Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Armenia to Appalachia: Tragedy, Rescue, Secrecy and Pride

Mode of Program Participation

Academic Scholarship

Participation Type


Presentation #1 Title

Armenia to Appalachia: Tragedy, Rescue, Secrecy and Pride

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Between 1915 and 1927, the Turkish government undertook to eradicate the ethnic Armenians from the face of the earth. Only through the intervention of American philanthropic and humanitarian efforts that became Near East Relief combining ambassadors, agencies, private organizations, right up to the president of the USA were hundreds of thousands of Armenian orphans rescued from the Ottoman genocide, the first of the twentieth century.

This is the story of one emaciated child, discarded like refuse in a ditch, who through a miracle and the goodness of one man survived to live a life in our Northeast, Florida, Berea College, The Shenandoah and New River Valleys of Virginia…a secret life revealed now through the pride and wonder of her children. Here is a tale of rescue and love, an American immigrant success story, and depiction of Appalachian culture.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Dr. Nemeth is Executive Director and CEO of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society, President of Education and Research Consulting, a long-term supporter and advocate for Appalachia, and proud son of an immigrant.

Dr. Edwards is Professor Emeritus of English, founder of the Appalachian Regional Studies Center at Radford University, and award-winning advocate, writer, and speaker on behalf of the Region. She is also Principal Associate of Education and Research Consulting.

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Armenia to Appalachia: Tragedy, Rescue, Secrecy and Pride

Between 1915 and 1927, the Turkish government undertook to eradicate the ethnic Armenians from the face of the earth. Only through the intervention of American philanthropic and humanitarian efforts that became Near East Relief combining ambassadors, agencies, private organizations, right up to the president of the USA were hundreds of thousands of Armenian orphans rescued from the Ottoman genocide, the first of the twentieth century.

This is the story of one emaciated child, discarded like refuse in a ditch, who through a miracle and the goodness of one man survived to live a life in our Northeast, Florida, Berea College, The Shenandoah and New River Valleys of Virginia…a secret life revealed now through the pride and wonder of her children. Here is a tale of rescue and love, an American immigrant success story, and depiction of Appalachian culture.