Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Update on North Carolina

Participation Type


Session Title

Exploring Appalachian Land Ownership: Methodologies and Data Collection for a New Study

Session Abstract or Summary

Thirty-five years ago, the Appalachian Land Ownership Study (ALOS) demonstrated that land was concentrated in the hands of absentee energy and timber interests and linked this monopoly to extreme resource exploitation, unjust taxation schemes, and underdevelopment. An updated study of West Virginia (2013) found that land concentration still exists but reflects new patterns, with Timberland Investment Management Organizations (TIMO's) holding the largest share of land. At the same time, new forms of extraction such as fracking are on the rise in the region.

This roundtable will explore and discuss where the development of the new regional land study stands today. This study not only reflects and investigates “Who Owns Appalachia Today” but that also supports the passion and commitment that permeates current Appalachian scholarship, activism, and policy goals for just transition. The roundtable participants will share their progress on efforts to bring together a wide range of networks and stakeholders as methodologies and data collection for the study are in their beginning processes. We will report back on the working retreat in Pipestem, West Virginia, and transition into an open forum to help shape and guide the implementation processes for the new study (see With this dialog, we hope to begin to answer: What is the new study attempting to accomplish, and how is it being done? The forum is also an open invitation to get involved in the ongoing efforts of the working group, which in the spirit of the original study, aims to foster an open and collaborative process in all aspects of study design and implementation.

Presentation #1 Title

Update on North Carolina

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Jacob will discuss data collection, management, and analytics in Appalachian North Carolina. Others will give updates for their states and their perspectives on how to move forward.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

A graduate student at Appalachian State University pursuing MA degrees in Appalachian Studies (Sustainability) and Political Science (Environmental Policy), as well as Co-Chair of Young Appalachian Leaders and Learners.

Conference Subthemes

Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability

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Update on North Carolina

Jacob will discuss data collection, management, and analytics in Appalachian North Carolina. Others will give updates for their states and their perspectives on how to move forward.