2017- Extreme Appalachia! | ASA Annual Conference

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Accepted Proposals

A Careful Resurrection: Depicting Beauty and Hardship in Appalachian Foodways

Erica Abrams Locklear, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Jessica Martell, Appalachian State University
Zackary Vernon, Appalachian State University
Jessie Blackburn, Appalachian State University

A Century Among the Pines: Forest Experiments in Western North Carolina

Savannah Paige Murray

A Colonial Imperative in Appalachia: Missionaries, Educators, and the Institutionalization of Inequality

Jacob L. Stump, DePaul University

A Current Overview of Fertility Rates in Appalachia

Annelise Hagedorn, Pennsylvania State University

A Data-Based Discriminant Model to Predict Educational Attainment in Central Appalachia

Rick Ferris, University of Charleston

A Different Type of Resilience: A Paradigm Shift for Small Post-Industrial Communities

Terri Lynn Wolfe, Miami University - Oxford

A Mountainoir: The Retrospective History of Country Noir and Frank Borzage’s 1948 Film Noir, Moonrise

Jacob K. Agner, University of Mississippi

A New Treasure: The James H. Montgomery Music Collection at Mars Hill University

Brandon J. Johnson, Mars Hill College
Ian Kirkpatrick, Mars Hill College

A Reading from Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel Volume 19: Appalachia Under Thirty

Pauletta Hansel, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative
Matt Prater, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
William S. Hanna, West Liberty University
Richard Childers, Berea College
MIndy Silvergarden
Omope Carter Daboiku, Homeside Ltd.
Joyce Compton Brown

A Spiritualist Confronts Calvinism: The Curious Case of Jonathan Koons

Sharon K. Hatfield

A Stilted Shift: The Southern Vowel Shift in Midland Appalachia

Kirk A. Hazen, West Virginia University
Olivia P. Grunau, West Virginia University
Krislin C. Nuzum, West Virginia University
Janelle P. Vickers, West Virginia University

Act of God or Act of Greed?

Nancy Tresch-Reneau, Marshall University

Addiction in Rural Central Appalachia: Utilizing Local Values to Consider Effective Treatment Avenues

Jamie Turner, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute
Lindsey Poe, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute
Lara Moody, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Emily Satterwhite PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Addressing Heirs Property in Appalachia

Jesse J. Richardson, West Virginia University

Affective Politics in Appalachia

Willard C. Watson III, Appalachian State University
Megan Osborne, Marshall University
Devon Johnson, Virginia Tech

Against "Cultural Competence" in Health Care: Foregrounding Relations of Power Over Cultural Particularity

Rebecca J. Hester, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

"Amongst the Ladies All": Gendered Violence in Appalachian Balladry

Benjamin Duvall-Irwin, Appalachian State University

An AppalAsian Finds Home

Lisa Kwong, Indiana University - Bloomington

An Overview of Non-timber Forest Products in Appalachia

Steve Kruger, Virginia Tech
Michelle Baumflek, Virginia Tech
Tyson Sampson, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
James L. Chamberlain, US Forest Service
Katie Trozzo, Virginia Tech
John F. Munsell, Virginia Tech
Holly K. Chittum


Patrick S. Parker, Appalachian State University

Appalachian Epic: John Ehle’s _The Land Breakers_ and the Diminishing Returns of Mountaineer Mythology

Ethan Mannon, Mars Hill University

Appalachian Roma: The Handprint of the Gypsy

Tracy Whitaker 6529315

Appalachian Studies Anachronisms: A Roundtable Discussion

Courtney A. Rhoades, East Tennessee State University
Michael J. Luchtan, East Tennessee State University
Ariel Hundley, East Tennessee State University
James Edgar, East Tennessee State University
Corbin Hayslett, East Tennessee State University
Austin Gregory, East Tennessee State University
Saro Lynch-Thomason, East Tennessee State University
Rebecca Proffitt, East Tennessee State University
Rachel Reichert, East Tennessee State University
Clinton Ross, East Tennessee State University
Ashley Smith, East Tennessee State University
Colleen Trenwith, East Tennessee State University

Appalachian Studies as Critical Pedagogy

Ashley Hopkins, University of Louisville

Appalachian Transition Fellowship: Investing in Emerging Leaders during Regional Transition

Kierra Sims, Highlander Research and Education Center
Elizabeth Wright, Highlander Research and Education Center

Arcadia: Creating Narrative Films from Our Surroundings

Andy J. Hall

Armenia to Appalachia: Tragedy, Rescue, Secrecy and Pride

John Nemeth, Education and Research Consulting
Grace Toney Edwards, Education and Research Consulting
Sigma Xi, The Scientifc Research HonorSociety


Susan Meacham, Via College of Osteopathic Medicine - Blacksburg
Mayra Rodriguez, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine - Auburn
Alexis Stoner, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine - Carolinas
Ken Schor, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine - Virginia

"Badass Nuns: Appalachian Women as the Hands and Feet of the Church"

Edward Sloane, Boston College
Michael Iafrate, Catholic Committee of Appalachia
Les Schmidt

Banning Fracking in Maryland: An Appalachian Case Study

Kathleen H. Powell, Frostburg State University
Ann Bristow, Savage River Watershed Association
Nina Forsythe, Citizen Shale

Between Goal Posts of Hope: The Role of an Integrated Football Team in Amicable School Desegregation in a West Virginia Coal Town

Michael N. Kline Dr., Talking Across the Lines

Beyond the Reading Room: Tours of Special Collections, Virginia Tech

Marc D. Brodsky, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Black Knoxville: At The Intersection of Race and Region

Enkeshi Thom, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

“Blood on the Snow”: Place, Politics, and Childhood Trauma in Contemporary Appalachian Fiction

Melissa P. Wiser, University of Kentucky

Bridging Learning and Practice with Community Partnerships in Civic Agriculture and Food Systems Curriculum

Susan Clark, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jenny Schwanke, Hale YMCA

Bringing it All Back Home

Karen S. McElmurray, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Danielle Kelly, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Mary Imo Stike, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Jessie van Eerden, West Virginia Wesleyan College

Building a Healthy Appalachian Economy from the Bottom Up

anthony j. flaccavento, unaffiliated

Building Community Capacity, One Garden at a Time: A Collaborative Evaluation of the Grow Appalachia Program

Elyzabeth W. Engle, The Pennsylvania State University
Candace Mullins, Grow Appalachia

Building Digital History: The Challenges and Rewards of Community Collaborations

Pam Mitchem, Appalachian State University
Maria N. Hale, Appalachian State University
Zach Kopkin, Appalachian State University
Ryan Ingerick, Appalachian State University

Building the evidence for successful Academic-Community Partnerships: The New River Academic Health Department

Sophie Wenzel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Kathryn Hosig, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Margaret O'Dell, New River Health District

Building Transformative Communities and Collective People Power

Kierra Sims, Highlander Research and Education Center
Samir Rohlin Hazboun, HIghlander Research and Education Center

Cabinet Card, circa 1900: Labor, Class, and Railroad Building in East Tennessee

Rebecca J. Proffitt, East Tennessee State University

Case Studies and Principles for Organizing 1980-2016

Tom Plaut, Mars Hill College

Casting Calls on the Hillbilly Highway: A Content Analysis of Appalachian-Based Reality Television Programming.

Dan Martin, Jefferson Community College - Louisville

Causes of Floods and the Emergence of Flood Control Policy in Southeastern Kentucky

Norman R. Rose Dr., Case Western Reserve University

Cecil Sharp In Virginia: A Website

Elizabeth R. Milner, George Mason University

Challenges in providing safe drinking water in Central Appalachia

Leigh-Anne Henry Krometis, Virginia Tech
Korine Kolivras, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Susan Marmagas, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Sophie Wenzel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Changing Ecologies: Hydraulic Fracturing in Appalachian Literature

Laura L. Morris, Furman University

Chasing the Powhatan Arrow, A Travelogue in Economic Geography

Michael S. Abraham, Pocahontas Press

Chattooga River

K Karter Robinson, University of North Georgia
Adam Fowler, University of North Georgia
Kelsie Burks, University of North Georgia

Cheshire, Ohio: An American Coal Story in 3 Acts

Eve Morgenstern

Class identity, experiences, and intersections among young college-educated people in West Virginia

Anna R. Terman, Ohio University - Main Campus

Classed Contexts: Why Place Matters When Considering Class and Educational Trajectories

Brandi S. Weekley, Independent Scholar

Climate Justice and the Challenges of Alliance Building in Fossil Fuel Extraction Communities

Shannon Elizabeth Bell, University of Kentucky

Climbing Walls, Dipping Water, Serving Communities

Jenny D. Williams, Hazard Community and Technical College
Robert Gipe, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College
Alexia Ault, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College
Tammy Ball, Big Sandy Community and Technical College - Prestonburg
Matthew Druen Dr., Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College

Close Reading For The Classroom: Appalachian Literature Deserves A Second Look

Dale M. Jenkins, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Coal Dust in the Wound: Ghostly Laborlore as an Appalachian Response to Trauma

Jordan Elizabeth Lovejoy, The Ohio State University

Coal Power: A Story of How the Coal Industry Affected Individual Lives in Central Appalachia

Ricky Dale Mullins Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Coal Production: Narratives of the Appalachian landscape

Tijah Bumgarner, Ohio University - Main Campus

Collaborative Community Mobilization Initiative toward Population Health Improvement in Central Appalachia

Bill Brooks, East Tennessee State University

Come and Stay a Lifetime: The Kentucky Photographs of William Gedney

Roger May

Community Forests: Strengthening Community and the Land

William R. Thomas, University of Kentucky

Community Voices: Shared Governance and Dialogue to Challenge Hidden Assumptions and Disrupt Power Structures in Appalachia

Max O. Stephenson Jr, PhD, Virginia Tech
Lorien E. MacAuley MS, Virginia Tech
Anna Erwin MA, Virginia Tech
Jeremy Elliott-Engel MAT, Virginia Tech

Constructing Health Through the Built Environment: A Film and Photoanalytic Presentation

lauri andress, West Virginia University

Consuming Visions and Continual Revisions: Sexual Stereotypes and Appalachian Identity

Janet Feight, Shawnee State University

Contemporary Arrangements of Appalachian Fiddle Tunes for String Quartet

Michael Luchtan, East Tennessee State University

Contested Communities in Appalachia: Race, Region, Power, and the Making of the Whitest HBCU

Dana Stoker Cochran, Radford University


Silas House, Berea College
Emily P. Masters, Berea College
Oh Jackson Napier, Berea College
Robert Renner, Berea College

Crafting Asheville: How Beer Saved an Appalachian City

Christopher R. McCloud, Radford University

Create Your State

Lori Lynn McKinney, RiffRaff Arts Collective / Princeton Renaissance Project

Creating Community Health Centers Across an Appalachian Cultural Quilt

Tom Plaut, Mountain Area Community Health Centers

Creative Potential: Perspectives from the Work of Dr. E. Paul Torrance

Kate H. Guthrie 7121674, University of Georgia
Sarah Marie Catalana, University of Georgia

Cultural and Community Organizing with Mountain Music and Medicinals

Willie Dodson
Emily Lachniet
Maureen Feral Beverly
David Grimsley

Cultural Crisis, White Privilege, and Class in Appalachia: An Analysis of Selected Memoirs

Marie Tedesco, East Tennessee State University

D.R.: The Hero's Journey

Gurney Norman, University of Kentucky
Susan L. F. Isaacs ., Union College

Democratic Participation in Southwest Virginia and West Virginia Coalfields

Trish Bragg
Elaine Purkey
Jill Carson, Virginia Organizing
Andy Kegley, Virginia Organizing
Brian Johns, Virginia Organizing
Penny Loeb, Convener/Moderator of Roundtable

Desiging Women in Appalachia: Linking the Past to the Future

Karen Hudson, University of Kentucky
Brent Sturlaugson, University of Kentucky
Jayoung Koo, University of Kentucky
Ned Crankshaw, University of Kentucky

Desperate? Hysterical? Afraid? A Look at Extreme Behavior Among Mid-Nineteenth-Century Wheeling Businesswomen

Barb Howe

Digital Disease Surveillance in Rural Appalachia

James S. Schlitt, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Bryan L. Lewis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Dilapidated Buildings in Appalachia

Allison V. Eckman, West Virginia University
Erica L. Hetzel, West Virginia University


George M A Hardebeck, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Distressed Appalachian Counties: An Analysis of Appalachia, Migration, and Education

Jacklyn Hockenberry, Ohio University - Main Campus

Diverse Musical Voices in Extreme Appalachia

Cece Conway, Appalachian State U
Susan Spalding, Berea College
Shawn Terrell, Appalachian State University
Shohei Tsutsumi, Appalachian State University

Documentary Development

Sally Rubin, Chapman University
Ashley York, University of Southern California
Tom Hansell, Appalachian State University
Silas House, Berea College

Does coal production contribute to chronic disease mortality when controlling for socio-economic status, risk factors and health access

Ruodin Shi, Virginia Tech
Yu Sun, Virginia Tech
Susan Meacham, Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Cody Goessl, Univeristy of Nebraska Medical Center

Don’t Tear Up Our World: Using Art and Activism to Engage the Youth of Appalachia

Natalie D. Sypolt, Pierpont Community and Technical College
Robert Gipe, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College
Renee K. Nicholson, West Virginia University
Rachael Meads, Shepherd University

Double Discontinuity in East Tennessee: Black Enrollment at Maryville College, 1860s–1960s

Peter Wallenstein, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Editor Mitchell in the Mountains: The Early 20th Century Travels of John Mitchell, Jr. In Appalachia

Brian Katen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Embracing the Dark Side: The Market for Dark Skies Tourism

Tim Ezzell, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Jeff Bary, Colgate University
Shae Strait, West Virginia University
Terri Lynn Wolfe, Fairmont State University

Emily Brontë in Crum, WV: Reading Emily's Ghost as an Appalachian Novel

Thomas J. Kiddie Jr., West Virginia State University

Emotion Socialization in Rural Appalachia

Erika Hernandez, Virginia Tech
Katie Carmichael, Virginia Tech
Emily Satterwhite, Virginia Tech
Thomas Ollendick, Virginia Tech
Julie Dunsmore, Virginia Tech

Engaging the Appalachian Community: Developing a University-Community Partnership with the Wilderness Road Regional Museum

Mary B. LaLone PhD, Radford University
Carolyn L. Mathews PhD, Radford University and New River Historical Society

Envisioning Our Future: Youth Panel on their Desired Futures in Central Appalachia

Kate E. Fowler, Appalshop
Oakley Fugate, Appalachian Media Institute
Jaydon Tolliver, Appalachian Media Institute
Oliver Baker, Appalachian Media Institute
Josh Collier, Appalachian Media Institute
Elyssia Lowe, Appalachian Media Institute
Aaron Combs, Appalachian Media Institute

Escape from moral quietism: What might Britain’s chav and Australia’s bogan offer the US’ hillbilly?

Andy Scerri, Virginia Tech

“Everything Was Very Bloody and Heart Warming”: Moravians in Appalachia, 1734-1782

John R. Burch, Campbellsville University
Glen Taul, Campbellsville University

Examining Feminism in Appalachia through Contemporary Issues: A Discussion of Intersections and Place

Rachel Terman, Ohio University - Main Campus
Tammy L. Clemons, University of Kentucky
Jordan Laney, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Penny Messinger, Daemen College
Lou Murrey
Ashley Sedlock
Crystal Good

Examining Staying as Resistance in West Virginia for Community Empowerment

Beth Nardella, West Virginia University

Experimental Elegies: The Appalachian Memoir from Emma Bell Miles’s The Spirit of the Mountains to J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy

Kathleen Crosby, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Explaining Variation in College Going and Completion Rates in a sample of Rural Appalachian Youth

Paige Leigh Schneider, Sewanee
Emily Partin

Exploring Graduate and Undergraduate level work in Appalachian Studies

Tiffany Arnold, Ohio University - Main Campus

Exploring Substance Use in Appalachia: Multigenerational Conditions, Counselors and Current Interventions

darlene b. vaughn, Lindsey Wilson College

Extreme Appalachia: Rage and Renewal

Barbara Ellen Smith, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Steve Fisher, Retired from Emory & Henry

Extreme Asheville: New Fiction and Dynamic Endurance

Barbara Ladner 5227826, West Virginia State College

Extreme Community: Floyd County, Virginia Elders and Youth Keeping Stories in a Digital Age

Melinda B. Wagner Dr., Radford University
Bianca Dickerson, Radford University
Mary Dickerson Ms., Check Elementary
Meghan Moore-Hubbard Ms., Floyd County High School
Kathleen Ingoldsby Ms., Floyd Story Center
Casey Worley, Floyd County High School

Extreme Hopes: Creating Cultural Capacities in the urban middle school through Appalachian Studies

Shai C. Cullop, Brogden Middle School, Durham Public Schools

Extreme Oral History: Engaging Students in Historical Practices in the Land the SOLs Forgot

Meredith McCool, University of Virginia - Main Campus

Extreme Standards: Incorporating Appalachian Studies in Rural Public Education in the Realm of Standardized Curricula

Deanna Bradberry, Deanna Bradberry

Factors that predict clergy referral patterns to mental health providers in rural and Appalachian areas

Brianne Blevins 5505508, Marshall University

Feast or Famine: Food Insecurity in Affluent Appalachian Tourism Communities

Laura Johnston

Finding the Fulcrum: Reclamation of the Appalachian identity through the transition from an exogenous resource extraction based economy to an endogenous tourism, knowledge and health based economy

Peter H. Hackbert, Berea College
Dave Walsh, Best of Virginia Bike Tours
Kevin Costello, City of Abingdon virgina
Louisa Marie Summers, Eastern Kentucky University

Finding the Unicorn: LGBTQ Christians in Appalachia

Megan L. Twietmeyer, Shepherd University

Fire Is Your Water, A Reading from a New Novel

Jim Minick, Augusta University

Flannery O’Connor: Southern? Yes. Appalachian? Perhaps.

Samantha R. Eubanks, Appalachian State University

Flat Rock Creek: A Song Cycle Heard from the Voices of the Misty Mountains

Valerie A. Fournier, Raymond B Stewart Middle School
Charles Fournier

Flatt & Scruggs and Martha White: Complicating Nostalgia in Bluegrass

Christopher R. Keller, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Floating Dancer: The Story of Robert Dotson, the Walking Step, and the Green Grass Cloggers

Leanne E. Smith, North Carolina Folklore Journal & East Carolina University

Foggy Conclusions: Navigating Shifting Identities

Annalee Tull, Emory and Henry College

Followed My Footsteps: Intergenerational Influence in Traditional Music

Jason Lee Guthrie, University of Georgia
Thomas J. Petrino, CSCL

Food Deserts in Appalachian Georgia: Mapping food insecurity for a university food pantry

Mary Lipold, University of North Georgia

Food, Fellowship and Oral History In and out of the Classroom

Maia A. Surdam Dr., Mars Hill College
Adrienne Enoch
Jennifer Cardona-Alfaro

Forming a Seed Library in Boone, North Carolina

David H. Walker Jr, Appalachian State University
William Ritter, Appalachian State University
Cody Miller, University of Maine/Appalachian State University
Karen Adele Lemke, Appalachian State University

Fostering Campus to Community Connections: Radford University’s Scholar Citizen Initiative from Compliance to Embodiment

Michele Ren, Radford University
Erin Webster Garrett, Radford University

Fostering Healthy and Sustainable Relationships with Food

Sarah Riley, High Rocks Educational Corporation
Renae Anderson, High Rocks Educational Corporation
Shelby Mack, High Rocks Educational Corporation
Kendra Taylor, High Rocks Educational Corporation

Founding an Exchange Program between University of Charleston and an HBCU

Hallie Dunlap, University of Charleston
Luke Yingling, University of Charleston
Kelli Chattin, University of Charleston

Fracking For Funds: The Shale Gas Rush and the Financial Implications it Holds for Appalachian Ohio Schools

Jacqueline Yahn Mrs., Ohio University Eastern

Fracturing Lives: Gas and Its Effect on Communities in the Appalachian Region

Anita M. Puckett, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
April Pierson-Keeting, Mountain Lakes Preservation Alliance
Diana Christopulos, Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club
Joseph C. Pitt, Virginia Tech
Carl Zipper, Virginia Tech

French on the Clinch: The eXtreme misadventures of Pierre-Francois Tubeuf

Ken Sullivan, West Virginia Humanities Council

From Horace Kephart to the New York Times: How Non-Appalachians Have Come to Define Appalachian Identity

Jessica DeLong, Marshall University

From Mountainside to Riverside: Appalachia's Boat People

Phillip Obermiller, University of Cincinnati - Main Campus
Thomas Wagner, University of Cincinnati - Main Campus

From Sellins to Barcoski: Police Brutality and the Suspension of Civil Liberties in Pittsburgh, 1919-1929

Richard P. Mulcahy Dr.

From the Outside, In: A Study of the Effects of Internal Colonization on Christianity in Central Appalachia

Rev. Kimberly L. Gibson

Funding for Public Programs in Folk and Traditional Arts: An Extreme Sport

Jessica A. Turner, Birthplace of Country Music Museum
Katie Hoffman, Appalworks
Roddy Moore, Blue Ridge Institute and Museum
Kiran Singh Sirah, International Storytelling Center

Gender representation in traditional Appalachian old time fiddling

Aisha S. Ivey, Florida State University

Geographies of Tourism in Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Robert Kruse, West Liberty University

Geography of Appalachia: A reflection on 5 years of teaching

Stewart A. Scales, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jane Howk, Virginia Tech
Meredyth Ellington, Virginia Tech
Jared Slone, Virginia Tech
Mackenzie Mills

Ginseng Under Extreme Threats: Outlaws, White-Tailed Deer, Turkeys, and Climate Change

Michael E. Joslin, Lees-McRae College

Going Glocal: Developing Global Competencies through Place-based Education in Rural Appalachia

Brad Bizzell, Radford University

“Gone but not forgotten”: Creativity and Stewardship in Cemeteries of the Tennessee Overhill

Sydney K. Varajon, Ohio State University - Main Campus

Gone To Water

Robert Gipe, Southeastern Kentucky Technical & Community College
Ron Houchin
Tessa McCoy-Hall, University of Virginia's College at Wise
Natalie D. Sypolt, Pierpont Community and Technical College
Jason Howard, Berea College

Greater West Virginia

Debra Lattanzi Shutika, George Mason University

Green Burial

Philip R. Olson, Virginia Tech
Ben Coleman
Donald Wilson, Forest Rest Natural Cemetery
Jenny Schwanke, Virginia Tech

Growing Food Security and Entrepreneurs: Four Models in the New River Valley

Liza Dobson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Maureen McGonagle, Virginia Department of Health
Liz Richardson, Plenty!
Lee Spiegel, Pulaski Grow
Jenny Schwanke, Hale Y Community Garden

Harriette Arnow’s Between the Flowers: Reading the City in rural Appalachia

Phoebe S. Jackson Ph.D.

Health Care in Appalachia

Judy Jenks Branscom Dr., Jefferson College of Health Sciences

"High Adventure in a New World": Reading Contemporary Environmental Issues in Appalachia Through the Lens of Gilded Age Travel Writing

Kevin O'Donnell, East Tennessee State University
Stewart Plein, West Virginia University
Felicia Mitchell, Emory & Henry College
Jessica Cory, Western Carolina University

High Water Blues: The Buffalo Creek Flood and Differing Paradigms for Appalachian Challenges

Paul Haspel, Central Carolina Community College

“Hit’s the fullness of time”: An Approach to Denise Giardina’s Kingdom Theology

Bill Jolliff, George Fox University

Home Gardening as Part of the Food Security Safety Net in Rural Appalachia

Liza R. Dobson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Honoring Emma Gatewood: The Woman Who Defied Age and Odds To Complete The Appalachian Trail

Steven Campbell, University of Rio Grande

Honoring Life’s Journey: Community-Academic Partnership for End-of-Life Care in Rural Appalachia

Sandra J. Mixer, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Wayne King, High 5 Solutions, Oneida, TN
Mary Lynn Brown, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Horace Kephart’s Extreme Devotion to the Smokies

Erin Presley, Eastern Kentucky University

Hotels as "man camps": Drilling in northern Appalachia

Pamela C. Twiss, California University of Pennsylvania

Household Goods, Hegemony, and Social Justice at Kentucky Company Coal Mining Towns

Zada Komara, University of Kentucky

How Marcuse and Bloch Contribute to a Critical Appalachian Utopianism

Judson C. Abraham, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

How old is the old-growth? Dendrochronological Assessments to Protect Unique Appalachian Forest

Karen E. Johnson, Frostburg State University
Laura G. Smith, Frostburg State University
Sunshine L. Brosi, Frostburg State University

"I Wish I Was a Mole in the Ground": Contesting the Story of Industrialization

John Conley, Trinity College

Impact of the Forest Industry on Rural Appalachian Communities: A Case Study of Land Use History

Brian Bond, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Lynn Resler, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Increasing the sustainability of a threatened tree species, butternut (Juglans cinerea), for use in traditional dyes for Cherokee basketry

Madison L. Lawrence, Frostburg State University
Andy N. Wall, Frostburg State University
Olivia D. Goldstein, Frostburg State University
Sunshine L. Brosi, Frostburg State University

Infused: Creative Writing in the West Virginia University Cancer Institute

Renee K. Nicholson, West Virginia University

Institution Building for Sustainability: A Multi-Case Analysis of Entrepreneurial Networks in Distressed Rural Regions

G. Aubrey Lee ,DM, King University

Integrating Dramatic Arts Across the Appalachian Curriculum

Sarah Evans, Eastern Kentucky University

Intersecting Paradigms: Native Science, Western Dogma, and the Space in Between

Samuel R. Cook, Virginia Tech


Robert Tyrone Bass, Virginia Tech: Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education

Introduction and framework for the session

Mary T. Hufford, Goucher College
Mary Christina Wood, University of Oregon
Bryan Norton, Georgia Tech
Margaret Palmer, University of Maryland

Is Farm and Food Tourism an Appropriate Economic Strategy for Appalachia? Lessons Learned from Western North Carolina

Leah G. Mathews, University of North Carolina at Asheville

Jefferson Furnace: Oak Hill’s Contribution to the Civil War

Brandon E. Coon, University of Rio Grande

John Ehle- “A Man to Match Our Mountains”

Frances B. Welch

John Fox, Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, and the Racialized and Anachronized Appalachian Mountaineer at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Sara Boissonneau, University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Julia Franks on her novel Over the Plain Houses: Women, Witches, and Fed-up White Men.

Julia Franks

Jumping: Extreme Identities

Dana S. Wildsmith, Lanier Techinical College

Keep it the Same: Exploring a Mountain Community’s Ideals through Sound

Emma Kiser, University of Kentucky

Kelly Bremner

Kelly J. Bremner, Emory & Henry College
Anita Turpin, Roanoke College
Derek Davidson, Appalachian State University
Jack Wright

Kentucky's Craft Legacy Workshop

Philis Alvic, Independent Scholar

Land Conversation in Appalachia: Urban Growth and Change Dynamics

Robert Oliver, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Valerie Thomas, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Land Use Change Effects on Non-Timber Forest Products and Local Livelihoods in Central and Southern Appalachia

Christine Mitchell Ph.D., Radford University

Latex(t) in Korine's Trash Humpers

Nicole Lawrence, Marshall University

Learnings from the Appalachian Foodshed Project: Propositions for Organizing with Complexity

Philip C. D'Adamo-Damery, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Nikki D'Adamo-Damery, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Leaving the Rocking Chair Brigade Behind: The women of the Smoky Mountains Hiking Club in the 1930s

Elizabeth Skene, Western Carolina University

Leet’s Tanyard: Rev. Arthur Leet and Slavery in Catoosa County,

Robert L. Baker, University of North Georgia

"Let Me Learn Yah a Thing or Two:" The Creation, Perpetuation and Correction of Appalachian Literary Stereotypes and Stigmas

Meredith M. Persinger, James Madison University

Little School: An Innovative Approach to Early Childhood Services in Rural Harlan County, KY

Sky H. Marietta, Pine Mountain Settlement School

Local 1199 at Clinch Valley: Justice Unionism in a Right-to-Work State, 1972-1974

John C. Hennen Dr., Emeritus Professor of History, Morehead State University; adjunct instructor of Appapalachian Studies, Virginia Tech

Local Knowledges Meet and Greet

Danille Christensen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Lockwood’s Burley: The Ohio Valley’s Found and Lost Tobacco

Douglas Sturgeon, Shawnee State University
Ian Snyder, Shawnee State University

Managing the Appalachian Difference: An Ethnographic Study of Appalachian Students at Carnegie Mellon University

Amanda Berardi Tennant, Carnegie Mellon University

Mapping Appalachia

Stewart A. Scales, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Mapping Assets within Your Community

Shane C. Shope, Shawnee State University
John R. Roush, Southern State Community College

Mapping the Post-pastoral Extreme in Northern Appalachian Poetry.

William S. Hanna, West Liberty University

Mapping the Risks of Mountaintop Removal by Placing Human Actions in Digital Space

Tom Bowers, Northern Kentucky University

Marketing the Ultimate Motor Oils: The Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Association

Susan J. Beates, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Jack Widner, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Ihor J. Bemko, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Matt Reese & the WV Primary of 1960: The birth of modern day political consulting

Lori Thompson, Marshall University

Measuring Collective Identity and Prosociality for Asset-Based Community Economic Development: A Case Study and Field Experiment from Morehead, Kentucky

Chris Holtkamp, Texas State University - San Marcos

Measuring Health Care Provider Cultural Competency with Appalachian Populations: Validation of a Modified Cultural Self Efficacy Scale

Cecile Dietrich, Radford University
Pamela Y. Frasier, Radford University
Ryan Nichols, Radford University

Measuring the Gender Wage Gap in Appalachia

Brandon Vick, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Mediating Urban-centricity in Education Policy: A Case Study

Julia M. Miller, University of Kentucky

Meeting Ground: Hindman Settlement School and a Mixing of Cultures

Ron Pen, University of Kentucky
Emeran Irby, Chatham University
Rich Kirby
Dana S. Wildsmith, Lanier Techinical College
Jacob Mack-Boll, Hindman Settlement School


Jason Howard, Berea College
Sandra L. Ballard, Appalachian State University
Amy Clark, University of Virginia's College at Wise
Gurney Norman, University of Kentucky
Silas House, Berea College
Amanda J. Runyon, University of Pikeville

Mommas of Southern Men

Mark Lynn Ferguson, The Revivalist: Word from the Appalachian South

Moravians Among the Cherokee: Cultural Negotiations with Moravian Missionaries by the Cherokee Nation, Spingplace, Georgia

Brandon J. Cheek, Mars Hill College

Mountain Consumerism: Southwest Virginia Stores, Landscape, and Consumption Arenas in pre-Industrial Appalachia, 1770-1850

Spenser D. Slough, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Mountain Liberal: Perley Ayer and the Council of the Southern Mountains

Thomas Kiffmeyer, Morehead State University
Jinny A. Turman, University of Nebraska, Kearney
Henry C. Adkins, Morehead State University
Jennifer Ray, University of Nebraska, Kearney

Mountain Religion and Healthcare in Appalachia: What Health Care Providers Need to Know

Robyn E. Seamon RN,BSN, Appalachian State University


Nicholas F. Stump, West Virginia University College of Law

Mountains of Babel – the Opportunities for Building Human and Economic Capital with Heritage Languages in Northern Appalachia

Richard A. Russo, Frostburg State University

Murder by Dynamite, and Other Stories: Visions of Staging Contemporary Appalachian Performance

Robert J. Kitchens, Virginia Tech, School of Performing Arts

Music and Meaning in Ron Rash’s World Made Straight

Martha G. Eads, Eastern Mennonite University

Mycopod Restoration Methods

Susan E. Thompson


Judson C. Abraham, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Stephen Pearson, Shawnee State University
Gabriel Piser, Ohio State University - Main Campus
Hilary Malatino, East Tennessee State University
Anna Grace Keller, Berea College
Mary Anglin, University of Kentucky

New Appalachian Filmmakers

Walter E. Squire, Marshall University
Ian Nolte, Marshall University

[no individual presentation titles or abstracts to be printed]

Ann E. Kingsolver, University of Kentucky
Mary K. Anglin, University of Kentucky
Kate Black, University of Kentucky
Jenrose Fitzgerald, Kentucky Foundation for Women
Rebecca Adkins Fletcher, East Tennesee State University
Wilburn Hayden, York University
Katherine Ledford, Appalachian State University
Shaunna Scott, University of Kentucky

Not Heritage…Creating a Regional Folk and Traditional Art Center in the Anthracite Coal Fields of Pennsylvania’s Appalachian Mountains

Nicole Andel, The Pennsylvania State University
Harold Aurand Jr., Penn State-Schuylkill Campus


Wendy Dinwiddie, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Darnell Arnoult, Lincoln Memorial University
Karen McElmurray
Crystal Wilkinson, Berea College
Linda Parsons

Ohio Solar United Neighborhoods (OH SUN)

Luke Sulfridge
Karan Ireland

On Track to Empowerment: The "Guild Train" of the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen

Kelsey M. Wagner, Appalachian State University

“One cannot work with bees and think of anything else:” Exploring Dynamics of Care for Women Beekeepers

Sarah Watson, University of Kentucky

One Song, Many Voices: Intercultural Perspectives in Appalachia

Ann M. Andaloro Dr., Morehead State University
Lin Huang, Morehead State University
Kathryn Wilkerson, Morehead State University

Onward, Appalachia: poetic investigations

Jaclyn Hawkins

Opening Comments on Activism and Student Organizing

Mark Bentley, Appalachian State University
Matthew S. Richards, Appalachian State University

Opening Spaces through Stories of Community Food Work in Central Appalachia

Kim L. Niewolny, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Oral History Gathering with the Clinch River Valley Initiative: Local, State, Regional, and National Partnerships to Build Community Capacity and Diversify Coalfield Economies in Southwest Virginia

Caroline Leggett, Radford University
Celeste Chorniak, Radford University
Lauren Landreth, Radford University

Palindrome: A reading of poems in exploration of my mother’s life

Pauletta Hansel, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative

participatory workshop

Betsy Taylor, LiKEN
Gabby Gillespie, Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards
Bill Price, Sierra Club
Lyndsay Tarus, Alliance for Appalachia
Tom Sexton, Sierra Club
Alice Howell, Sierra Club

Pearl S. Buck Collaborative: Papers, Places and Partners

John Cuthbert, West Virginia University

Penny P's Backyard: Where Appalachian Natural Science and Folk Art meet and morph into a Children's Television Show

chris valluzzo, Bliss Bus Media

Phenomenological Exploration of Women’s Relationship Narratives withFormerly Incarcerated Male Family Member Convicted of Sexual Offense

Kathleen O'Rourke, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Philanthropic Experimentation: George Vanderbilt, the YMI, and Racial Uplift Ideology in Asheville, North Carolina, 1892-1906

Darin Waters Dr, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Gene Hyde, University of North Carolina Asheville
Kenneth Betsalel Dr, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Heidi Kelley Dr, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Fred J. Hay Dr, Appalachian State University

Picketing, lanterns, and everyday resistance: Confronting gendered inequalities and state policies in Central Appalachia

Lesly-Marie Buer, University of Kentucky

Pieced Together: A Documentary Film

Julianne Donofrio

Place-Making, Cultural Politics, and Heritage Tourism in Southwest Virginia

Julie A. Shepherd-Powell, University of Kentucky
Ryan D. Chaney, CUNY Kingsborough Community College

Playing Pretend and the Pain of Validity: Giving "the People" What They Want

Tovah M. Welch, Western Carolina University

Post-performance Q&A

Caroline Rubens, Appalshop
Robert Andrew Scott

POSTER TITLE: ROOTS WITH WINGS: Floyd County, Virginia Place-based Education Oral History Project

Melinda B. Wagner Dr., Radford University
Bianca Dickerson Ms, Radford University
Mary Dickerson Ms, Radford University
Meghan Moore-Hubbard Ms., Floyd County High School
Kethleen Ingoldsby Ms., Floyd Story Center
Casey Worley, Floyd County High School

Power Lines: Personal Perspectives on Broadband and Local Politics

Caitlin E. Myers, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
WIlliam Isom, Melange
Deborah Bahr, Clean Water Expected in East Tennessee
Carol Judy, Clearfork Community Institute
Jamie Greig, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Power Sellers: Discovering History and Appalachia's Online Economy

Rachel A. Parsons
Wendy D. Johnston

Pragmatic Appalachia: Communication Ethics and the Extremes of Appalachian Studies

Ryan P. McCullough, West Liberty University

Presenter 1 (and Convener): “Can We Paint and Sing our Way to Empowerment in the Mountains?”

Joy Gritton, Morehead State Univ
Chinmayee Satpathy, Utkal University
Lacy Hale, Appalshop
Sarah Morgan, Morehead State University

Preserving Appalachia through New Media Technologies

Franklyn Charles, Ohio University - Main Campus
Camilo Perez

Preserving Ukrainian Carpathians: Law’s Provisions and Present Day Realities

Oles Goy, Precarpathian University
Oleksandr Blyznyuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Mariana Karabinovych, Precarpathian University, Art Studio "Yuko"
Svitlana Dovbenko, Precarpathian University


Philip A. Grant Ph.D>, Pace University - New York

Prevalence of Chronic Lung Diseases in Communities in Rural Areas of Southern Virginia

Rachel Horn, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Jack Ferrance, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Susan Meacham, Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Cody Goessl, Univeristy of Nebraska Medical Center
K N. Kennedy, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Prisons Are Not Innovation: Post Coal Organizing in Eastern Kentucky

Elizabeth Sanders, Letcher Governance Project
Tarence Ray, Letcher Governance Project
Ada Smith, Letcher Governance Project
Kendall Bilbrey, Letcher Governance Project
Sara Estep, Letcher Governance Project
Tanya Turner, Letcher Governance Project

Pushing the Limits of Appalachian Art: Extreme Affrilachia and the Xtreme Affrilachian Poets

Forrest G. Yerman

Queer Appalachia: Finding A Place in Our Community Quilt, A Visual Arts Discussion

Paul Dunlap Professor, University of North Georgia

Racial Justice in Appalachia: Organizing White People for Change

Meta Mendel-Reyes, Berea College
Samantha Hamlin

Radio “Salutes” the East: Newspaper and University Interests in the Listening Stations of Eastern Kentucky

Carson Benn, University of Kentucky

Railroad Town without a Railroad: Documenting Clinchfield Railroad Traditions and Transitioning Economic Identities In an East Tennessee Appalachian Community

Rebecca Adkins Fletcher, East Tennesee State University

Rainbow in the Mountains: Confessions of an Appalachian Drag Queen

Ilene Over, Community


Wendy Welch, UVA-Wise
Michael Henson, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative
Deborah Gold
Jacob M.
Sandra Ballard, Appalachian State University

Reading from Recent Work

Melanie Almeder, Roanoke College
Adrian Blevins, Colby College
Cathryn Hankla, Hollins University
Mary Crockett Hill, Roanoke College

“Ready to do battle with the mountain”: Masculinity and Nature in Spike TV’s Coal

Peter Thompson, Carleton University

Real Imaginary Place in Czech Bluegrass Songs

Lee Bidgood, East Tennessee State University

Recovering Marginalized Voices from Earl White and Arthur Grimes: Contemporary Black Musicians and Dancers in the Old-Time Music Community

Shohei Tsutsumi, Appalachian State University

Regional Knowledge Revisited: Growing Western Maryland’s Local Foods Movement

Kara Rogers Thomas, Frostburg State University

Regional Roadmaps for a Healthier Appalachian Tennessee

Kristine Bowers, East Tennessee State University

Reinventing Appalachia: Five Community and Social Entrepreneurship Models

Crystal Cook Marshall, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Lori McKinney, RiffRaff Arts Collective/Creative Your State
Jerry Moles, Grayson LandCare/Blue Ridge Plateau
Dwight Emrich, Treetop Creative Co-op
Sky Edwards, McDowell County Farms
Darrin McCormick, Williamson Health and Wellness Center

Representations of Place and Time in Heritage Tourism

Betsy Taylor, Virginia Tech
Ryan D. Chaney, CUNY Kingsborough Community College
Ricky L. Cox, Radford University
Margaret Feierabend, Councilwoman, Bristol, Tennessee City Council
Austin Irving, Photographer
Douglas Reichert Powell, Columbia College Chicago

Representing Energy Residues in the Appalachian Anthropocene

Jacob Goessling, Carnegie Mellon University

Responding to the Mental Health Effects of Mountaintop Mining in Appalachia: Perspectives from Liberation Psychology and Cultural Studies

Gloria McGillen, Boston College

Response of wildlife to surface mining and reclamation in southwest Virginia

Dean F. Stauffer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Richard L. Davis and the Color Line in Ohio Coal

Frans Doppen, Ohio University - Main Campus


Anne E. Chesky Smith, Swannanoa Valley Museum

River Voices: Arts and Development in the Upper New River Valley - overview

Tom Hansell, Appalachian State University
Cody Miller, Appalachian State University
Ben Duvall - Irwin, Appalachian State University
Kelsey Wagner, Appalachian State University
Samantha Eubanks, Appalachian State University

Ron Rash’s The World Made Straight and the Rejection of Cultural Expectation

David M. Powell, Union College - Barbourville

Roots of Appalachian-Themed Drama

jackerle wright, jack wright

Roundtable Discussion Panel on J.D. Vance’s "Hillbilly Elegy"

Anthony Harkins, Western Kentucky University
Dwight Billings, University of Kentucky
Theresa Burriss, Radford University
Bob Hutton, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ivy Brashear, MACED
Michael E. Maloney, UACC

roundtable panelist

Adam Wells, Appalachian Voices
Lindsay Shade
William Schumann, Appalachian State University
Shaunna Scott, University of Kentucky
David Rouse, University of Virginia at Wise
Bill Price, Sierra Club
Carol Judy, Clearfork Institute
Andrew Gunnoe, Maryville College
Mary Cromer, Appalachian Citizens Law Center
Marie Cirillos, Clearfork Institute
Joe Childers, Joe F. Childers & Associates
Bob Burns, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
Karen Rignall, University of Kentucky
Christopher Barton, University of Kentucky

Running Appalachia: An Eco-Phenomenology of Extreme Enactment

Christopher A. Miller, MountainTrotter

Rural Gifted Education

Amy P. Azano, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Rural Reality: How Reality Television Portrayals Of Appalachian People Impact Their View Of Their Culture

Ivy Jude Elise Brashear, University of Kentucky

Rural Superintendents as Political Agents: Grassroots Advocacy in Appalachian Counties of Southeast Ohio

Charles L. Lowery, Ohio University - Main Campus
MIchael Edward Hess, Ohio University - Main Campus
Chetanath Gautam, Delaware State University
Chance D. Mays, Mt. Enterprise ISD

Safe spaces, extreme music: finding protest and refuge in Appalachian punk and metal scenes

marc faris, East Carolina University

Salt Rising Bread: How an Appalachian Staple Acquired its Name and Related History

Genevieve Bardwell
Susan Ray Brown

Scots Irish Influence on the Culture of Southern Appalachia: Student Evidence Journals

Jane Macmorran

Scrolling through history: A moving panoramic shadow box theater as Foxfire interpretative mo

Rosann Kent, University of North Georgia Appalachian Studies Center
Sommer Coen, University of North Georgia

Selenium in mining –influenced streams: an assessment of enrichment and bioaccumulation

Keridwen M. Whitmore, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Session Introduction and Discussion Leader

Maureen R. Sullivan, Urban Appalachian Community Coalition
Nate P. May, UACC
Michael E. Maloney, UACC
Omope Carter Daboiku, UACC
John Bealle, UACC

Session Title: Where Am I? Contextualizing Location through Cultural Landscape

Frank Brannon, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Chris D. Dockery, University of North Georgia

Setting an Inclusive Appalachian Table: Lessons from the first 4-years of the Appalachian Food Summit

Lora Smith, Appalachian Food Summit
Emily Hilliard, WV Humanities Council
Sara Wood, Southern Foodways Alliance
Jacob Mack-Boll, Hindman Settlement School
Amelia Kirby, Appalachian Food Summit

Shakespearean Reference and Disdain for the Protagonist of The Trail of the Lonesome Pine

Erica Abrams Locklear, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Ryan McGinn, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Marcy Pedzwater, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Chelsea Walker, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Dana Schlanger, University of North Carolina at Asheville

Shedding the Shame: Community Radio Documents, De-Stigmatizes, and Initiates Meaningful Conversations about Opioid Addiction

Jonathan L. Bradshaw, Western Carolina University
Mimi Pickering, Appalshop
Kelli H. Haywood, Appalshop
Megan Adams, University of Findlay

Sisters of the Mother Forest

Alice Jones, Eastern Kentucky University

Social Determinants of Health Effecting Chronic Health Mortality and Death Due to Injury in Virginia Coal Counties

Susan Meachem, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Cody Goessl, Univeristy of Nebraska Medical Center
K N. Kennedy, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
George Davis, Virginia Tech

Socializing Class: Some Opening Comments on Appalachia, Identity, and The Other

Matthew Steven Richards, Appalachian State University

Sour Grapes: House Bill 2 ("the bathroom bill") and the potential impacts on wine tourism in North Carolina

Aron D. Massey, West Liberty University

Spatial Epidemiology in an Appalachian Context

Pyrros A. Telionis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Korine N. Kolivras, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Bryan L. Lewis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Speaking with our Hearts: The Key to a Successful Health Intervention in Amish Country

Melissa Thomas, Center for Appalachia Research in Cancer Education
Linda Nisley, Center for Appalachia Research in Cancer Education
Doretta K. Thomas, Center for Appalachia Research in Cancer Education

Stories of Progressivism in the Highlands: John C. Campbell’s Biography

Elizabeth M. Williams Ms, Appalachian State University

Strategies of Resilience among Working Poor Safety-net Clients of Upstate South Carolina

Henry Bundy, University of Kentucky
Mary Elizabeth Schmid, University of Kentucky
Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth, University of Kentucky
Abby Huggins, University of Mississippi
Shannon Telenko, Pennsylvania State University

Sustainable Tourism Development in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Adequate Foreign Language Support as a Key to Success

Roman Poznanskyy, Precarpathian University
Myroslava Senychak, Precarpathian University, Nadiya Hotel
Uliana Budnyk, Precarpathian University

Teaching in Rural and Urban Appalachian Settings: Unity, Diversity, and Location

J. Michael King, University of Pikeville

Teaching Rhetoric through the Lens of Appalachia

Jessica Salfia, Berkeley County Schools WV

Telling the Stories of Northern Appalachia: Digital Storytelling and Public History

Christina Fisanick, California University of Pennsylvania
Robert Stakeley, Heinz History Center
Felix Rivera, California University of Pennsylvania
Brian Charlton, Belle Vernon Area School District

TEX-treme Appalachia: Sam Houston and the Manifest Destiny of Early Outmigrators

Leah Hampton, University of Texas at Austin

That Bright Glimmering: Extinction as Appalachian Value in the Anthropocene Epoch

Jimmy D. Smith, Union College - Barbourville

That's Not What Redneck Means: From Political to Pejorative, an evaluation of media influence on the transformation of the term

Kira L. Cope, Marshall University

“That’s Where the Scoopers Live”: The Trials and Triumphs of a Catskill Mountain Family

Timothy Di Leo Browne, Carleton University

The Appalachian English Website: An Updated and Expanded Online Resource

Paul E. Reed, University of South Carolina - Columbia
Michael Montgomery, University of South Carolina - Columbia
Bridget Anderson, Old Dominion University
Judy B. Bernstein, William Paterson University

The Appalachian Foodshed Project Engages Community to Enhance Community Food Security in Appalachia West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina

Susan Clark, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

The Appalachian in Exile: redrawing regional boundary lines with the poetic imaginaries of a wandering, mountainous body

Shelby E. Ward, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

The Appalachian Rollergirls: A Documentary

Kimberlyn Murawski, Appalachian State University
Jenna Cucco, Independent Scholar
Suzanne Samples, Appalachian State University
Anthony DePaul Sadler, Appalachian State University
Mallory Sadler, Appalachian State University
Rachel Terman, Ohio University - Main Campus

The Architect of West Virginia: Senator Robert C. Byrd’s Chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee, 1989 – 1994

C. Damien Arthur, Marshall University

The Brahmin in Appalachia: Allen Ginsberg’s 1967 Visit to East Tennessee State University

Scott R. Honeycutt, East Tennessee State University

The Broad(er) Reach of Upper East Tennessee Fiddling

Roy Andrade, East Tennessee State University
Corbin Hayslett, East Tennessee State University

The Built Environment of the Southern Highlands, from the Ani Kituwah to the European Settlement

Les Reker, Rural Heriatge Museum of Mars Hill University

The Burning of CCC Camp Adams: Segregation & Sabotage in Ohio's Shawnee State Forest

Andrew Lee Feight, Shawnee State University

The Case for Immunization Access

Francine Augustine, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Jasmina Hajdarevic, University of Pittsburgh - Bradford
Zach Hadfield, University of Pittsburgh - Bradford
Rilan Galicic, University of Pittsburgh - Bradford

"The Chevy Did It"

Meredith M. Persinger, James Madison University

"The Closing of an Army Base in Appalachia: Considering Economic Impact after Twenty Years."

James A. Newman, Southeast Missouri State University
Paul L. Hathaway, Jacksonville State University

The Crockett House

Micah A. Untiedt

The Handweavers of Modern-Day Southern Appalachia: An Ethnographic Case Study

Cathryn F. Washell, East Tennessee State University

The Impact Emotional Intelligence Instruction had in an Appalachian Kentucky High School

Michael C. Melton, Letcher County Central High School

The Impact of Stereotypes on Young Appalachians

Ellie Hogg, Emory & Henry College
Myranda Staiano, Emory & Henry College
Jordan Christie, Emory & Henry College
Emma Grace Thompson, Emory & Henry College

The importance of the Appalachian Region on Adolescent Identity Development Through a Place Attachment Theory Lens

M. Evan Thomas, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Erika Grafsky Dr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

The Line Stops Here! Telling Our Stories and Uniting Our Struggles Against Fracked Gas and Byproducts Pipelines in the Appalachia Region

Suzanne E. Tallichet, Morehead State University
Kevin Campbell, Doddridge County Watershed Association
Jarred A. Hill, Friends For Environmental Justice
Elaine Tanner, Friends For Environmental Justice

“The lived experiences of international university students regarding the phenomenon of rural Appalachian (Southeast) Ohio”

MIchael Edward Hess
Charles Lowery, Ohio University
Lisa Flowers-Clements, Ohio University
Sharon Casapulla, Ohio University
Guillermo Gomez Urrego, Ohio University

“The Making and Unmaking of Home: Eminent Domain, Blight, and the Politics of Redevelopment in Gatlinburg, Tennessee”

Hope Amason, Central Washington University


Melissa Thomas, Center for Appalachia Research in Cancer Education

The Negative Affect of an Appalachian Dialect

Susie Donaldson, West Virginia University
Ashlyn Shultz, West Virginia University
Eliot Hough, West Virginia University
Olivia Seibert, West Virginia University
Olivia Given, University of Louisville
Alexandra Combates

The Nymph’s Reply: Kathryn Stripling Byer and Pastoral Romance

Evan Gurney, University of North Carolina at Asheville

The Other Side of Hillbilly Mountain: A Re-Examination of Appalachian Representation in 1930s Animated Films

Michael J. Meindl, Radford University

The Permeated Lyric

Vincent J. Trimboli, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Laura Long, Lynchburg College
Mark Defoe, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Phill Provance, West Virginia Wesleyan College

The Place of a Story: How the Mimetic Character of Narrative Helps Create a Place

M. Joseph Aloi II, University of North Texas

The Power of Community-based Research in the Appalachian Studies Classroom

Theresa L. Burriss, Radford University
Nancy C. Preston, Morehead State University
Ashley Hopkins, University of Louisville
Ruth B. Derrick, Radford University
Audra J. Slocum, West Virginia University
William Simson, Georgia Perimeter College

The Power of Place in Contemporary Appalachian Fiction: An Editor's View

Laura Long, Lynchburg College
Marie Manilla, Marshall University
Jeff Mann, Virginia Tech
Jessie van Eerden, West Virginia Wesleyan College

The Regional Campus Experience: Identifying Factors Critical to Successful Student Outcomes

Kristi A. Barnes

The Role of Archival Collections in Preserving the History of West Virginia Mills and Mill Sacks

Anna M. Schein, West Virginia University

The speaking subject and the revolution in Appalachian literature of resistance

Stacy D. Penven Ms., Radford University

The Struggle to Stay

Jessica Lilly, West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Emma Eisenberg
Izzy Broomfield, Stay Together Appalachian Youth
Kate Fowler, Appalachian Media Institute/ Appalshop
Robert Gipe, Higher Ground
Roxy M. Todd, Warren Wilson College


Holly R. Amann, East Tennessee State University

The Telling Takes Us Home: A Panel Responding to the Appalachian “People’s Pastoral”

Dwight Billings, University of Kentucky
Allen Johnson, Christians for the Mountains
Karan Ireland, (West Virginia Solar United Neighborhoods (WV SUN)
Michael J. Iafrate, Catholic Committee of Appalachia
Eddie Sloane, Boston College

The Tweetsie Trail: Bringing Communities Together through a Rails-to-Trails Project

Ron R. Roach, East Tennessee State University

The Upland South: Region, Violence, and Stereotypes -- a Comparison of the Edith Maxwell and Connie Franklin Court Cases

Hugo A. Freund, Union College - Barbourville

The View from Monongahela: Appalachians Making History

Kathryn Newfont, University of Kentucky
Chris Bolgiano, James Madison University
Will Harlan, Friends of Big Ivy
Josh Kelly, MountainTrue
Mary Sauls Kelly, Madison County Forest Watch
Rob Kelly, Madison County Forest Watch

The View of the Coalfields from the Corporate Headquarters, 1945-60

Lou Martin, Chatham University

The War Comes to Southwest Virginia: The Civil War History Mobile and Touristic Experience in Appalachia

Cynthia Fields, Augusta University

The Yuchi Indians of Appalachia

Jim Glanville, Independent Scholar
Anna Kiefer, Lord Fairfax Community College
Sarah E. McCartney, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Jamie Myers Mize, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

The “I” in Appalachia: A Dual Assessment of Contemporary Memoirs from a Misunderstood Place

Amanda Page, Mount Carmel College of Nursing

The “Midwife Menace” and How We Forget: Inter-Generational Gaps in Southern Appalachian Women Healers

Anna Danielle Dulken, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

“There Are More Waters Rising”: An Appalachian Community Sing

Sara F. Lynch-Thomason

Thinking like a Region- Redefining Place in Rural Appalachia

Daniel C. Carter Ph.D., Sewanee

Through the Window, Not the Door: Writing as a Vehicle for Change

Marie Manilla, WV Wesleyan College
Danielle Kelly, WV Wesleyan College
Rebecca Elswick, WV Wesleyan College
Ginny Rachel, WV Wesleyan College

Title: “Appalachian Studies at the Academy: The Economy of Program Development”

Sylvia B. Shurbutt, Shepherd University

Title: “Conflict and Resolution: Cold Mountain and Eco-Environmentalism in Charles Frazier’s Anti-War Fiction”

Sylvia B. Shurbutt, Shepherd University

Touring the Extremities of Culture in New York's Southern Tier

Kristin M. Kant-Byers, Rochester Institute of Technology

Tourism in a reconstruction era

William S. Tribell

Tracking social determinants of health in electronic health records in rural communities in Virginia

Margo Deihl, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Freshta Haschemi, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Stephanie Campbell, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Susan Meacham, Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Cody Goessl, Univeristy of Nebraska Medical Center

Traditional and Modern Youth Interests in Mountain Area of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Oleg Budnyk, Precarpathian University
Oksana Kondur, Precarpathian University
Iryna Boiko, Precarpathian University

Tragedy as an Impetus to History and Design: The Silver Bridge Collapse

Gregory Galford, Chatham University

Transitioning Beyond Extreme Energy in Harlan County, Kentucky

Kevin L. Durand, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Trumpalachia: The Dominance of Donald Trump and the Republican Party in Modern Appalachia

Kevin Oshnock

UNC Asheville’s Southern Highlands Research Center and the Development of Appalachian Studies and Appalachian Collections in the late 1970s

Gene Hyde, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Andrea A. Leonard, Appalachian State University
Aaron Spelbring, Radford University
Marc Brodsky, Virginia Tech

Understanding Barriers to Implementing LGBT-specific Programs in North Carolina High Schools: Implications for Rural Communities

Caitlin M. Hennessy, RTI International

Understanding the predictors of sense of place and place attachment in the community gardens in Roanoke, VA

Sinan Kordon, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Patrick Miller, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Unintentional wild-harvesting of black cohosh look-alikes causes safety and conservation concerns in Appalachia

Laura M. Price, Frostburg State University
Karen E. Johnson, Frostburg State University
Sunshine L. Brosi, Frostburg State University

Unstatic State: New Music in an Old-Time World

Nate May

Untelling: The Ineluctable Modality of the Visible in Robert Gipe’s Trampoline

Annie J. Woodford, Virginia Western Community College

Untitled Bluefield, West Virginia Project

Christopher D. Lusk

Urban Renewal, Gentrification and Food Insecurity in Asheville’s Southside Neighborhood

Erin Daniell, University of North Carolina at Asheville

Using Photovoice to Explore the Cultural Experiences of Students in Appalachia

Cassandra Gail Pusateri, East Tennessee State University
Lauren Penley, East Tennessee State University

Voicing Appalachia: Poetry as Exploration of Liminal Appalachian Identities

Emily Blair, University of Louisville

Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean: A Roundtable Discussion

Zackary Vernon, Appalachian State University
Travis A. Rountree, University of Louisville
Meredith Doster, Emory University
Crystal Wilkinson, Berea College
Silas House, Berea College


Nick Snow, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Terry Hrubec, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Susan Meacham, Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Chevon Thorp, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Way Out Yonder: A Story of a 21st Century Family Homestead

Matthew S. Parsons

“We can burn coal in compliance with clean air laws”: West Virginia’s War ‘for’ Clean Coal, 1977-1984

William H. Gorby Mr., West Virginia University

We don’t want your waste! Injecting Oil and Gas waste into Appalachia Ohio, opposition strategies and tales from community members.

Loraine McCosker, Ohio University - Main Campus
Roxanne Groff
Teresa Mills
Felicia Mettler
Heather Cantino

We will be doing a participatory workshop.

Susan Williams, Highlander Research and Education Center

West Virginia: A Case for Economic Distributism in Appalachia’s Poorest State

James T. Nesbitt, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

Western North Carolina Buckdancers, Flatfooters, & Charleston Dancers

Phil Jamison, Warren Wilson College

What is Wyrd about Appalachian Fatalism?: Re-thinking Freedom and Action in Hillbilly Folk-Metaphysics

Edward L. Karshner, Robert Morris University

What Would Helen Lewis Do? Celebrating the Legacy of the Grandmother of Appalachian Studies

Kathryn Engle, kathryn.engle@uky.edu
Patricia Beaver, Appalachian State University
Maria Hale, Appalachian State University
Judi Jennings

“What’s the catch”: Recruiting Central Appalachian High Schools for University Partnerships

Katie Beth Brooks, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Where Are the Hillbilly Nationalists in the Black Lives Matter Movement?

Kimberly Williams

Who are Appalachian Males and What our Research Showed Us

Chris Green Dr., Berea College
Bobby Starnes Dr., Berea College
Jordan Hutchins, Berea College
Bob Warren, Berea College

Whose Job Is It? Helping First-Generation Students Apply for College By Bridging Gaps Between Families and High Schools

Brittany Means Carowick, Independent Scholar
Brandi S. Weekley, Independent Scholar
Emily Blair, University of Louisville

Why Not Consensus or Majority Rule? Leverage the Power of Networks with Decision-making by Consent

Tracy Kunkler, Social Profit Strategies
Michelle Smith, Social Profit Strategies

Wildly Extreme: Navigating Risk and Rivers in Wonderful West Virginia in the Era of the Freedom Industries Chemical Spill

Brian A. Hoey Ph.D., Marshall University

Will legal pot end Appalachia’s biggest cash crop?

Mark Lynn Ferguson, The Revivalist: Word from the Appalachian South

Woodbooger Tourism

Elizabeth T. Coberly, George Mason University

Working with your Healthcare Provider to Improve Broadband Access

Beth O'Connor, VRHA
Mindy Thorpe, VRHA

Worlding Trilobites: Breece D’J Pancake Writing Appalachian Extremes

Abigail Heiniger, Bluefield College

Yonder: Contemporary Paintings and Sculptures that Explore Appalachian Identity & History

mindy sizemore 9454016, Shepherd University

"You Can't Padlock an Idea": Highlander Folk School and Civil Rights in Appalachia

Emily Senefeld, Sewanee

“/z/-devoicing: A Feature of Appalachian English?”

Rachel Hargrave, Virginia Tech
Abby Walker, Virginia Tech