Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Elizabeth Scarpelli, Director of The University of Cincinnati Press

Participation Type


Session Title

Are you ready to talk to a publisher? Ten things you should know before you sign that contract.

Session Abstract or Summary

Securing a publisher for your first manuscript is a process which starts long before a contract is received. The work of turning a dissertation into a book manuscript is central being successful but so does selecting the right publisher for the project. Your acquisitions editor may play a key role in attracting you to a press but what if you are starting from scratch. In this panel, a group of experienced publishing experts and scholarly authors will offer thoughts and experiences which help first time authors understand university press publishing. (1) How do you choose the right press and how can you be sure the press you choose is a reputable one; (2) Are all presses equal? What’s the difference between a university press, academic press, and library publisher (3) What can and should you expect from your editor (4) Tips to creating a strong book proposal (5) Understanding a book contract (6) Protecting your intellectual property. What is a Creative Commons license and do I need one? (7) What is Open Access and should I be interested or concerned if my publisher recommends this (8) What is a publishing subvention and why is the editor asking me about this.

The panel will briefly touch on these points with plenty of time left for questions.

Presentation #1 Title

Elizabeth Scarpelli, Director of The University of Cincinnati Press

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Part of listed abstract

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Elizabeth Scarpelli is a veteran publisher with 30 years of publishing experience. She is now director of The University of Cincinnati Press, a new press which launched in January 2017. Her career spans an even amount of time in commercial publishing and academic publishing and touches on both marketing and acquisitions including 3 years as a publisher relations director for academic publishing with Baker & Taylor, 8 years as Marketing and Sales Director at Rutgers University Press, 3 years with Cambridge University Press and 8 years with Prentice Hall Pearson as a Sales Director

Presentation #2 Title

Mark Konecny, Library Publishing Services Coordinator, The University of Cincinnati Press CLiPS

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

Part of listed abstract

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Dr. Mark Konecny is the Scholarly Communications Publishing Coordinator at the University of Cincinnati. He is responsible for digital scholarship and open access publishing in the university. He provides outreach, knowledge and support on copyright, licensing, and scholarly publishing, and works with faculty, students, and staff to disseminate and preserve the scholarly, historical, and cultural record.

Presentation #3 Title

Michael Duckworth, Acquisitions Editor, University of Cincinnati Press

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

Part of listed abstract

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Mr. Duckworth served as Publisher of Hong Kong University Press (2009-2013) and University of Hawai‘i Press (2013-16) before joining Cincinnati in 2017. He worked previously at University of Washington Press as Acquisitions Editor in Politics, History, Asian Studies, Indigenous Studies, Environmental Studies, US Ethnic Studies, and Urban Planning/Architecture among other disciplines. He also worked as a reporter and editor at The Wall Street Journal in Hong Kong and New York. (if scheduling conflict for this presenter, another presenter will be substituted)

Presentation #4 Title

University Press author (TBD, selected from UCP faculty board)

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Elizabeth Scarpelli, Director of The University of Cincinnati Press

Part of listed abstract