Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Traditional and Modern Youth Interests in Mountain Area of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Mode of Program Participation

Academic Scholarship

Participation Type


Session Title

Extreme Carpathians: Overcoming Social and Economic Problems

Session Abstract or Summary

The session deals with the issues of overcoming social and economic problems in the Carpathians. The first presentation will focus on youth social problems, and how the highland circumstances influence young people’s interests and hobbies. We will also show a strategy of preservation of the authenticity of this territory. In modern circumstances of urbanization most young people prefer to move to cities or go abroad. The reason is that mountainous villages of the Ukrainian Carpathians often have a low level of infrastructure development and a wide range of unemployment.

Due to the historical, geographical, ethnic characteristics the population in the mountain regions used to live in a relative isolation. They have not a tradition of mutual collective of communication. One of the ways to overcome this situation is the social revitalization of the population especially in school age.

The third presentation highlights the role of folk arts and crafts as an important factor in economic development of the above region.

The presentations will be in power point accompanied by images and diagrams for better understanding of the issues highlighted.

Presentation #1 Title

Traditional and Modern Youth Interests in Mountain Area of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

The paper presented aims at throwing the light upon geography, and ethno-cultural peculiarities of the Ukrainian Carpathians. We find significant to show the influence of these features on development of young people’s interests. With the paper we intend to popularize the traditional and contemporary hobbies of young people in the Carpathians. We will also show a strategy of preservation of the authenticity of this territory. Under present created economic circumstances young Ukrainians in mountain areas have such traditional hobbies as gathering mushrooms and berries, carvings, embroidery, basket weaving, fishing, mountain rivers rafting, folklore, etc. But contemporary socio-cultural factors often greatly influence their interests. Currently they give preferences to horse riding, skateboarding, snowboarding, graffiti, rafting, art photography, ski and bicycle tourism, street dance, foreign music, virtual communication, picture embroidery, etc. In modern circumstances of urbanization most young people prefer to move to cities or go abroad. The reason is that mountainous villages of the Ukrainian Carpathians often have a low level of infrastructure development and a wide range of unemployment. Absence of decent opportunities for leisure and hobbies development is the other reason for that. Thus, the perspective for development of mountainous region we see in creation of employment opportunities in traditional branches of industry, development of small and medium businesses, active rest, spiritual and moral self-improvement. Prospect for the development of depressed regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians is the expansion of infrastructure for extreme sports, entertainment and other interests for the youth as well. It will promote tourism, attract young people to do business and live in these regions. Alongside with the development of international tourism, young Ukrainians might take interests in animated activity with foreign language studying, storytelling. It would be natural that young people after graduating come back to work in native places. It would facilitate sustainable development of the Ukrainian Carpathians and keep national customs and traditions.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Deputy Director of Ivano-Frankivsk Professional Building Lyceum

Presentation #2 Title

Socio-Information Methods of Overcoming the Mental and Negative Stereotypes of Population in the Carpathian Region

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

Due to the historical, geographical, ethnic characteristics the population in the mountain regions used to live in a relative isolation. They have not a tradition of mutual collective of communication. Social part isolation has become a key stereotype in the behavior of inhabitants in these regions. Therefore, a radical change in the social and economic structure need to pay attention not to the physical infrastructure or other economic factors. The most important is to take into consideration the ideological and mental characteristics of the population. One of the ways to overcome this situation is the social revitalization of the population especially in school age. For example the activity of periodic competitions on the base of academic subjects from various schools and pupils of a given region. It will help to form close social relations of a younger generation and the development of prioritization of knowledge, education and professional competence.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Deputy Director of the Department of Pedagogy, Precarpathian National University

Presentation #3 Title

Folk Crafts as a Part of Sustainable Development of the Mountain Region

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

The presentation grounds the methodological and applied bases for sustainable development of rural territories as a component of state regulation of Ukraine's economy. Prospective directions for further research in the field of state regulation of socioconomic development of villages are determined.

The paper considers the folk applied art of Carpathian region. In particular, it highlights the role of folk arts and crafts as an important factor in economic development. Particular attention is paid to the protection and preservation of folk arts and crafts and their popularity as an important component of tourism development in the region. Brought the feasibility of production of folk crafts in the economy of Carpathian region Also was stated and the fact that folk arts and crafts in the 70-80s have become an important factor in the economic development of the Carpathian region (employment and higher earnings at the time). Found that since the economic downturn that began in the

90s of the twentieth century, the development of arts and crafts began to turn in the spontaneous way, so, cultural landscape of Carpathian region began to lose expressive ethnographic features. Also set that in modern economic and demographic conditions the ethnographic resources can really help small towns of Ukraine to survive, as they attract the domestic and foreign tourists by their ethnocultural specificity Provided a few fragments of socio-economic changes, radical changes of life, improvement of equipment and tools that will give opportunities for arts and crafts activities of different forms of ownership. In this case, the tourism industry, which directly depends on the presence of a full-fledged market of traditional products, will act more intense.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Master of economics, Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk. Ukraine

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Traditional and Modern Youth Interests in Mountain Area of the Ukrainian Carpathians

The paper presented aims at throwing the light upon geography, and ethno-cultural peculiarities of the Ukrainian Carpathians. We find significant to show the influence of these features on development of young people’s interests. With the paper we intend to popularize the traditional and contemporary hobbies of young people in the Carpathians. We will also show a strategy of preservation of the authenticity of this territory. Under present created economic circumstances young Ukrainians in mountain areas have such traditional hobbies as gathering mushrooms and berries, carvings, embroidery, basket weaving, fishing, mountain rivers rafting, folklore, etc. But contemporary socio-cultural factors often greatly influence their interests. Currently they give preferences to horse riding, skateboarding, snowboarding, graffiti, rafting, art photography, ski and bicycle tourism, street dance, foreign music, virtual communication, picture embroidery, etc. In modern circumstances of urbanization most young people prefer to move to cities or go abroad. The reason is that mountainous villages of the Ukrainian Carpathians often have a low level of infrastructure development and a wide range of unemployment. Absence of decent opportunities for leisure and hobbies development is the other reason for that. Thus, the perspective for development of mountainous region we see in creation of employment opportunities in traditional branches of industry, development of small and medium businesses, active rest, spiritual and moral self-improvement. Prospect for the development of depressed regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians is the expansion of infrastructure for extreme sports, entertainment and other interests for the youth as well. It will promote tourism, attract young people to do business and live in these regions. Alongside with the development of international tourism, young Ukrainians might take interests in animated activity with foreign language studying, storytelling. It would be natural that young people after graduating come back to work in native places. It would facilitate sustainable development of the Ukrainian Carpathians and keep national customs and traditions.