Participation Type


Session Title

Carpathians-Appalachia: Influence of Globalization Processes on the Development of International Tourism in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Session Abstract or Summary

The session deals with the issues of international tourism development as one of the most mass and efficient types of social culture. In the age of globalization with disappearance of borders, active migration processes, economic integration it is important to provide sufficient cooperation between national cultures, their interpenetration and extension. International tourism has enormous possibilities for popularization of traditions, rites, and folk customs.

The above session will deal with the perspectives of tourism industry development in the Ukrainian Carpathians, in particular international youth tourism. One of the presentations “Traditional and Modern Youth Interests in Highland Area of the Ukrainian Carpathians” will focus on the issues of both preserving highlanders’ way of life and youth’s interpretation of modern standards of life.

The presenters of the above session are students from Precarpathian National Vasyl Stefanyk University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) and Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Students’ understanding of international tourism development in the age of globalization and challenges can be very interesting and important as it represents youth interests and understanding of the future.

The power point presentations will be accompanied by short documentaries, diagrams, statistical and analytical data. At the end of the above session all participants and guests will receive traditional Carpathian souvenirs handmade by students of Precarpathian National University who major in arts and crafts.

Presentation #1 Title


Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Taking into consideration generally recognized opportunities of tourism development that are caused by unique natural, historical and cultural, ethnographical peculiarities, the perspective of the development of tourism industry in the Ukrainian Carpathians is traced. The essence and functions of nostalgic tourism (cultural, ecological, economical, educational, political, social) are determined in the speech. The motivation of performing nostalgic trips to Ukraine is based on tourists’ necessity to visit the places of their historical dwelling, origin of their ancestors, to get deeper knowledge of cultural traditions of native land, to get in touch with compatriots and relatives, etc. The author puts an accent on the necessity of realization of a chain of actions concerning increasing the number of tourist streams to Ivano-Frankivsk region, the assistance of Ukrainian diaspora’s of USA representatives in the development of excursive nostalgic routs to Precarpathia. Perspective for the Ukrainian Carpathians is rural green tourism as the form of small business that gives the opportunity to solve the problem concerning the employment of rural citizens, to use natural, cultural and historical potential of villages in the mountainous area better. Rural rest especially attracts the citizens of “megacities” to understand authentic national traditions.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

4th year student at the Institute of Tourism, Precarpathian National University

Major - Tourism

Studied at Immaculate Conception Catholic School (Warren, Michigan) for 6 months (2007). Was a laureate of All-Ukrainian Competition of Compositions “I am Proud to be a Ukrainian” (2011).

Graduated from Ivano-Frankivsk State College of Technologies and Business, major - “Tourism Service” (Ukraine, 2014).

Took active part in International sport competition “Family Union” (Poland, 2015). Is working on the student research work in the sphere of international tourism development.

Presentation #2 Title

International Youth Highland Tourism in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Development Prospects

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

The presentation deals with tourism recreational potential of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Special accent will be made on development prospects of international youth highland tourism.

The Ukrainian Carpathian region is unique in terms of its geographical location in the Center of Europe. It lies on the crossing of tourist routes of the following European Union Countries: Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland. The Carpathians can become “headquarters” of students’ international connections, youth and sports clubs, and international business which will contribute to the growth of business tourism.

The latest research predicts in the near future a boost in youth tourism. The presentation analyzes the increase of young travelers in comparison to elderly people. Youth connections between some Ukrainian and European universities enable to hold workshops and conferences concerning the development of new perspective types of highland tourism. The presentation explains the importance of alpine skiing, mountain climbing, rafting etc. for youth.

The implementation of different types of youth tourism plays a key role in promoting international tourism in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The above types may include leisure tourism, entertainment, conferences, conventions, exhibitions, religious, health and fitness.

The presenter is going to provide analytical data about the present situation and prospects of international youth tourism in the Carpathians. The power point presentation will be accompanied by scientific literature and brochures.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Third-year student at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

In 2012 awarded silver medal for achievements in philosophy by the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Author of four research articles published in Ukrainian accredited research journals

Leader of the academic group, member of Students Council

Educational training in Germany (2015)

Presentation #3 Title

Traditional and Modern Youth Interests in Highland Area of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

The peculiarities of traditional hobbies of young people in mountain areas of Ukraine are revealed in the speech (picking mushrooms, berries, hiking, carvings, clothes embroidery, basket weaving, fishing, rafting on the turbulent mountain rivers, folk music, etc.). The influence of contemporary socio-cultural situation to change of these preferences: ATV riding, skateboarding, snowboarding, graffiti, horse riding, rafting, art photography (including selfie), ski and bicycle tourism, Street dance, foreign music, communication in virtual space, picture embroidery, etc. are shown.

The accent is put on the necessity to popularize the traditional and contemporary hobbies of young people in the Carpathian region to develop a strategy of its evolution, preservation of the authenticity of this territory.

In modern circumstances of urbanization most young people who gain the profession stay in cities or work abroad. The reason is that in mountainous villages of the Ukrainian Carpathians is often low level of infrastructure development, unemployment, absence of decent opportunities for leisure and the development of modern youth hobbies. That is why the perspective for the development of mountainous region of Ukraine is making opportunities for youth employment in traditional branches of industry, development of small and medium business, active rest, spiritual and moral self-improvement.

Often youth hobbies become an occupation, particularly in tourism sphere (horse riding, skiing, ATV riding, rafting, taking photos, etc.). Along with the development of international tourism, these interests can be combined in animated activity with foreign language studying. It is relevant that young people after graduating come back to work in native places. It would facilitate sustainable development of the Ukrainian Carpathians and keeping national customs and traditions.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

postgraduate student at the Institute of Tourism, Precarpathian National University

major - Tourism

Bachelor's Degree in hotel and restaurant business, Precarpathian National University (2014)

Graduated from Ivano-Frankivsk State College of Technologies and Business, major - Hotel and Restaurant Business (2012)

Worked as ski instructor in ski resort Bukovel in 2012-2013. At present is working on master theses on the problem of ancient Halych history (Ivano-Frankivsk region)

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Taking into consideration generally recognized opportunities of tourism development that are caused by unique natural, historical and cultural, ethnographical peculiarities, the perspective of the development of tourism industry in the Ukrainian Carpathians is traced. The essence and functions of nostalgic tourism (cultural, ecological, economical, educational, political, social) are determined in the speech. The motivation of performing nostalgic trips to Ukraine is based on tourists’ necessity to visit the places of their historical dwelling, origin of their ancestors, to get deeper knowledge of cultural traditions of native land, to get in touch with compatriots and relatives, etc. The author puts an accent on the necessity of realization of a chain of actions concerning increasing the number of tourist streams to Ivano-Frankivsk region, the assistance of Ukrainian diaspora’s of USA representatives in the development of excursive nostalgic routs to Precarpathia. Perspective for the Ukrainian Carpathians is rural green tourism as the form of small business that gives the opportunity to solve the problem concerning the employment of rural citizens, to use natural, cultural and historical potential of villages in the mountainous area better. Rural rest especially attracts the citizens of “megacities” to understand authentic national traditions.