Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Pearl S. Buck Collaborative: Papers, Places and Partners

Mode of Program Participation

Academic Scholarship

Participation Type


Session Title

Pearl S. Buck Collaborative: Papers, Places and Partners

Session Abstract or Summary

Nobel and Pulitzer prizewinning author Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) is well known for her fiction and nonfiction drawing largely upon her experiences growing up in China, the daughter of American Presbyterian missionaries. Less well known is the profound influence of her family heritage and birthplace in southern West Virginia on her life and work, and which led her to place her literary manuscripts in the care of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation in Hillsboro, WV, shortly before her death. In 2014, a collaboration was formed between the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation, West Virginia University and West Virginia Wesleyan College to open this little known but priceless resource -- the Pearl S. Buck Literary Manuscripts Collection -- to research and to promote Pearl S. Buck studies through a wide variety of events and initiatives. This poster presentation will focus on the goals and terms of the collaboration and demonstrate the considerable progress that has occurred to date.

Presentation #1 Title

Pearl S. Buck Collaborative: Papers, Places and Partners

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Nobel and Pulitzer prizewinning author Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) is well known for her fiction and nonfiction drawing largely upon her experiences growing up in China, the daughter of American Presbyterian missionaries. Less well known is the profound influence of her family heritage and birthplace in southern West Virginia on her life and work, and which led her to place her literary manuscripts in the care of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation in Hillsboro, WV, shortly before her death. In 2014, a collaboration was formed between the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation, West Virginia University and West Virginia Wesleyan College to open this little known but priceless resource -- the Pearl S. Buck Literary Manuscripts Collection -- to research and to promote Pearl S. Buck studies through a wide variety of events and initiatives. This poster presentation will focus on the goals and terms of the collaboration and demonstrate the considerable progress that has occurred to date.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

John A. Cuthbert is Curator and Director of the West Virginia and Regional History Center and Special Collections at West Virginia University Libraries. A graduate of Worcester State University, the University of Massachusetts and West Virginia University, he has written extensively on many topics in West Virginia history. Dr. Cuthbert is a WVU Claude Worthington Benedum Distinguished Scholar and recipient of the West Virginia Humanities Council’s Charles H. Daugherty Award.

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Pearl S. Buck Collaborative: Papers, Places and Partners

Nobel and Pulitzer prizewinning author Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) is well known for her fiction and nonfiction drawing largely upon her experiences growing up in China, the daughter of American Presbyterian missionaries. Less well known is the profound influence of her family heritage and birthplace in southern West Virginia on her life and work, and which led her to place her literary manuscripts in the care of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation in Hillsboro, WV, shortly before her death. In 2014, a collaboration was formed between the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation, West Virginia University and West Virginia Wesleyan College to open this little known but priceless resource -- the Pearl S. Buck Literary Manuscripts Collection -- to research and to promote Pearl S. Buck studies through a wide variety of events and initiatives. This poster presentation will focus on the goals and terms of the collaboration and demonstrate the considerable progress that has occurred to date.