Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Local Knowledges Meet and Greet

Mode of Program Participation

Performances and Arts

Participation Type


Session Title

Local Knowledges Exhibit

Session Abstract or Summary

In fall 2016, Virginia Tech students in the the graduate seminar "Research Methods in Material Culture & Public Humanities" learned hands-on skills from a range of community partners in southwest Virginia. Meet the students and those who taught them about beekeeping, butchering, quilting, tattooing, chair bottoming, brewing, crocheting, building pots, and carving bowls. A series of display windows on the second floor of the Squires Student Center details how these skills are tied to local histories, spaces, and social networks.

Presentation #1 Title

Local Knowledges Meet and Greet

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

This informal gathering brings together the students who prepared the Local Knowledges exhibit and the community partners who taught them a range of hands-on traditional skills. Participants will reflect on what they learned during these mini-apprenticeships, an experiment in community-based experiential education.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Danille Elise Christensen is Assistant Professor of Public Humanities at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. Trained as a folklorist, she studies the social meanings of vernacular expressive culture and organized the Local Knowledges exhibit.

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Local Knowledges Meet and Greet

This informal gathering brings together the students who prepared the Local Knowledges exhibit and the community partners who taught them a range of hands-on traditional skills. Participants will reflect on what they learned during these mini-apprenticeships, an experiment in community-based experiential education.