Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: This AppalAsian Life: Poems by Lisa Kwong

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Presentation #1 Title

This AppalAsian Life: Poems by Lisa Kwong

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

A native of Radford, Virginia, LIsa Kwong will read poems that explore growing up Chinese American in Appalachia and also discuss how she came to claim her AppalAsian identity. Her poems juxtapose Chinese, Southern, and Appalachian cultures and address themes of love, family, race, gender, and body image.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Lisa Kwong currently teaches Asian American Studies and English at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Her poems and personal essays have appeared in Best New Poets 2014, Naugatuck River Review, Banango Street, Appalachian Heritage, Pluck! Journal of Affrilachian Arts & Culture, The Sleuth, Rebelle Society, and other journals.

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This AppalAsian Life: Poems by Lisa Kwong

A native of Radford, Virginia, LIsa Kwong will read poems that explore growing up Chinese American in Appalachia and also discuss how she came to claim her AppalAsian identity. Her poems juxtapose Chinese, Southern, and Appalachian cultures and address themes of love, family, race, gender, and body image.