Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Espiritualidad, Sostenibilidad y Comunidad: The Latino-Appalachian Connection at Narrow Ridge

Participation Type


Presentation #1 Title

Espiritualidad, Sostenibilidad y Comunidad: The Latino-Appalachian Connection at Narrow Ridge

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

This paper examines the programs and accomplishments of Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center in east Tennessee. In 2016, we are celebrating our 25th year of providing programs in experiential learning for university students based on the cornerstones of community, sustainability and spirituality. We seek to provide education and leadership by example in creating alternatives to the present society and culture. Throughout our history we have benefited from partnerships with Miami-Dade College in south Florida that primarily serves students of Latino heritage, along with regional colleges and universities that primarily serve students from Appalachia. This mix has provided an invaluable cross-cultural resource to pursue our mission and vision, which is one of justice for all that makes up Earth and sustainability in the way we live our lives and the institutions and technologies we create.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Guy Larry Osborne, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, at Carson-Newman University. He serves on the board of Narrow Ridge, is a lease-holder of one of the tracts of rural land whose title is held by Narrow Ridge, and co-teaches a course he developed in eco-psychology that involves taking students to Narrow Ridge for an Earth literacy immersion experience.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Beth Vanlandingham, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of History at Carson-Newman University. She is serving as chair of the board of directors at Narrow Ridge and co-teaches the course in eco-psychology that involves taking students to Narrow Ridge for an Earth literacy immersion experience.

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Espiritualidad, Sostenibilidad y Comunidad: The Latino-Appalachian Connection at Narrow Ridge

This paper examines the programs and accomplishments of Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center in east Tennessee. In 2016, we are celebrating our 25th year of providing programs in experiential learning for university students based on the cornerstones of community, sustainability and spirituality. We seek to provide education and leadership by example in creating alternatives to the present society and culture. Throughout our history we have benefited from partnerships with Miami-Dade College in south Florida that primarily serves students of Latino heritage, along with regional colleges and universities that primarily serve students from Appalachia. This mix has provided an invaluable cross-cultural resource to pursue our mission and vision, which is one of justice for all that makes up Earth and sustainability in the way we live our lives and the institutions and technologies we create.