Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Strategies of Hope: A Systems Approach

Participation Type


Session Title

Systems Integration Approach to Building Community

Session Abstract or Summary

Workshop to engage participants in understanding the collaborative potential of community systems (criminal, judicial, social service, healthcare, education), and the value of warm hand-offs between referrals among re-entry pathways to help folks in recovery and after-care transition to self-sufficiency.


1. System Assessment

2. System Capacity

3. Gap Analysis

4.System Integration

5. Send conference participants home with a plausible implementation plan that utilizes a "next steps" document to help communities build infrastructure in the social service sphere.

The first step for integrating community systems is to identify key stakeholders and community leaders and assess what is already in place in terms of prevention, treatment and support of persons with substance use disorders.

There will be a small presentation of how NKY has set up their task force and then an interactive discussion (with large flip charts and post-its) to demonstrate how this can be replicated in other communities.

There will also be worksheets in spreadsheet form provided to identify the key stakeholders such as the hospital systems, detention centers, treatment providers, recovery support organizations (mental health, housing, transportation, childcare, etc.). While completing the workshops, there will be also be places to input how many spots for capacity for detox/treatment beds and IOP therapies as well as ratios for case managers and therapists.

It is also important to look at first responder and law enforcement capacity in order to assess the possibility for pre-arrest diversion programs to move persons with substance use disorders out of the criminal justice system. I can provide salary and cost estimates for folks to take back to judge executives, mayors and other community leaders.

On a disc drive, I can provide electronic and hard copies of the worksheets, summary of exercises and a copy of the PowerPoint presentation for folks to take back home to complete with their own community partners.

I can also provide sample HIPAA release forms and MOU's for partnering organizations to foster community collaborations to create a shared vision that results in "warm-hand-off's" through case managers and social service practitioners.

In doing this work, a collaborative group with convene and I can also provide tips for forming a task-force or community alliance in this work.

*I am happy to upload samples of worksheets, but I am unsure of where to do this on the submission page.

About the Presenter

Amanda PetersFollow

Presentation #1 Title

Strategies of Hope: A Systems Approach

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Systems approach to community development in order to maximize resources, connect strategic partners to ensure maximum impact for increased quality of life for community members.

I will give a 20-30 minute PowerPoint presentation of how the NKY Heroin Impact Response Task Force was formed and some examples of our initial work beginning in 2012 within the areas of prevention, treatment, support, harm reduction, supply reduction and advocacy.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Amanda J. Peters, Heroin Impact Response Task Force Coordinator for 8-county region in Northern Kentucky. Civic Engagement professional looking at system integration for a better world.

Conference Subthemes

Diversity and Inclusion, Health

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Strategies of Hope: A Systems Approach

Systems approach to community development in order to maximize resources, connect strategic partners to ensure maximum impact for increased quality of life for community members.

I will give a 20-30 minute PowerPoint presentation of how the NKY Heroin Impact Response Task Force was formed and some examples of our initial work beginning in 2012 within the areas of prevention, treatment, support, harm reduction, supply reduction and advocacy.