Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Introduction and Facilitation of the Session

Participation Type

Experiential Presentation

Session Title

Lower Price Hill Though the Eyes of its Children

Session Abstract or Summary

This session will provide an opportunity to learn about urban Appalachia from its next generation—its youth. For many people, Lower Price Hill is synonymous with urban Appalachia. For years this small industrialized neighborhood tucked between a Cincinnati hillside and the Mill Creek (once holding the dubious distinction as being named "the most endangered urban river in North America” by a national river conservation group,) housed Appalachian migrants and their descendants almost exclusively. It was home to the Urban Appalachian Council’s main office for more than twenty years. But for the young people of Lower Price Hill—still primarily urban Appalachian, but now also Guatemalan, Mexican and African American—it is, simply, home. The exhibit, My Self and My World: Lower Price Hill Through the Eyes of a Child is a presentation of poetry, prose and photographs by the young people of Lower Price Hill and its surrounding neighborhoods: this session will also be a conversation with the youth about the experience of growing up urban and Appalachian -- the challenges faced, what it takes to survive and thrive. Participants will include the young artists and writers as well as activists and educators involved in the project.

Presentation #1 Title

Introduction and Facilitation of the Session

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

This session is an experiential one, involving at least 4 of the young people who participated in the original creation of the Through the Eyes of a Child exhibit and those who participated over the last two years with bringing in the experiences of youth today in Lower Price Hill.

Each youth will be introduced and invited to make an opening statement. Long time Community workers Fred Hoeweler and Donna Jones will also be participating in the session and will be invited to share their perspectives. However, we want the core and heart of the session to be from and about the youth.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Maureen Sullivan was Executive Director of the Urban Appalachian Council from 1982 to 2010. During that time, Lower Price Hill residents were involved in UAC Youth Employment initiatives, adult education services in our inner city network of Community Schools, an Environmental Leadership project funded by NIEHS, and in a variety of cultural programs and advocacy actions.

A back up contact for this session is Rev. Fred Hoeweler, Director of WEST C (West Eighth & State Teen Council). His email address is and his phone # is 513-315-4756.

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Introduction and Facilitation of the Session

This session is an experiential one, involving at least 4 of the young people who participated in the original creation of the Through the Eyes of a Child exhibit and those who participated over the last two years with bringing in the experiences of youth today in Lower Price Hill.

Each youth will be introduced and invited to make an opening statement. Long time Community workers Fred Hoeweler and Donna Jones will also be participating in the session and will be invited to share their perspectives. However, we want the core and heart of the session to be from and about the youth.