Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: SkyTruth: An Envronmental Watchdog for the World

Participation Type


Session Title

SkyTruth: An Envronmental Watchdog for the World

Session Abstract or Summary

SkyTruth: An Envronmental Watchdog for the World

About the Presenter

Teri Biebel, SkyTruthFollow

Presentation #1 Title

SkyTruth: An Envronmental Watchdog for the World

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

SkyTruth: An Envronmental Watchdog for the World

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

John Amos is an expert in the use of satellite images and other remote sensing data to understand and communicate local, regional and global environmental issues. Educated as a geologist at Cornell University (BS) and the University of Wyoming (MS), he spent 10 years applying image processing, image analysis, and digital mapping techniques to conduct environmental, exploration and resource assessment studies for the energy and mining industries and government entities. In 2001 he founded SkyTruth, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to strengthening environmental conservation by illuminating environmental problems and issues through the use of satellite images, aerial photographs, and other kinds of remote sensing and digital mapping. As President, he directs day-to-day operations, builds partnerships, and develops and manages projects and programs. SkyTruth’s work during the BP / Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico revealed that the spill was far bigger than government and industry officials were claiming and generated international media attention. John and his wife Amy, a writer and environmental policy expert, live in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.

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SkyTruth: An Envronmental Watchdog for the World

SkyTruth: An Envronmental Watchdog for the World