus

Substance Abuse and the Family: Intervention in Rural Appalachia

Shelby H. McGuire Mrs., Marshall University

SWOC and the Portsmouth Steel Strike of 1936: Revising Pubic History in the Digital Age

Andrew Feight, Shawnee State University
Lou Martin, Chatham University
Wilma Lee Steele, West Virginia Mine Wars Museum
Catherine Moore, Beauty Mountain Studio

“Termites in the Temple”: Working-Class Faith and Spectacle in Postwar Appalachia

Tom Kiffmeyer, Morehead State University
Ken Fones-wolf, West Virginia University
John Hennen, Morehead State University
Jinny Turman, University of Nebraska-Kearney

Terry Kay’s The Year the Lights Came On: An Appalachian Huckleberry Finn

Josh Riese, Shepherd University

The Archive of Traditional Appalachian Speech and Culture

Michael Montgomery, University of South Carolina - Columbia
Paul E. Reed, University of South Carolina - Columbia
Bridget Anderson, Old Dominion University
Judy B. Bernstein, William Paterson University

The Berlin Summer of Thomas Wolfe: A Southern Mountaineer Author's Bizarre Sojourn in Nazi Germany, As Recounted in _You Can't Go Home Again_

Paul Haspel, Central Carolina Community College

The Brahmin in Appalachia: Allen Ginsberg's 1967 Visit to East Tennessee State University

Scott R. Honeycutt, East Tennessee State University

The Catawba Cycle: Manly Wade Wellman's Revolutionary War Fiction

Ron R. Roach, East Tennessee State University

The CAVE : A Room with a View of Academic Success and More

Julia A. Lewis, Blue Ridge Community College

The Cornbread Project: An Introduction to Field Research and Foodways

Susan L. F. Isaacs, UnionCollege

The Evolution of Appalachian Culture: Traditional values, cultural influences, and mainstream America.

Crystal Trout, Ohio University - Main Campus
Gerard Grigsby, Ohio University - Main Campus
Jamie Linscott
Chrs Linscott, Ohio University - Main Campus

The Execution of Martin Moore: Racial Injustice in the 1930s U.S. Justice System

Anne Chesky Smith, University of Georgia

The Fiction of Emma Bell Miles: A Crusade for Mountain Women's Rights

Grace Toney Edwards, Radford University

The Finley County Record: A Reading by Gurney Norman

Gurney Norman, University of Kentucky
Carrie Mullins, Author, Marie
Pam Oldfield Meade, Featured Artist: The Things We See

The German Operatic Tradition and Ron Rash's The Cove

David M. Powell, Union College - Barbourville

The Influence of Local Spatial Stratification on Poverty in Appalachia

Pierce Greenberg, Washington State University

The inseparable braid: Education, Health, and Economic Development

Dave Nutter, Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association
Shannon Blevins, UVa Wise
Beth O'Conno, Virginia Tech
Wendy Welch, UVA Wise

The Isolation Factor

Kevin Oshnock

The Maternal Infant Health Outreach Worker Program Final Report: A Multi Method Randomized Control Trial Program Evaluation in Rural West Virginia

Marty Amerikaner, Marshall University
LInda Spatig, Marshall University
Chris LeGrow, Marshall University
Stephen O'Keefe, Marshall University
Debra Lockwood, Marshall University
Kathy Bialk, Marshall University
Kelli Kerbawy, Marshall University
Amy Carlson, Marshall University

The Memo: A Second Look at the Causes of the Number 9 Explosion of November 1968 in Mannington and a reopening of the case after nearly a half century

Michael Kline, independent folklorist
Wess Harris, Appalachian Community Services, Inc.
Brandon Nida, University of Baltimore
Jack Wright, Ohio University

The Myth of Obsolescence: Writing Appalachia as Relic Culture

Janet Feight, Shawnee State University

The Pennsylvania Highlands: Is It Appalachia?

Paul J. Zbiek, King's College - Wilkes Barre


Uliana Budnyk, Precarpathian National University
Mariia Dovbenko, Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev
Nazar Okliievych, Precarpathian National University

The Power+ Plan and citizen’s movement for just transition in Appalachia and beyond

Betsy Taylor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dwight Billings, University of Kentucky
Eric Dixon, Appalachian Citizens Law Center
Gabby Gillespie, Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards
Mary Anne Hitt, Sierra Club
Bill Price, Sierra Club
Adam Wells, Appalachian Voices
Jeremy Richardson, Union of Concerned Scientists
Mary Hufford, Virginia Tech
Adam Hughes, Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowerment

The Price of Honor: Confederate Veterans’ Dilemma in the Gilded Age, Charleston, West Virginia

Seth A. Nichols, Marshall University

The Regional Wine Trail: Identity Rhetorics and New Appalachian Landscapes

Jessie B. Blackburn, Appalachian State University

The Reproduction of Artists in Fred Chappell's I Am One of You Forever

Beth K. Miller, East Tennessee State University

The Rhetoric of Coal Bumper Stickers in Southwest Virginia

Tessa McCoy-Hall, University of Virginia's College at Wise

The Role of Men in Appalachia According to “Fair and Tender Ladies”

Jean M. Tweedy, Liberty University

The Sound Under the Mountain: Place and Politics in Appalachian Outsider Music

marc faris, East Carolina University

The Sunrise Review: Music, Goodness and the Environment

Graham Smith-White, Sunrise Review

The Traditions and Beliefs of Highlanders as a Means of Self-Identity and Ethnos Preserving

Jaroslav Nykorak, Precarpathian University
Oleg Budnyk, Precarpathian University
Vasyl Karabinovych, Precarpathian University
Mykola Popiuk, Precarpathian University

These Stories Sustain Me: Traditional Narratives and the Affirmation of Folk Metaphysics

Edward L. Karshner, Robert Morris University

Third Grade Readers in the Appalachian Region 1900-1930: An Analysis of Content, Characters, Settings and Authors

Douglas Sturgeon, Shawnee State University
Brandon Hall, Shawnee State University

Thirty-Three years of the Appalachian Events Committee

Sarah Sheppard, Radford University
Lindsay Thompson, Radford University
Alyssa Porterfield, Radford University
Maggie Blankenship, Radford University
Caroline Leggett, Radford University
Chris Wilson, Radford University

This AppalAsian Life: Poems by Lisa Kwong

Lisa Kwong, Indiana University - Bloomington

“This Is [Not] Our Land”: Settler Colonial Commoning, Self-Indigenization, and the Bowl with One Spoon

Stephen Pearson, Shawnee State University

Thoughts on Education from John C. and Olive Dame Campbell

Philis Alvic, Independent Scholar & Artist
Penny Messinger, Daemen College
Joy Gritton, Morehead State University

"Ticket to a Better Life": Narratives of Heritage and Assimilation in Urban Appalachia

Melissa P. Wiser, University of Kentucky

Title: Ridge-running in Composition: Navigating the Instruction of Standard English without Devaluing Regional Dialect

Amanda Rachelle Warren, University of South Carolina - Aiken

Trains Bring Commerce and Tourism to the Appalachian Mountains

Les Reker, Rural Heritage Museum, Mars Hill University
Ray Rapp, Mars Hill University

Traveling The Dark, Lovely Places: A New Appalachia in Words and Music

Silas D. House, Berea College
Karen McElmurray, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Sam Gleaves, Berea College

Truman Gates and the Transformation of Otherness in the film, Next of Kin

Roger Guy, University of North Carolina at Pembroke

UK Tomorrow Corps

J. Shane Barton, University of Kentucky
Rachel Herrington, University of Kentucky
Chelsea G. Adams, University of Kentucky
Gabby Davis, University of Kentucky
Bethany Williams, University of Kentucky

Unifying the Diverse ‘Highlanders’ in Ron Rash’s Serena

Erin Presley, Eastern Kentucky University

Uniting Appalachia’s New Image of Local Use and Beauty with its Dark Extractive Past

Nicholas J. Rose, Oklahoma State University - Main Campus
Ladan Ghahramani, North Carolina State University at Raleigh

Untold Stories from Rowan County: The Long Road to Marriage Equality

Ann M. Andaloro Dr., Morehead State University

“Vine in Silas House’s A Parchment of Leaves: An Eco-Feminist Interpretation”

Sylvia B. Shurbutt, Shepherd University

Vocalizing Appalachia on Reality TV

Kimberly G. Reigle, Mars Hill University

Voices from Appalachia: Oral History as Community Visioning

Meredith McCool, University of Virginia - Main Campus
Tessa McCoy-Hall, University of Virginia's College at Wise

Voices from the Appalachian Coalfields

Larry R. Smith Dr., Bottom Dog Press
Ruth Yarrow, research and educator
Douglas Yarrow, educator and photographer
Sherry Cook Stanforth

"Voices from the Past, vis a vis Ranciere: Who we Were, Who we Are"

Glenna H. Graves, Lindsey Wilson College

Voices of Future Teachers: Perceptions of Appalachian Students

MIchael Edward Hess, Ohio University - Main Campus
Tiffany G. Arnold, Ohio University - Main Campus
Connor J. Fewell, Ohio University - Main Campus
Tracy B. Kondrit, Ohio University - Main Campus
Amie E. Musselman, Ohio University - Main Campus
Meredith Anne Post, Ohio University - Main Campus
Steven Phillip Yeager, Ohio University - Main Campus

Vowels in West Virginia: Shifting Identity through Vowel Space

Kirk Hazen, West Virginia University
Emily Vandevender, West Virginia University
Savanah Alberts, West Virginia University
Christine Odom, West Virginia University
Kat Licause, West Virginia University
Kirk Hazen

Watermelon Park: History and Stories

Skye McFarland, Chester Inn State Historical Site
Ian Watkins, Maine Humanities Council
Brittany Hicks, Augusta Heritage Center
Willard Watson III, Appalachian State University
Jordan Laney, Virginia Tech

We Are... LGBT: Assessing Campus Climate for LGBT People

Casie J. McGee, Marshall University

West Virginia master musician, Franklin George

Aisha S. Ivey, Florida State University

“We’re doing what we can”: Diverse voices aligning against substance abuse in Appalachian Kentucky

Lesly-Marie Buer, University of Kentucky

What is our fracking identity? Northern Appalachia in a New Era of Resource Extraction

Sandra Barney, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Robert Sandow, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Julia Spicher Kasdorf

Where's Ms. Carson?: Ecofeminism and Appalachia

Kathy H. Olson Ms., Lees-McRae College

Will the Circle Be Unbroken: Creating Family Music Traditions in Southern West Virginia

Dana Stoker Cochran, Radford University

Women of Appalachia Effecting Change: A Look at Fictional and Non-fictional Portrayals

Pam Andrews Hanson, University of Nebraska at Kearney

YALL Profesional Advancement Panel

Jana K. Teal Ms., North Georgia College & State University

Zero to 100: A Foster Family's Initiation

Susan C. Weinberg, Appalachian State University
Jacob F. Hoke, Parkway School, Deep Gap, NC
Pamela C. Twiss, California University of Pennsylvania
Sandra L. Ballard, Appalachian State University