Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Women of Appalachia Project: Artists Confronting the Stereotype

Participation Type

Experiential Presentation

Session Title

Women of Appalachia Project: Artists Confronting the Stereotype

Session Abstract or Summary

The Women of Appalachia Project (WOAP) is an innovative grassroots arts co-operative that creates opportunity and builds esteem through recognition for a diverse population of females living in or having strong ties to Appalachia, through fine art and spoken word events that strengthen ties to our communities who host and attend, while allowing outlanders an opportunity for discovery. Our presentation at the Appalachian Studies Association conference will be in two parts: (1.) a multimedia presentation (slide show and video) will offer an overview of the progress achieved over the nine years of the Project’s history, including recognition and growth., and (2.) a spoken word performance will feature the original poetry and storytelling of 7 WOAP spoken word artists from OH, WV and KY who will share a variety of social and political perspectives that speak directly to experience. Fine Art participants will be highlighted visually during the multimedia portion of the presentation. As lead presenter, Kari Gunter-Seymour will provide a succinct narrative which focuses on how the project empowers this network of women, hailing from throughout 8 states, to become strong advocates/activists for Appalachia by working together to push back against the stereotype and show the whole women, beyond the superficial factors used to judge Appalachians.

Presentation #1 Title

Women of Appalachia Project: Artists Confronting the Stereotype

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

The Women of Appalachia Project (WOAP) is an innovative grassroots arts co-operative that creates opportunity and builds esteem through recognition for a diverse population of females living in or having strong ties to Appalachia, through fine art and spoken word events that strengthen ties to our communities who host and attend, while allowing outlanders an opportunity for discovery. Our presentation at the Appalachian Studies Association conference will be in two parts: (1.) a multimedia presentation (slide show and video) will offer an overview of the progress achieved over the nine years of the Project’s history, including recognition and growth., and (2.) a spoken word performance will feature the original poetry and storytelling of 7 WOAP spoken word artists from OH, WV and KY who will share a variety of social and political perspectives that speak directly to experience. Fine Art participants will be highlighted visually during the multimedia portion of the presentation. As lead presenter, Kari Gunter-Seymour will provide a succinct narrative which focuses on how the project empowers this network of women, hailing from throughout 8 states, to become strong advocates/activists for Appalachia by working together to push back against the stereotype and show the whole women, beyond the superficial factors used to judge Appalachians.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Kari Gunter-Seymour Kari is the Founder/Curator of the Women of Appalachia Project and an Instructor in the School of Journalism at Ohio University. Twice a pushcart nominee, her chapbook Serving was chosen runner up in the 2016 Yellow Chair Review Annual Chapbook Contest and is forthcoming from Red Bird Chapbooks fall 2017. Her poems can be found in numerous literary journals as well as on her website:

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

Natalie Sypolt is one of seven spoken word artists who will perform her original work during the session. Her genre is poetry.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Natalie Sypolt is an Assistant Professor of English at Pierpont Community & Technical College in Fairmont, WV. She has an MFA in Fiction from West Virginia University and her publications include Glimmer Train, Appalachian Heritage, Kenyon Review Online, Willow Springs Review, and Still: The Journal, among other fine journals. Natalie servers on the Appalachian Heritage Writer in Residence board at Shepherd University, is an editor of the Anthology of Appalachian Writers, and is on the selection committee for the Weatherford Award in Fiction.

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

Diamond Burroway is one of seven spoken word artists who will perform her original work during the session. Her genre is story.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Sarah Diamond Burroway is currently pursuing her MFA from Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University and serves as Director of External Relations at Ohio University Southern in Ironton. Her essays and poems have been published in Still: The Journal, The Bitter Southerner’s Folklore Project and The Worcester Journal. Her short plays and monologues have been produced in NY, CA, WV, OH and KY.

Presentation #4 Abstract or Summary

Sherrell Wigal is one of seven spoken word artists who will perform her original work during the session. Her genre is poetry.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #4

Sherrell Wigal served for many years as director of the West Virginia Writer’s annual conference, and has been the past coordinator of the literary events tent at the West Virginia State Folk Festival. She conducts the annual week-long Allegheny Echoes Workshops in Pocahontas County, WV. Her list of performances includes the Arthur Brandon Humanities Lecture series at Alderson-Broaddus College, the Rhythm and Rhyme series at Kanawha County Public Library, the annual Vandalia Gathering and the Stonewall Jackson Jubilee.

Presentation #5 Abstract or Summary

Vicki Pritchard is one of seven spoken word artists who will perform her original work during the session. Her genre is story.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #5

Vicki Pritchard has an affection for Appalachia. Its essence forces her heart to contract and modulate her brain waves. The beauty and steady pace of life in her Appalachian community have created who she is and what is the bedrock of her outlook on life. Associating with good common people, especially strong Appalachian women, is the secret to her empathetic nature. As she traveled across the country serving the common good through health care she noticed glimmers of Appalachia in varying proportions of the best and the worst.

Presentation #6 Abstract or Summary

Renée K. Nicholson is one of seven spoken word artists who will perform her original work during the session. Her genre is poetry.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #6

Renée K. Nicholson is assistant professor in the Programs for Multi- and Interdisciplinary Studies Program at West Virginia University, and the author of the poetry collection Roundabout Directions to Lincoln Center and is co-editor of the forthcoming anthology Bodies of Truth: Narratives of Illness, Disability and Medicine. Renée was the 2011 Emerging Writer-in-Residence at Penn State-Altoona,and has completed the Basic and Advanced Workshops in Narrative Medicine at Columbia University, where she is working towards a professional certificate in Narrative Medicine. Her website is

Conference Subthemes

Diversity and Inclusion, Economic Development

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Women of Appalachia Project: Artists Confronting the Stereotype

The Women of Appalachia Project (WOAP) is an innovative grassroots arts co-operative that creates opportunity and builds esteem through recognition for a diverse population of females living in or having strong ties to Appalachia, through fine art and spoken word events that strengthen ties to our communities who host and attend, while allowing outlanders an opportunity for discovery. Our presentation at the Appalachian Studies Association conference will be in two parts: (1.) a multimedia presentation (slide show and video) will offer an overview of the progress achieved over the nine years of the Project’s history, including recognition and growth., and (2.) a spoken word performance will feature the original poetry and storytelling of 7 WOAP spoken word artists from OH, WV and KY who will share a variety of social and political perspectives that speak directly to experience. Fine Art participants will be highlighted visually during the multimedia portion of the presentation. As lead presenter, Kari Gunter-Seymour will provide a succinct narrative which focuses on how the project empowers this network of women, hailing from throughout 8 states, to become strong advocates/activists for Appalachia by working together to push back against the stereotype and show the whole women, beyond the superficial factors used to judge Appalachians.