Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Going Glocal: Developing Global Competencies through Place-based Education in Rural Appalachia

Mode of Program Participation

Community Organizing and Educational Programming

Participation Type


Session Title

Going Glocal: Developing Global Competencies through Place-based Education in Rural Appalachia

Session Abstract or Summary

Participants will consider ways to explicitly build global competencies within their students by engaging those students in meaningful activities within their local communities while addressing requirements of the standards based curricula. The session will address the following questions. What are global competencies? What is place-based education? What local issues are worthy of study and action? How do we connect those issues with a standards-based curriculum? After brief introductions to each of the above, participants will engage in a small group activity where they will

  • brainstorm a list of issues related to local heritage, culture, landscapes, or economics,
  • choose one of those items and identify how students might engage with this topic in a meaningful way,
  • identify global competencies that may be developed through the manner in which you will engage the students, and
  • identify learning objectives from the curriculum standards that could be addressed through the manner in which they will engage the students.

The session will conclude with suggestions for “getting started” with embedding global competencies within the local context.

Presentation #1 Title

Going Glocal: Developing Global Competencies through Place-based Education in Rural Appalachia

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Participants will consider ways to explicitly build global competencies within their students by engaging those students in meaningful activities within their local communities while addressing requirements of the standards based curricula. The session will address the following questions. What are global competencies? What is place-based education? What local issues are worthy of study and action? How do we connect those issues with a standards-based curriculum? After brief introductions to each of the above, participants will engage in a small group activity where they will brainstorm a list of issues related to local heritage, culture, landscapes, or economics, choose one of those items and identify how students might engage with this topic in a meaningful way, identify global competencies that may be developed through the manner in which you will engage the students, and identify learning objectives from the curriculum standards that could be addressed through the manner in which they will engage the students. The session will conclude with suggestions for “getting started” with embedding global competencies within the local context.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Brad has worked in public education for 30 years as a teacher, principal, school improvement coordinator and currently serves as the program coordinator of Educational Leadership at Radford University.

This document is currently not available here.



Going Glocal: Developing Global Competencies through Place-based Education in Rural Appalachia

Participants will consider ways to explicitly build global competencies within their students by engaging those students in meaningful activities within their local communities while addressing requirements of the standards based curricula. The session will address the following questions. What are global competencies? What is place-based education? What local issues are worthy of study and action? How do we connect those issues with a standards-based curriculum? After brief introductions to each of the above, participants will engage in a small group activity where they will brainstorm a list of issues related to local heritage, culture, landscapes, or economics, choose one of those items and identify how students might engage with this topic in a meaningful way, identify global competencies that may be developed through the manner in which you will engage the students, and identify learning objectives from the curriculum standards that could be addressed through the manner in which they will engage the students. The session will conclude with suggestions for “getting started” with embedding global competencies within the local context.