Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: The Traditions and Beliefs of Highlanders as a Means of Self-Identity and Ethnos Preserving

Participation Type


Session Title

Carpathians – Appalachia: Preserving Historic and Cultural Heritage of the Carpathians

Session Abstract or Summary

The session deals with the issues of the project “Sustainable Development of Highland Regions and the Carpathian Experience” in order to implement the resolution of the Council of Europe. Strategies of local communities targeted at supporting and preserving cultural heritage and local traditions, making and selling of arts and crafts are analyzed in the above session. Special focus is made on preserving traditional local highland architecture, peculiarities of sustainable land use and environmental programs.

The presentations within the above session deal with highlanders’ religious traditions and believes as means of their self-identity; influence of folk applied arts and architecture on younger generation; hutsulian family and marriage relations etc.

All presentations will be in power point accompanied by images and short videos enabling the conference participants and quests to see “multi angle palette” of the unique Ukrainian Highland heritage. A lot of informational brochures, books and photo albums illustrating the diversity of highlander’s style of everyday life will be presented at the session.

Presenters will use analytic and statistic data of different researches, official documents and materials of Ukrainian legislation and international collaboration agreements between the countries of the Carpathian Region. The Carpathian Region is one of the largest European highland regions with more than 20 million residents, home to more than one third of continent flora species, plays an important cultural and economic role and substantially influences on the formation of interpersonal relations between numerous ethnic groups and nationalities. At the end of the above session all participants and guests will receive traditional Carpathian souvenirs, including items made of wood, wool and leather.

Presentation #1 Title

The Traditions and Beliefs of Highlanders as a Means of Self-Identity and Ethnos Preserving

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

To trace the impact of natural landscapes on the spiritual and biological aspects of human existence (its vitality), we have selected the mountain population of Ukrainian Carpathians - people living in that part of the region which remained the least mastered in industrial and recreational aspects; it has poorly developed social, transport and communication infrastructure. However, in the Ukrainian Carpathians ethnic identity of the population is preserved at its best, increasingly due to their living “face-to-face” with nature. Social economic depression in the region in the last decade has not prevented a marked revival of spiritual and cultural life of the hutsuls, boykos, and lemkos, which is manifested in organizing of their annual festivals and folk festivals, rising of religious life, creation and implementation of Ukrainian regional educational programs. The aim of our research is the influence detection of highlanders’ traditions and beliefs on the formation and preservation of their identity as a distinct integral ethnic group. Mountain landscapes, distinctive territories, distance from civilizations contribute to the preservation of ancient traditions, customs and beliefs in mountain territorial group of people. During the study we describe the influence of mountain landscapes on the spiritual and emotional sphere of inhabitants in mountainous areas; we also find the entry levels of mountaineers in a difficult environment of their residence. The powerful tectonic energy of mountains, transformed into the energy embodied in relief and some picks, diversity and dynamics of natural processes that take place in the mountains are a high energy charge for the human psyche. Long residence in the mountain areas gives the highlanders appropriate emotions, and due to the constant contact it forms respective traditions, customs and beliefs. These features can be seen as highlanders’ adaptation to the mountain environment that helps them to survive in difficult conditions. The natural peculiarities of the landscapes for the highlanders are the most important features of their land identification. The diversity of mountain environment and the deep attachment of the highlanders to it is a fertile source of positive emotions and vitality - psychological energy, which is manifested in their social and cultural lives. Following those common traditions is a favorable psychological climate for highlander’s existence that is good at adapting to a changing urban environment.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Deputy Director for Education at Ivano-Frankivsk College, Precarpathian National University

Teacher at the Department of Computer Science, Precarpathian National University

Jaroslav Nykorak is a technical editor of the special pedagogical journal "Highland School of Ukrainian Carpathians". He has developed the structure and design of the college websites ( and International scientific project "Mountain School of Ukrainian Carpathians» (; he also supports their functioning.

The interests within the research are the study of Ukrainians’ self-identity, the inhabitants of the Carpathian region, and the problem of implementation of distance education in the Carpathian region.

Presentation #2 Title


Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

Great influence on the formation of national architecture, type of housing buildings, and their location have natural circumstances. Each landscape has its own models of national dwelling. That is why wooden houses have been built in the Ukrainian forest areas.

According to the purpose, national architecture of mountainous area is divided into housing, economic and clerical (churches, steeples, temples). Public and industrial buildings, in particular wind-driven generator, watermills, etc., are taken separately.

Architecture of the Ukrainian Carpathians is divided into Boikivshchyna, Lemkivshchyna, Hutsulshchyna and Transcarpathian Region. Mountainous region is characterized by great variety of constructive and artistic features. That is why each region has its own features that are revealed in the presentation.

For instance, in Boikivshchyna popular are high and steep roofs that have artistically decorated galleries (annexes at the walls) which contrast with surroundings – mills, churches and other buildings. The buildings are put up with fir. In lemkivsky dwelling architecture is exceedingly strict and reserved. An interesting and peculiar element here is traditional “kvit” that is drawn on the doors. Herewith each branch of such a “life tree” symbolizes the birth of a child. Thus, one of the most interesting ethnographical regions of the Carpathian zone is undoubtedly Hutsulshchyna. The dwelling of this region is featured by small sizes. Especially original is the complex of buildings that are traditionally called “closed yard” or “hrazhda”. They are small fortresses that are rather convenient for the forest circumstances. The dwelling with economic buildings was put up in the form of the closed yard. It was very difficult for the predators and thieves to get inside of it as it was surrounded by solid defensive square. Almost every hutsul house looks like a peculiar artistic center. This is because the region is rich in national masters – wood-carvers, carpet-makers, potters etc. The development of these handicrafts was reflected on the interior of hutsul dwelling.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Graduated from State University „Lviv Polytechnic“, major “Industrial and Civil Building” (1994) and Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, major “Psychology” (2013).

In the professional activity pays great attention to the youth who live in the mountainous areas of Ukraine. In the lyceum teaches subjects for future workers of building occupations (decorators, plasterers, sanitary technicians).

Hobbies: building, fishing, tourism.

Presentation #3 Title

Features of Marriage and Family Relations of Ethnic Group of Ukrainian Carpathians - Hutsuls

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

Today's world entered a new stage of development of ethnography, which is marked by increased attention to the spiritual culture of the peoples and ethnic groups. Interest for ethnographic research is the analysis of distinctive local characteristics of the sub-ethnoses inhabitants of the Carpathian region of Ukraine, people called Hutsuls.

It is the study of relationships in Hutsul family, family features, calendar of rituals in the context of Ukrainian culture. The author proves that the quality and efficiency of solving certain problems of cultural anthropology and history not only in Ukraine but also in other world's ethnic groups depends on the results of studies like that.

In this paper, the author examines in detail two historical forms of Hutsul family: prevailing had the rudiments of a large family, which retained some patriarchal traits. Attitude to some form is very important for the family. Marriage in Hutsulia was arranged by parents. They agreed on the basis of the agreement of marriage contract, which regulated the ownership rights of the future husband and wife. Ownership of dowry had its own specific features in each of the localities of Hutsul.

The author analyzes the specific characterictics of family rituals and customary law that even today govern and regulate family everyday life: property and moral relationships. In addition, analysis of marital and family relationships let trace gender motives, reveal ethnopedagogical important mechanisms, determine their impact on humanistic and democratic values of Ukrainians.

The paper classified some aspects of customary law of Hutsuls from Ukrainian Carpathians. The author reveals the influence of folk traditions on inheritance, gift, transfer of heritage features, community impact on interfamilial relations of hutsuls.

In most cases it was the heiress who disposed of the property, also her husband, father -in -law, and in large families - other relatives of the husband.

This exploration takes interest not only to a narrow circle of researchers but also for all who are interested in ethnography of mountain terrain.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

In 2014 he graduated from Law Department of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (qualification "Lawyer, Master in Law. Lecturer in Law").

From 1.Sep.2014 - Law lecturer at Ivano-Frankivsk College of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Author of international publications, research projects of civil law, family law, conferences attendant.

Participant of the International project "Research of corporate relations in Ukraine: the phenomenon Raiding and Greenmail" (Poland, 2013), Ukrainian-American Conference "Carpathian Mountains, Appalachian Mountains" (2013).

Participant of the 37'th Annual Appalachian Studies Conference, in March 28-30, 2014, with the report, "Mountain Schools in the Ukainian Carpalhians: Legislative History and Current Status".

Presentation #4 Title

Influence of Carpathian Folk Applied Art on Students’ Personality Development

Presentation #4 Abstract or Summary

The power point presentation will deal with folk applied art of the Carpathian highlanders and its influence on school students’ personality development. Our research shows that students are highly motivated when their instructors use folk art for learning purposes. This can be explained by the fact that elements of folk applied art are present in clothes of indigenous residents of the Carpathians. Highlanders still wear national clothes on Easter, Christmas, St. Peter and Paul’s Day, and other holidays and dress their children in traditional national clothes. That is why when a teacher demonstrates at class examples of local applied folk art his or her students are highly motivated and participate in discussions.

A part of the presentation will be focused on use of local artists’ works for educational purposes in elementary school.

In the presentation we will also highlight the issues of affecting pupils’ personality development through Carpathian highlanders’ folk songs.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #4

Lecturer at Precarpathian National University; research in Carpathian highlanders' arts and crafts, folk customs and traditions.

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The Traditions and Beliefs of Highlanders as a Means of Self-Identity and Ethnos Preserving

To trace the impact of natural landscapes on the spiritual and biological aspects of human existence (its vitality), we have selected the mountain population of Ukrainian Carpathians - people living in that part of the region which remained the least mastered in industrial and recreational aspects; it has poorly developed social, transport and communication infrastructure. However, in the Ukrainian Carpathians ethnic identity of the population is preserved at its best, increasingly due to their living “face-to-face” with nature. Social economic depression in the region in the last decade has not prevented a marked revival of spiritual and cultural life of the hutsuls, boykos, and lemkos, which is manifested in organizing of their annual festivals and folk festivals, rising of religious life, creation and implementation of Ukrainian regional educational programs. The aim of our research is the influence detection of highlanders’ traditions and beliefs on the formation and preservation of their identity as a distinct integral ethnic group. Mountain landscapes, distinctive territories, distance from civilizations contribute to the preservation of ancient traditions, customs and beliefs in mountain territorial group of people. During the study we describe the influence of mountain landscapes on the spiritual and emotional sphere of inhabitants in mountainous areas; we also find the entry levels of mountaineers in a difficult environment of their residence. The powerful tectonic energy of mountains, transformed into the energy embodied in relief and some picks, diversity and dynamics of natural processes that take place in the mountains are a high energy charge for the human psyche. Long residence in the mountain areas gives the highlanders appropriate emotions, and due to the constant contact it forms respective traditions, customs and beliefs. These features can be seen as highlanders’ adaptation to the mountain environment that helps them to survive in difficult conditions. The natural peculiarities of the landscapes for the highlanders are the most important features of their land identification. The diversity of mountain environment and the deep attachment of the highlanders to it is a fertile source of positive emotions and vitality - psychological energy, which is manifested in their social and cultural lives. Following those common traditions is a favorable psychological climate for highlander’s existence that is good at adapting to a changing urban environment.