2018 - Re-stitching the Seams: Appalachia Beyond its Borders
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"12 Rounds in Lo's Gym: Boxing and Manhood in Appalachia" Todd Snyder |
1937 Flood and Its impact on Portsmouth Ohio Steven D. Campbell, University of Rio Grande |
1937 Flood impact on Gallipolis, Ohio Justin May |
1937 Flood Impact on Pomeroy, Ohio Eric Landrum |
“20 Miles and 100 Years”: Illegalities and Appalachia as “Relic Culture” on Bloody Twin Creek Janet Feight, Shawnee State University |
Shanon Rice |
A Familiar Wilderness: Lessons from Walking Daniel Boone's Road Simon J. Dahlman, Milligan College |
A New Foundation on the Airwaves: Kentucky Educational Television and the Appalachian East Carson Benn |
“A Path in the Shape of Their Bodies”: Intersections of Disability Studies and Appalachian Studies Brent W. Cline, Spring Arbor University |
“A Peculiar People, a Discrete Region”: Appalachian Literature Beyond External Constructs Laura L. Morris, Furman University |
Julia Watts |
A reading from Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel Volume 20: Appalachia:Stay or Go? Pauletta Hansel, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative |
A Reading of "The Other Newfoundland" Scott Minar |
Academic Activism in Portsmouth, Ohio: The Importance of Community Engagement in Appalachia Sean Dunne |
Adapting a Place-Based Approach for Urban Appalachian Community Development Mary Delaney |
“AFFRILACHIAN MEMORY PLAY: TOBACCO FIELDS” a play in one Act Yunina Barbour-Payne |
African Roots of the Fiddle and Cultural Exchange in Our Appalachian Mountains Cece Conway, Appalachian State U |
African-American Miners in the West Virginia Mine Wars John Blatzheim |
All Access EKY: Full-Spectrum Birth Control in Appalachian Kentucky Stacie Sexton |
Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth, University of Kentucky |
An Appalachia Abroad: Connecting to International Mountain Cultures in India's Uttarakhand Kelsey Krepps, Appalachian State University |
An Appalachian Spring: Teaching, Learning, Bridging Gaps Beth R. Daugherty |
Sarah Beth Childers |
An insider's view of organizing an Environmental Music Festival Rodney Sutton, Joe Shannon's Mountain Home Music |
Andy Catlett Goes to Hell: Literary Allusion in Wendell Berry's Remembering April Asbury |
Appalachia and Beyond: The Kentucky Documentary Photographic Project, 1975-1977 Roger May |
Appalachian Arts in the Queen City Susan G. Pepper |
Appalachian Foodways: Engaging Ethnography in Nutrition Education Nicole Musgrave |
“Appalachian Mississippi”: Race, Democracy, and Reform after Jim Crow, 1965 to 1975 Justin Randolph |
Appalachian Old Time Fiddling in Florida Aisha S. Ivey, Florida State University |
Appalachian Research Day, Come sit on the Porch Frances Feltner, University of Kentucky |
Appalachian-Carpathian Mountain Initiative Kelsey M. Wagner, Appalachian State University |
Tessa Miracle |
Elizabeth Skene, Western Carolina University |
Are we losing a generation?: Povert and Opioids in Rural and Urban Appalachian Communities Thomas Wagner, University of Cincinnati - Main Campus |
“Are Y’all Homos?”: Mêtis as Method for and in Queer Appalachia Caleb Pendygraft, Miami University of Ohio |
Beautiful Solutions for Appalachia Elandria Williams |
Between The Rock and the Commonwealth Steven O. Middleton Colonel, Morehead State University |
Beyond Work vs. Welfare: Conceptions of Moral Worth in a Postindustrial Community Kristina Brant |
Bluegrass Music Heritage of Southwestern Ohio Matthew Smith |
Bradford Community Immunization Access: Bridging the Gap Tammy M. Haley, University of Pittsburgh - Bradford |
Catherine Sherron, Thomas More College |
Breaking into "Sounding Appalachian" Michael Montgomery, University of South Carolina - Columbia |
Kendall Bilbrey, Appalachian Community Fund |
Elyzabeth Engle |
Building Community Capacity for Safety Promotion and Drug Reduction Through Prevention Coalitions Genia McKee, University of Kentucky |
Camp Washington: Urban Appalachia in the Heart of Cincinnati Anne Skove |
Cardiovascular Heart Disease, Risk Factors, and North Central Appalachian Experiences Bethany L. Fulton, Ohio University - Main Campus |
Annelise Hagedorn, Pennsylvania State University |
Change Reaction: The Original Highlander Folk School Emily Masters, Berea College |
Changing Perceptions of Appalachia: Stuck in the past or moving towards the future? April Dye |
Children of the Downturn: Capability and 'New Poverty' in Central Appalachia Olivia S. Lowery, Hollins University |
Christianity and Appalachian Labor Movements Anna Lackey, Furman University |
Citizenship In Action: Engaging Appalachian Youth in Design Thinking to Promote Community Wellness Melody Gibson, Nashville Civic Design Center |
Nick Mullins |
Jack Wright Mr. |
College and Career Readiness In Appalachia: An Urban and Rural Perspective Shane C. Shope, Morehead State University |
Colors in the Minds of Appalachian Women Lucy Lansing |
Comedy Scene Development in Appalachian Communities Nate Cesco |
Communities Acting for Kids Empowerment (CAKE): Finding the "Bright Spots" Michael Topmiller PhD, American Academy of Family Physicians |
COMMUNITY SELF-DEFENSE AGAINST POLLUTION Elaine Tanner, Friends For Environmental Justice |
Complex Representations of Appalachia in C.E. Morgan’s The Sport of Kings Erin Presley, Eastern Kentucky University |
Contentious Sang: The Politics of Ginseng Production in Appalachia Justine Law, Sonoma State University |
Contingent Culture: Talk, Music, and Political Economy in Southern Appalachia Ryan D. Chaney, CUNY Kingsborough Community College |
Vikki Bonyata |
Conversation with the Authors and Editors of the 2016 Weatherford Award Winning Books Chris Green, Berea College |
Crystal Allene Cook, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Cooperative Strategies for Community Sustainability Christopher R. McCloud, Appalachian State University |
Corporatism in the Contemporary Appalachian Coal Industry Judson C. Abraham, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Erin Carrus |
Creating Community Space for Modern Appalachian Storytelling Chaya Holch, Princeton University |
Creating Safe Space in a Multidisciplinary Classroom Kimberly G. Reigle, Mars Hill University |
Mary Kerrigan |
CrimeSong in the Classroom: A Collaborative Project Amanda J. Slone, University of Pikeville |
Cultural Resources Plantings of White Oak for Cherokee Basketry Brenna Bohn, Frostburg State University |
Developing a participatory and interactive community-based intervention for Appalachian communities. Laura-Kate Huse |
Developing Action Competence for Sustainability in Central Appalachia Colleen Unroe, The Pennsylvania State University |
Igor Tsependa, Precarpathian University |
Disability in Darnell Arnoult's Novel Sufficient Grace Elizabeth Glass, University of Louisville |
Rosemary Hathaway |
Documenting African American Heritage and Culture in Western Maryland Brenna Bohn, Frostburg State University |
Donald Culross Peattie: Appalachian Nature Writer and Visionary Kevin O'Donnell, East Tennessee State University |
Downtown Revitalization in the Promise Zone Shane Barton, University of Kentucky |
Drug Overdose Fatalities: Appalachian vs. Non-Appalachian Kentucky Ashley Bush DrPH, University of Kentucky |
East Kentucky Food & Dance Trail Brett Ratliff, Hindman Settlement School |
Ecojustice as a paradigm for sustainability, community and diversity in Appalachia James Addington, Ohio University |
Elizabeth Scarpelli, Director of The University of Cincinnati Press Elizabeth Scarpelli, University of Cincinnati Press |
Emancipation Day: Gallia County, Ohio William Isom II, East Tennessee PBS |
Eminent Domain and the Potential for Land Reform in Appalachia Laura Rigell, Scholar Activist Alliance |
Enduring Music: Migrant Appalachian communities and the Shenandoah National Park Madeline Marsh |
Lucy Steele |
Enhancing Community Well-Being in Scioto County through Public Art Jason Tussey |
Enlightenment Rhetoric and Feminist Reform at the Hindman Settlement School Wendy Olson |
ESL Education for Latinxs in Appalachia through Community Partnerships Jameson Jones, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Scott Temple, Pitt Community College |
Evangelical Rhetoric and the Discursive Practices that Students Bring to College Writing Bethany Mannon |
Katherine Ledford, Appalachian State University |
Everybody’s Ignert ‘Bout Some’en: The Influence of Dialect on Education in the Ozarks Sharon Burns |
Evil or Dumb?: Examining Common Media Stereotypes and Student Perceptions of Appalachia Lora E. Smith, Indiana University - Bloomington |
Examining the impact of gender attitudes on academic outcomes at a regional campus Kristi A. Barnes |
Charles L. Lowery, Ohio University - Main Campus |
Excerpts from "Hoppin’ Possums: Steps from the Green Grass Cloggers" Leanne E. Smith, North Carolina Folklore Journal & East Carolina University |
Exploring Cultural Heritage Interpretation in Ulster and Appalachia Ron R. Roach, East Tennessee State University |
Neda Moayerian, Virginia Tech |
Madison Allums, Furman University |
Exploring the Health Implications from Mountaintop Removal Sarah Yonts |
Olivia Wedel |
Far Afield: A Dialogue on Pursuing Graduate Research in Appalachian Studies Out of Place Edward Sloane, Boston College |
Farm and Food Tourism: An Appropriate Economic Strategy for Appalachia? Leah G. Mathews, University of North Carolina at Asheville |
Farm and Fun Time Legacy: Radio and Regional Music Nathan Sykes |
Female Firsts: From Appalachian Virginia to the White House and Beyond Grace Toney Edwards, Radford University |
Danielle Kelly, West Virginia University at Parkersburg |
Finding John Henry: Examining the Legend, the Ballad, and the Man Breanna Gladden |
Finding Success: A Mother and Son Talk About Triumphing Through Transition Ann Hutchison, Marshall University |
Finding the Right Pattern: Medicinal Herbs for Sustainable Appalachian Homesteads Tricia Shapiro |
Elyzabeth Engle |
Fracking for Funding in Appalachian Ohio: Power and Powerlessness Jacqueline Yahn Dr., Ohio University Eastern |
“From a Stage to the Page: Maintaining Orality in Written Collections of Appalachian Fairy Tales” Stacy Sivinski |
Julie Midkiff, Bradley Elementary |
From Hell To Hope: A Collaborative Writing Group For Women In Recovery Beth Campbell, Marshall University |
From Tobacco to Local Food in Western North Carolina Allison S. Perrett, Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) |
Gerard Manley Hopkins and Jane Hicks Thomas A. Holmes |
Gretchen Moran Laskas, Fiction Writer Sylvia B. Shurbutt, Shepherd University |
Harlan & Covington: A Rural-Urban Creative Placemaking Collaboration Robert Gipe, Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College |
Harm Reduction Workshop: Naloxone, Syringe Exchanges, and Social Justice Lesly-Marie Buer |
Harriette Simpson Arnow's Out-Migration: From Burnside, Kentucky to Ann Arbor, Michigan Martha Billips, Transylvania University |
Healing Appalachia: Tales of cancer survival through movement Annalee Tull |
Healing Ourselves & the Earth: Ecotherapy as Practice Valerie Radu |
Helping Students Uncover the Cultures, Values, and Histories they Don’t Know they Have Bobby Starnes Dr., Berea College |
Heritage Claims and Civic Change: Re-Stitching Urban Appalachian Advocacy in Cincinnati, OH Jonathan L. Bradshaw, Western Carolina University |
Gary Vaughn |
Hillbilly Park: Creating Identity in the Borderlands Michael J. Luchtan, East Tennessee State University |
Stephen JohnsonGrove, Ohio Justice and Policy Center |
How to Connect Academics and Activists Jeffrey Stec |
Chelsea N. Ryan, East Tennessee State University |
Human Trafficking in Appalachia Kristi Miller 7141988, Lorain County Community College |
Keith Stewart |
In the Gallery at Last: Fred Carter’s Artistic Journey jack wright, jack wright |
Initiating the Young Appalachians’ Living Language (YALL) Corpus Jennifer Cramer, University of Kentucky |
Natalie D. Sypolt, Pierpont Community and Technical College |
Interactive Energy: Yesterday's Pioneer Medicine, Today's Pioneering Approach Jenni Cattran, MSW, Urban Appalachian Community Coalition |
International cooperation of Ukraine on the Ukrainian Carpathians mountain regions development Iryna Ivanyshyn f, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University |
Into the Hazel Wood: Being Gay in Appalachia Silas House, Berea College |
Phillip Obermiller, University of Cincinnati - Main Campus |
Introduction and Facilitation of the Session Maureen R. Sullivan, Urban Appalachian Community Coalition |
Cody Mullins |
Tonja Matney Reynolds |
Invocation of Appalachia: Observations of Old-time Music in Barcelona Kehren Barbour, East Tennessee State University |
James Roy Hopkins: A Primitivist in Appalachia? Joy L. Gritton Dr. |
Jim Wayne Miller’s Poetry and the Halieutic Image Micah McCrotty |
Michael Clay Carey, Samford University |
Knitting the Region’s Narrative: Digital Storytelling in Northern Appalachia Christina Fisanick, California University of Pennsylvania |
Land Beneath the Water: The Keowee-Toxaway Project in Appalachian South Carolina Austin Gregory, East Tennessee State University |
Anita Rose |
"Lily May, the Mountain Gal:" the Female Country Musician as Comic Strip Heroine, 1936-1937 Ivan M. Tribe Dr., University of Rio Grande |
Linda (1929): Giving Voice to a Silent Appalachian Film Larry Sean Kinder, Western Kentucky University |
Linguistic Hybridity and the Construction of Pipeline Resistance Speaking Practices Anita M. Puckett, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Living in Harmony: New Deal Photographs of Music-Making in West Virginia Jason Hartz, Adrian College |
Living in Queer Country: An Analysis of Appalachian Queer Individuals Joshua Stuart |
Locating the North in Appalachian Literature Pamela C. Twiss, California University of Pennsylvania |
Logan Lucky: Exploitation or Class Critique? Walter E. Squire, Marshall University |
Lynnell Edwards, Spalding University |
Making Space, Making Time, Making History Melanie Pratt, Cross My Heart, Ltd |
Tijah Bumgarner, Marshall University |
Megan Adams, University of Findlay |
Methodologies in Data Collection, Management, in Analytics for Studying Land Ownership in Appalachia Jacob Meadows |
Dana Stoker Cochran, Radford University |
Missing Dixie: a quilt, a story, reflections on the ones who left and the ones who stayed behind Bet Ison |
Katherine Farley, Washington University in St. Louis |
Misty Skaggs |
Bonita Skaggs-Parsons |
Mountaineers and Rebels: Identity, Secession, and Crisis in Civil War Virginia Joshua Goodall, James Madison University |
Mysteries in the Mountains: New Representations of Identity in Appalachia Barbara Ladner 5227826, West Virginia State College |
Roberta Campbell |
National Endowment for the Arts Grants Workshop Jennie Terman, National Endowment for the Arts |
Nature Reserves of the Ukrainian Carpathians: Prospects and Problems for Sustainable Development Nataliia Protsyshyn, Ivano-Frankivsk College of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University |
Negotiating the Urban/Rural Experience and Appalachian Heritage in Adriana Trigiani's Kiss Carlo Zana K. Combiths Ms., Virginia Tech |
Newgrass woman: the transformation of female sound and space in Appalachian music Sophia Enriquez |
Non-Prestige Dialect Teachers & Prestige Dialect Students: A Qualitative Review Matt Prater, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Now and Then: Naive Narrators and Natural Resource Industry in Appalachian Literature Janet Parker, Mars Hill University |
One Election Away?: An Appalachian Kentucky Town's Struggle to Diversify its Economy After Coal Shaunna L. Scott, University of Kentucky |
Mary Drury, Radford University |
William R. Schumann, Appalachian State University |
Our panel will be a reading by each panelist and discussion with all attendees, afterward Karen S. McElmurray Dr., West Virginia Wesleyan College |
Outliers: Women's Voices of Place and Displacement Cathryn Hankla, Hollins University |
Laura Gayle Green |
Perceptions on Impacts of Surface coal-mining on environment and well-being in Kentucky's Appalachia Buddhi Gyawali, Kentucky State University |
Physical artifacts used in stance-taking: Constructing an Appalachian identity Jasper J. Waugh-Quasebarth, University of Kentucky |
Pine Mountain Settlement School as a Community Resource and Environmental Education Center. Amanda Wiley, Pine Mountain Settlement School |
Political Discourse, Structural Inequality, and Elections in the Coalfields of Southwest Virginia Julie A. Shepherd-Powell, University of Kentucky |
Karen Adele Lemke, Appalachian State University |
Preparing Students to Address Substance Misuse in Appalachian Culture Michael E. Thomas MS, Virginia Tech |
Tiffany Pennock Arnold, Ohio University - Main Campus |
Preserving Culture and Worship: The Black Church in Appalachia Franklyn Charles, Ohio University - Main Campus |
“Public Health in Appalachia: Looking at Coal’s Direct and Indirect Impacts” Priscilla Harris |
Raven, Woman, Man: A/Religious Ecocritical Reading of Jim Minick’s Fire Is Your Water Theresa Burriss, Radford University |
(Re)Creating Hope and (re)Writing the Appalachian Narrative Amy P. Azano, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Re-Imagining Rural Entrepreneurship: Towards a Multi-Paradigm Research Agenda Alex Naar, Virginia Tech |
Reading Divine Right,The Hero's Journey Gurney Norman, University of Kentucky |
“Ready to do battle with the mountain”: Masculinity and Nature in Spike TV’s Coal Peter Thompson, Carleton University |
Reassessing James Still's Life Carol B. Boggess, Mars Hill University |
Reflecting on Rash Choices: Reading Something Rich and Strange with Ex-Offenders Martha Eads |
Reopening an Appalachian Hospital: The Case of Lee Regional Hospital G. Lee, King University |
Report on the Multi-State, County, Use of the Daniel Boone Trace Heritage Health Project Peter H. Hackbert, Berea College |
Researching, Returning, and Resituating: Navigating the Borders Between Home and the Academy Sarah Craycraft |
Joyce Compton Brown Ph.D., Gardner-Webb University |
Revisiting McGuffey Readers and Their Relevance Today Douglas Sturgeon Dr., University of Rio Grande |
Reviving Rural Community Pottery Studios: A Pilot Study Alex Kim, Harvard University |
Charles B. Hayes, Michigan State University |
Riding the Wave Train & Other Poems Rhonda Pettit |
Rebecca Adkins Fletcher, East Tennesee State University |
Running With Whiskey: A Multi-Media Performance Exploring Place, Identity and Extractive Industry Marc Harshman, Poet Laureate of WV |
Salt rising bread: Keeping the tradition alive Genevieve Bardwell, Genevieve Bardwell |
Sassafras Workshop Presents: Zine Party! Brittany Hicks, Sassafras Workshop |
John Winnenberg, Sunday Creek Associates |
Scaling the mountain: World language teacher self-efficacy in central Appalachia Ella Smith-Justice |
Scholar Activism in Appalachia Ricki Draper, Appalachian State University |
Chris Green Dr, Berea College |
Courtney Rhoades |
Helen Wasielewski, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus |
Singing For Our Lives: Uniting Voices for Social Justice Em Joy, MUSE - Cincinnati's Women's Choir |
Dave Scharfenberger, Mount St. Joseph University |
Anita J. Turpin, Roanoke College |
Social Stigma and the ‘Welfare Check’: An Examination of Mistrust and Misuse of Social Capital Jade Zimpfer, Sam Houston State University |
Some Call It Home: Creative Writing as Exploration of Identity Multiplicity Emily Blair |
Randi B. Hagi, Our Community Place |
Songs of the Shakers: A workshop on 19th-century songs about love and community Miranda Brown |
Sports as Political Theater: Virginia & West Virginia, 1870-1929 Edition Josh Howard, Passel Historical Consultants |
Spreading our Wings—Black Huntingtonian Progress during the Era of “Benevolent Segregation.” Cicero M. Fain III, College of Southern Maryland |
Stay Together Appalachian Youth: 10 Years of Youth Organizing in Appalachia Lou Murrey |
Elizabeth Glass, University of Louisville |
Story and Medicine in Appalachia: Creating Healing Communities in Clinical Settings Renee K. Nicholson, West Virginia University |
Storytelling to Bridge Divides and Build Community Shawn Braley, Cincy Stories |
Strategies of Hope: A Systems Approach Amanda Peters |
Surface Mining Regulation Overview Willie Dodson |
Sustaining a Movement through Appalachian Writers' Gatherings Pauletta Hansel, Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative |
Teaching "Our Appalachian Community" Zach Kopkin, Appalachian State University |
Teaching Emotions: Why It Has Economic Impact Michael C. Melton, Letcher County Central High School |
Teaching me: The vulnerability in teaching my home Josh Iddings, Virginia Military Institute |
Teaching Rhetoric through the Lens of Appalachian Studies Jessica Salfia, Berkeley County Schools WV |
Telling (Queer-Affirming) Stories of Appalachian Place Justin Ray Wakefield |
Lauren Pond, The Ohio State University |
Textiles: Eastern Tennessee’s Place in History Philis Alvic, philis@philisalvic.info |
"That there is my church": Liberation Theology in Denise Giardina's Storming Heaven Bill Jolliff, George Fox University |
Brandon Jent |
The 1937 Flood and Pt. Pleasant WV Cody Call |
The Abortion Monologues: Storytelling As a Tool for Reproductive Justice Stacie Sexton |
Michael Topmiller |
The Ballrooms of Bucktown: Crossroads of Migration, Music, and Dance in Cincinnati Phil Jamison, Warren Wilson College |
The Booming Business of Barn Quilts Julianne Donofrio |
The Carter Family: A Musical Family's Continuing Influence on Today's Appalachian Musicians Melissa R. Keyser, Morehead State University |
The Druid and the City: Exploring Cincinnati’s Ancient Tree Groves Scott R. Honeycutt, East Tennessee State University |
Johnathan Gay |
The Future of Appalachian Studies Leah K. Vance, University of Kentucky |
The Great Northern Migration: Rural French-Canadian Immigrants in New England Industrial Cities Timothy Di Leo Browne, Carleton University |
The Growing Need for Collegiate Recovery Programs in Appalachia Ann Addington, Ohio University |
Rick Rushing |
Susan Sprigg |
The Home & The Hive: Unpacking Domesticity For Historical and Contemporary Women Beekeepers Sarah Watson, University of Kentucky |
The Ike Shade Cemetery in Haysi, Va. and the beginning of the SWVA Black Cemetery Collective Willie Dodson |
Priscilla Harris |
The Importance of Place in The Stories of Breece D’J Pancake Chloe Brown |
The individual readings are not separately titled Wendy Welch, Graduate Medical Education Consortium |
The Land Studies of the Conquerer: Terra Nullius and the "Just Transition" Stephen Pearson |
Renee Gilhousen |
Thomas E. Strunk, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH |
The Personality and Politics of Artist Fred Carter Sharon K. Hatfield |
The Presidential Campaigns of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Appalachian Counties of Ohio Philip A. Grant Ph.D>, Pace University - New York |
The Problem of Using Natural Resources in the Appalachian and the Carpathian Mountain Systems Nataliia Bielova, Precarpathian University |
Michael J. Iafrate |
The Racial Other in Fred Chappell’s Brighten the Corner Where You Are Marcy Pedzwater |
The Ragged Wound—Can the Appalachian Diaspora Save the Region? Byron Ballard |
The Resurgence of Black Lung: Economic Challenges and Escalating Risk Aysha A. Bodenhamer, Radford University |
The Search for Economic Diversity in Eastern Kentucky Jeni Hall |
The Search for Economic Diversity in Eastern Kentucky Jeni Hall |
The Signifying Storyteller: Harriette Simpson Arnow’s “The Goat Who Was a Cow” Matthew Sutton |
The Story of Sr. Mary Agnes Gubert: How did a "Caged Songster" Acquire National Fame? Barb Howe |
Audra J. Boggs M.Ed, Lindsey Wilson College |
The Struggle to stay Inside Appalachia Roxy Todd, West Virginia Public Broadcasting |
The Swamp Dragon Home Guard and the Civil War in West Virginia Cameron Michael Mallow, Shepherd University |
James Reneau |
The Thick of Thin: Memoir of a Working-Class Writer Larry R. Smith Dr., Bottom Dog Press |
The Urban Appalachian Project: Young Identity Beyond the Mountains Kathryn Trauth Taylor, Untold Content, LLC |
The War on Drugs in Appalachia as a Social Movement: A Comparative Study Wes Gilkey, Ohio University |
There Ain't No Queers Here: Locating Queer and Trans* Spaces in Appalachia Stacy J. Grover, University of Cincinnati - Main Campus |
Threads and Yarns: Creating Connections in the Classroom J. Michael King, University of Pikeville |
Three Suggestions for the Future of Recent Appalachian History Lou Martin, Chatham University |
Richard P. Mulcahy Dr. |
William Field, Pine Mountain Settlement School |
Jonathan Norris, Ohio University - Main Campus |
Turkey in the Straw: Appalachian Music and Meaning in Popular Culture Melissa N. Quarles, Florida State University |
Connor J. Fewell, Ohio University - Main Campus |
Unsafe Water: Basic Infrastructure Needs for a New Economy Mary Cromer, Appalachian Citizens' Law Center |
Jacob Meadows, Appalachian State University |
Visual Art as Literary Cross-Training: A Gallery Tour Matt Prater, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
W. C. Handy: Overlooked Appalachian Visionary Ted Olson, East Tennessee State University |
Beth Campbell, Marshall University |
We Care – Health Care Policy Education and Advocacy Mary Beth Bingman, independent activist scholar |
We're on a Mission: Identifying an Appalachian Mission Statement for Schools Brooke Mullins, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Weaving A Tapestry of Hope for Appalachian Students Rebecca Cropper |
West Virginia's K12 Digital Education Commitment: Closing the Divide Cecelia McFadden, Ohio University |
Gina Childers, University of North Georgia |
What is a Jobs First Agenda? Exploring a New Narrative and the Legal Framework to Effectuate It Sean Duffy |
What is an Appalachian Coal Miner's Daughter? Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
What We Talk About When We Talk About "Folk Songs from the West Virginia Hills" Emily Hilliard, West Virginia Humanities Council |
Kristin J. Steele, Marshall University |
Who are Adolescents Talking to?: Understanding who Adolescents in Appalachia Talk with about Health Kathryn L. Duvall, East Tennessee State University |
Wildness and Culture in Appalachia M Joseph Aloi, University of North Texas |
Wildness and Culture in Appalachia M Aloi |
Wiley Cash and the Gastonia Novels: The Ties that Bind and the Prominence of Place Sylvia B. Shurbutt, Shepherd University |
Women of Appalachia Project: Artists Confronting the Stereotype Kari Gunter-Seymour, Ohio University - Main Campus |
Women’s Work: Appalachian Quilting Ellen Georgi |
You Never Seen So Much Hair in Your Life Jason Strange |
Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band Olivia M. Stanforth, University of Dayton |