Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Terry Kay’s The Year the Lights Came On: An Appalachian Huckleberry Finn

Participation Type


Presentation #1 Title

Terry Kay’s The Year the Lights Came On: An Appalachian Huckleberry Finn

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Terry Kay's The Year the Lights Came On launched his career as a novelist and storyteller after a successful career in journalism. The book is in many ways an Appalachian version of Mark Twain's Huck Finn, its structure picaresque and its tone and style similar to Twain's landmark tale.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Shepherd Graduate Student.

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Terry Kay’s The Year the Lights Came On: An Appalachian Huckleberry Finn

Terry Kay's The Year the Lights Came On launched his career as a novelist and storyteller after a successful career in journalism. The book is in many ways an Appalachian version of Mark Twain's Huck Finn, its structure picaresque and its tone and style similar to Twain's landmark tale.