Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: The Struggle to Stay

Mode of Program Participation

Community Organizing and Educational Programming

Participation Type


Session Title

The Struggle to Stay in Appalachia

Session Abstract or Summary

West Virginia Public Broadcasting’s podcast, Inside Appalachia, is launching a new series of stories next summer called “The Struggle to Stay”. The stories feature six people who are trying to decide whether to stay or leave Appalachia. The series follows them over a six month period of their lives.

This session will be moderated by our show’s host, Jessica Lilly.This session will begin by introducing our new radio series the Struggle to Stay. We’ll play two of our 4 minute audio stories as a sneak preview, giving some introduction to the people who we followed.

We’ll ask a group of panelists to discuss the stories and why this issue is affecting so many young people in Appalachia.

We’d like to record the panel for broadcast on multiple media platforms, including on the Inside Appalachia podcast.

Presentation #1 Title

The Struggle to Stay

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Jessica will introduce two of the stories we are previewing as part of our series "The Struggle to Stay". She will engage the panelist in a conversation similar to an interview from the podcast. Instead of each panelist giving their individual presentation, Jessica will moderate the discussion and will also ask the audience for feedback. There will be a mix of audio, video and discussion. We will record the session for future broadcast on our podcast.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Jessica joined WVPB in 2008 as the Southern West Virginia Bureau Chief. Jessica and her program Inside Appalachia have won numerous AP and Murrow awards.

Born in Bluefield, WV Jessica grew up in the coalfields of West Virginia and Wyoming County. She was always busy with activities such as cheerleading, or theatre. Jessica advises Concord University's online radio webstream and teaches communications classes at the school.

Presentation #2 Title

The Struggle to Stay in West Virginia

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

During the 2016 legislative session in West Virginia, a hashtag became popular on social media in West Virginia: #TheStruggletoStay. A collaborative initiative by WV Living and West Virginia Public Broadcasting sparked a debate: is it worth it to stay and fight, even if you don't agree with the politics of your state? It also ignited a conversation about the difficulty many people in West Virginia about how difficult it is to live the good life, earn a living and feel represented in state government. Of course, none of these issues are new. Why did this conversation go viral at this particular moment, and what does it say about West Virginia's changing political and economic climate.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

1) Emma is a reporter with the Philadelphia Citizen. Her work has been published in Salon, Slate, The New Republic, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Truthout, Philadelphia Weekly, West Philly Local, and others. She holds a B.A. from Haverford College and an MFA from the University of Virginia. In 2009-2010, Emma worked as a VISTA in Pocahontas County, West Virginia where she worked at the High Rocks Academy.

Presentation #3 Title

Appalachian Love Story

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

Stay Together Appalachian Youth (STAY) has been collecting audio stories about our complicated love for Appalachia. We'll hear one of those recordings and hear from a youth representative and will discuss what people in their group are saying about the Struggle to Stay, and what the group is doing to help support young people who have decided to stay, or who don't have the opportunity to leave. So often, the conversation about The Struggle to STay focuses on privileged, college educated, and white people. What about the rest of the population, many of whom wish they could leave but can't because of economic, family or health constraints?

Presentation #4 Title

Appalachian Media Institute and The Struggle to Stay

Presentation #4 Abstract or Summary

Last summer, youth at the Appalachian Media Institute made videos about their experience deciding whether they want to stay or leave Appalachia. We'll see a short excerpt from one of these films and will hear from a youth representative who made the film.

Presentation #5 Title

Higher Ground Podcast

Presentation #5 Abstract or Summary

Higher Ground has been using oral histories to tell stories on the stage- now they're also producing a podcast. We'll hear an excerpt from the Higher Ground podcast that explores the struggle for young people to stay in Appalachia. We'll hear from a youth representative share what their experience has been.

This document is currently not available here.



The Struggle to Stay

Jessica will introduce two of the stories we are previewing as part of our series "The Struggle to Stay". She will engage the panelist in a conversation similar to an interview from the podcast. Instead of each panelist giving their individual presentation, Jessica will moderate the discussion and will also ask the audience for feedback. There will be a mix of audio, video and discussion. We will record the session for future broadcast on our podcast.