Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Mapping Assets within Your Community

Mode of Program Participation

Community Organizing and Educational Programming

Participation Type


Session Title

Mapping Assets within Your Community

Session Abstract or Summary

Community Asset Mapping is a capacity building approach of rebuilding communities through social capital that may already exist,-- i.e., connections among individuals, social networks and norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them (Bourdieu, 1983). Asset mapping takes a positive approach rather than the traditional deficit model focus.

Our proposal uses the work of Kretzmann & McKnight (1993) and Beaulieu (1995) and places a unique twist on how we used the work to inform our practice in rural Southern Ohio (Appalachia). Throughout the session the presenters also discuss the impact of losing the best and brightest from rural communities (Carr and Kefalas, 2010).

Our session will focus on describing the practice of Community Asset Mapping; how we utilized these strategies to help school districts build internal capacity and conduct a Community Asset Mapping Activity for attendees. We believe this process will provide a foundation for others to work from and build the necessary social and human capital to improve the school and community relationship and foster sustainable future growth.

· Mapping provides the opportunity for practitioners to explore and discover hidden assets and resources that can enhance staff and student learning.

· Mapping exercises provide opportunities for community and stakeholder engagement and capacity building.

· The process engages communication between schools and local businesses.

· Community asset mapping also provides opportunities to establish open and transparent lines of communication.

· Community Asset mapping provides an opportunity to build relationships among stakeholders and creates a foundation for future stakeholder collaboration and support.

· The mapping process encourages school leaders to engage the community and stakeholders creating learning opportunities and access to unrecognized resources.

Presentation #1 Title

Mapping Assets within Your Community

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Community Asset Mapping is a capacity building approach of rebuilding communities through social capital that may already exist,-- i.e., connections among individuals, social networks and norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them (Bourdieu, 1983). Asset mapping takes a positive approach rather than the traditional deficit model focus.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Dr. Shane Shope is a Visiting Professor of Teacher Education at Shawnee State University and worked for Lynchburg-Clay Local Schools in Ohio as a teacher, administrator and superintendent for 21 years. Dr. Shope has published several peer-reviewed articles involving rural leadership and presented at state and national conferences. He also worked for the Public Education Evaluation Commission with the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia as an evaluator and peer reviewer.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Dr. J.R. Roush is a Dean of Core Studies/ College Credit Plus Director with Southern State Community College, Ohio, and former; Professor of Educational Leadership at Morehead State University and PK-12 teacher and principal for 22 years. Dr. Roush has published several peer-reviewed articles involving capacity building and successful higher education – high school transition programs. He has presented at numerous the state and national conferences and consulted/researched internationally.

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Mapping Assets within Your Community

Community Asset Mapping is a capacity building approach of rebuilding communities through social capital that may already exist,-- i.e., connections among individuals, social networks and norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them (Bourdieu, 1983). Asset mapping takes a positive approach rather than the traditional deficit model focus.