Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Founding an Exchange Program between University of Charleston and an HBCU

Mode of Program Participation

Community Organizing and Educational Programming

Participation Type


Session Title

Learning About Ourselves via a Study-Away Exchange: Digital Storytelling In Appalachia and Louisiana

Session Abstract or Summary

This roundtable is undertaken with the intent to reflect on and highlight the experiences of a study-away experience between the University of Charleston (UC) in Central Appalachia and Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana. We will look to examine the general operations of the exchange, its strengths and weaknesses as a high impact learning experience, as well as the utility of a digital storytelling project as the culminating student work project. Examples will be offered of said storytelling projects.

In the fall 2015 semester my provost and I endeavored to receive funding for a study-away exchange funded by a grant from the Salzburg-Mellon Global Trust. UC was awarded a grant for this exchange with Dillard University (DU), a Historically Black University in New Orleans (HBCU), Louisiana. This grant essentially funds a week long exchange for a group of ten students from each university – we are hosting our Dillard counterparts in Charleston from October 13th-18th and in November we will travel to Dillard and larger New Orleans for study and exploration.

The fundamental tenant of this study-away experience is to engage in a substantive comparison of these regions. Two study-exchange students will present their digital storytelling projects in the context of the roundtable and present projects related to white flight, brain drain, and place identity. The roundtable will explore the experiences and content of these projects as well as address what students learned about their Appalachian identity in the study-away experience in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Presentation #1 Title

Founding an Exchange Program between University of Charleston and an HBCU

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

As the moderator for the roundtable and lead faculty member for the study-away exchange, Dunlap will present about the experience of the study-away exchange and the intent and design of the digital storytelling project.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Hallie Chillag Dunlap is an Assistant Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Charleston, West Virginia. She trained at West Virginia University and Penn State University.

Presentation #2 Title

Student Digital Storytelling project #1: White Flight and Brain Drain in West Virginia and Louisiana

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

The first digital storytelling project will examine the impacts of white flight and brain drain on communities in West Virginia and Louisiana.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Luke Yingling is a senior at the University of Charleston and studies Political Science and History. He is a native of Ona, West Virginia.

Presentation #3 Title

Student Digital Storytelling Project #2: The Pull of Power and Place in Central Appalachia and the Delta/New Orleans

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

This project will examine the pull and power of place and its relative strength culturally in Central Appalachia and the Delta/New Orleans, Louisiana.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Kelli Chattin is a senior at the University of Charleston and Studies Political Science and Psychology. She is from Poca, West Virginia and is especially interested in child welfare policy.

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Founding an Exchange Program between University of Charleston and an HBCU

As the moderator for the roundtable and lead faculty member for the study-away exchange, Dunlap will present about the experience of the study-away exchange and the intent and design of the digital storytelling project.