Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Representations of Place and Time in Heritage Tourism

Mode of Program Participation

Academic Scholarship

Participation Type


Session Title

“Heritage" Tourism, the Cultural Economy, and the Futures of Appalachian Places

Session Abstract or Summary

This public forum about “New Rural Economies” draws upon the cultural and artistic representations presented in the other program venues to explore the implications of commodified gendered, racialized, and place-based cultural “heritage” or “asset-based” economic initiatives from the perspective of public humanities. New rural economies that draw upon on arts, cultural resources, and “heritage” can improve upon labor issues and environmental issues produced by mountaintop removal mining, hydrofracking, mega natural gas pipeline transmission and compression, and the prison industry. Yet they can also bring baggage of their own if pursued uncritically as basic sacred or normally inalienable cultural symbols or behaviors are sold to the tourist having a transient interest. Tourism and arts economies often depend upon images of Appalachia in photography, film, and digital media, as well as widely-held presuppositions about those who make quilts, music, crafts, and folk architecture. And yet they can also serve to promote representations of the region that emphasize a dynamic, diverse, Appalachia of plural communities looking forward to a sustainable vision.

Presentation #1 Title

Representations of Place and Time in Heritage Tourism

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary


At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Ryan Chaney is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York faculty member and researcher on The Crooked Road and other forms of Heritage Tourism

Presentation #2 Title

Too Much of a Good Thing: Unintended Consequences of Tourism in the Blue Ridge

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary


At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Radford University faculty member and researcher on Blue Ridge material culture and folk architecture as it relates to heritage tourism,

Presentation #3 Title

Believing in Bristol

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary


At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Ms. Margaret Feierabend is the former mayor of Bristol, Tennessee, and city council member of Bristol, Tennessee

Presentation #4 Title

SHOW CAVES: A Collective Fantasy

Presentation #4 Abstract or Summary


At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #4

Austin Irving is a photographer specializing in the examination of the tendencies of modern tourism to destroy the very natural sites they seek to display through her photos of caves.

Presentation #5 Title

“Place-Specific Culture: The Case of the Show Cave”

Presentation #5 Abstract or Summary


At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #5

Douglas Reichert Powell

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Representations of Place and Time in Heritage Tourism
