Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Director/Producer

Mode of Program Participation

Performances and Arts

Participation Type


Session Title

A Blue Ribbon

Presentation #1 Title


Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

The Blue Ridge Parkway’s stunning beauty features waterfalls, vistas, rare flora & fauna, historical context, traverses over 469 miles, and is an experience of the natural wonder present in the Appalachian mountains. In a partnership with Virginia Tech’s Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technologies I propose an immersive audio-visual exploration, A Blue Ribbon. Relying primarily on the research of Ann Whisnant in her book Super-Scenic Motor as well as canon works such a Rothstein's First Assignment we will try to answer questions such as; how does the park service help instantiate a sustainable future for the region or is it another cultural export designed to assuage the souls of extra-local tourists? To be presented in The Cube at the Moss Arts Center, A Blue Ribbon, will take advantage of the facilities sixteen-foot tall in-the-round projection system and its 128.5 channel spatial sound system to create an immersive look at one of the most iconic roadways in America on a scale unlike anything yet seen. The first art documentary of its type, the video will be presented, recorded and editing in 360 3D. I will focus not only on creating a compelling and well-researched documentary but expanding the field of 360 3D cinematography. Taking my art education to expand on current techniques in 360 3d capture beyond first person view to include but not limited to: time-lapse, creative camera placement, and new interview styles.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

With an international track record, including immersive media exhibit for The International Archive of Women in Architecture in both Cork Ireland, Buenos Aires, Argentina and the crowning presentation at the UIFA International Conference at Virginia Tech, my work has been featured at the Virginia Tech Science Festival, ICAT Day 2016, Rock the Blocks Music and Arts Festival, the DISIS Concert 2015, as well as many other independent and group shows. As a graduate research assistant at The Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology and nearly a dozen installations in the Moss arts Center since my presentation of the inaugural student film project for the Cube in 2013 I am in the prime position to explore, create, and install this documentary at the Extreme Appalachia conference 2017.

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The Blue Ridge Parkway’s stunning beauty features waterfalls, vistas, rare flora & fauna, historical context, traverses over 469 miles, and is an experience of the natural wonder present in the Appalachian mountains. In a partnership with Virginia Tech’s Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technologies I propose an immersive audio-visual exploration, A Blue Ribbon. Relying primarily on the research of Ann Whisnant in her book Super-Scenic Motor as well as canon works such a Rothstein's First Assignment we will try to answer questions such as; how does the park service help instantiate a sustainable future for the region or is it another cultural export designed to assuage the souls of extra-local tourists? To be presented in The Cube at the Moss Arts Center, A Blue Ribbon, will take advantage of the facilities sixteen-foot tall in-the-round projection system and its 128.5 channel spatial sound system to create an immersive look at one of the most iconic roadways in America on a scale unlike anything yet seen. The first art documentary of its type, the video will be presented, recorded and editing in 360 3D. I will focus not only on creating a compelling and well-researched documentary but expanding the field of 360 3D cinematography. Taking my art education to expand on current techniques in 360 3d capture beyond first person view to include but not limited to: time-lapse, creative camera placement, and new interview styles.