Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: One Song, Many Voices: Intercultural Perspectives in Appalachia

Mode of Program Participation

Performances and Arts

Participation Type


Session Title

One Song, Many Voices: Intercultural Perspectives in Appalachia

Session Abstract or Summary

Appalachian Studies Conference 2017

One Song, Many Voices: Intercultural Perspectives in Appalachia

This video documents intercultural stories from Eastern Kentucky. The video highlights voices of the international communities. It includes interviews with those involved in the journey to becoming an American citizen. In addition, it focuses on stories of international students and faculty. The documentary explores questions of intercultural identity within the context of Appalachia. The researchers asked questions related to the American Dream, immigration, and assimilation. This video documents the healing process of a community that has been injured by media coverage of negative attitudes concerning immigration and diversity. The documentary concludes with a musical tribute celebrating the diversity of Appalachia.

Presentation #1 Title

One Song, Many Voices: Intercultural Perspectives in Appalachia

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

One Song, Many Voices: Intercultural Perspectives in Appalachia

This video documents intercultural stories from Eastern Kentucky. The video highlights voices of the international communities. It includes interviews with those involved in the journey to becoming an American citizen. In addition, it focuses on stories of international students and faculty. The documentary explores questions of intercultural identity within the context of Appalachia. The researchers asked questions related to the American Dream, immigration, and assimilation. This video documents the healing process of a community that has been injured by media coverage of negative attitudes concerning immigration and diversity. The documentary concludes with a musical tribute celebrating the diversity of Appalachia.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Ann Andaloro is an Associate Professor of Communication, Media and Languages at Morehead State University. She serves as the Director of Gender Studies.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Lin-hsiu Huang is an Honors Student at Morehead State University. She is majoring in Art.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Kathryn Wilkerson is an Honors Student at Morehead State University. She is majoring in Biomedical Sciences.

This document is currently not available here.



One Song, Many Voices: Intercultural Perspectives in Appalachia

One Song, Many Voices: Intercultural Perspectives in Appalachia

This video documents intercultural stories from Eastern Kentucky. The video highlights voices of the international communities. It includes interviews with those involved in the journey to becoming an American citizen. In addition, it focuses on stories of international students and faculty. The documentary explores questions of intercultural identity within the context of Appalachia. The researchers asked questions related to the American Dream, immigration, and assimilation. This video documents the healing process of a community that has been injured by media coverage of negative attitudes concerning immigration and diversity. The documentary concludes with a musical tribute celebrating the diversity of Appalachia.